
great map

Fun map


My first 300pp!

Bro same I didn't expect that weird angle

I'm not big on DT, so it's great to have playable 210+ bpm maps in the 6* range with jumps and bursts like this one

Other than that, pretty fun map

Legit hard to play cause I always tear up listening to this song

BeatmapIiwake Bunny

This is a pretty fun map

This is mouse drift simulator fr. Good to learn to control it a little better though

Super fun map

BeatmapWhite Peak

Banger map

BeatmapUnravel Sky

This is peak mapping


Beautiful map

Man that's a hard 4*, these flow singles are harder than some 6* I played, good map though

Cool map


The Korean top player known as Cookiezi, Chocomint, or Nathan on osu! has returned from a long hiatus. This is a very mentionable moment because Cookiezi was an incredibly strong and notable player from nearly the beginning of the game to 2018, and he is still regarded as the best player to have ever played the game by many. Hopefully, once he gets used to osu! again, he'll be able to play at top levels and set incredible plays again.

BeatmapKill and Run

Yooo this is one of the first maps I played like 5 years ago and I couldn't play 3 seconds of it back then


I love this map

Holy shit let's go

Great map

It's not translated unfortunately, if you want to buy it in Japanese there are multiple links on its Visual Novel DataBase (vndb) page

God the Touhou pichuun sound in the song always scares me since I have it as my miss sound

God this last stream on Seiran's Demon-Dweller Sword totally killed my run, didn't expect it since the whole map was jumps

God these slow sliders are here to destroy my acc, good map though!


The Extra is really intense holy shit

I feel like the offset is wrong, I had to put -10ms


Great map!


Fun map


Fun map, pretty dense and hard to read when the back and forth rotating jumps appear though, honestly I have no idea how it appeared in my folder but it's a good warmup for sure

The Encounter diff goes on my list of maps with a bullshit intro

This song sounds so energetic but at the same time is so slow, I wonder if it would still be possible to make a decent 5-6* out of this

BeatmapHithouse 1

Not sure how I found this map but I love it


One of my favorite 6* maps so far, can't pass the high bpm stream though


I think this would be really hard to do, AR11, FL+HD, some pretty hard parts, and the map is also more than 3 minutes long

BeatmapRubik's Cube

I read all the comments saying shit about the map, personally I don't think I'm qualified to say anything about it since I'm neither a mapper nor a good player, but I still enjoyed playing it


Amazing map

Amazing map

Source:"東方夢時空 ~ Pantasmagria of Dim.Dream"?
Isn't it supposed to be Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream?

BeatmapHey World

Honestly pretty fun to play

Every mapper who did good work deserves to get his map ranked, whether the music has been ranked before or not

I don't understand how anyone can prefer Yukino, we know way less about her and her feelings than about Yui

Well anyway I love this song, and both characters are good

Omg i loved this game so hard

I love this song, both voices at the same time make something unique


I watched this anime 3 months ago but it's already so much nostalgic that it hurts

That's a wonderful idea

BeatmapFuture Son



When you forget your chair


Sounds like Sirius


My arm hurts

BeatmapHis Theme

What people like in this music is not only that it feels sad... This music means "You've finished Undertale, that's the end of your journey" and if you didn't like the game you can't understand that... The music also feels sad and at the same time happy and it feels you with d... I mean energy


What people like in this music is not only that it feels sad... This music means "You've finished Undertale, that's the end of your journey" and if you didn't like the game you can't understand that... The music also feels sad and at the same time happy and it feels you with d... I mean energy