I understand what you are trying to say, I understand you may have different opinion about mapping. It's cool. As a reminder though - Mapping is not a skill like for example drawing or modeling. It is not so easy to tell if a map is good or not the same way you'd judge a painting or 3D model being a beginner yourself. I don't think beginner artists would upload their first drawings, yet beginner mappers upload their first maps a lot (And quite a few of them think that their creations are actually good) - And only after mapping around 100~200+ maps they realize that their first maps sucked and they delete them (I've seen this pattern wayy to many times). You may look at this (and a lot of other maps) differently after mapping a lot yourself.
To be honest I will just say "Made for Loved" as when I was mapping this, I saw that the quality of this set is AT MOST for Loved category, and even that mostly because of the song, not the set. So instead of trying to go for the most accurate song representation, I went full-freestyle and overmapped the ending to make it more challenging and actually (imo) more fun - Especially with hitsounds on. Personally though it is one of my most favorite maps to play. Keep in mind it is way harder to properly judge map quality when it is too hard for the player OR the player is not an experienced mapper.
I see. Honestly, i believe the map is pretty fun when you can play it, but like u said, it's clearly too hard for me. But from a mapper pov, i just can't say this is well mapped :/ Yes it's done on purpose, and i truly think it can be really fun to play, but i can't consider this map as "well mapped". Anyway if u had fun mapping it and u think it's fun to play, then all is for the best, I apologize if my criticism seemed degrading to you, it wasn't my goal.
I understand what you are trying to say, I understand you may have different opinion about mapping. It's cool. As a reminder though - Mapping is not a skill like for example drawing or modeling. It is not so easy to tell if a map is good or not the same way you'd judge a painting or 3D model being a beginner yourself. I don't think beginner artists would upload their first drawings, yet beginner mappers upload their first maps a lot (And quite a few of them think that their creations are actually good) - And only after mapping around 100~200+ maps they realize that their first maps sucked and they delete them (I've seen this pattern wayy to many times). You may look at this (and a lot of other maps) differently after mapping a lot yourself.
I've heard from a pretty trustworthy source of information that the author of the top diff may have overmapped this on purpose.
To be honest I will just say "Made for Loved" as when I was mapping this, I saw that the quality of this set is AT MOST for Loved category, and even that mostly because of the song, not the set. So instead of trying to go for the most accurate song representation, I went full-freestyle and overmapped the ending to make it more challenging and actually (imo) more fun - Especially with hitsounds on. Personally though it is one of my most favorite maps to play. Keep in mind it is way harder to properly judge map quality when it is too hard for the player OR the player is not an experienced mapper.
I see. Honestly, i believe the map is pretty fun when you can play it, but like u said, it's clearly too hard for me. But from a mapper pov, i just can't say this is well mapped :/ Yes it's done on purpose, and i truly think it can be really fun to play, but i can't consider this map as "well mapped". Anyway if u had fun mapping it and u think it's fun to play, then all is for the best, I apologize if my criticism seemed degrading to you, it wasn't my goal.
I understand what you are trying to say, I understand you may have different opinion about mapping. It's cool. As a reminder though - Mapping is not a skill like for example drawing or modeling. It is not so easy to tell if a map is good or not the same way you'd judge a painting or 3D model being a beginner yourself. I don't think beginner artists would upload their first drawings, yet beginner mappers upload their first maps a lot (And quite a few of them think that their creations are actually good) - And only after mapping around 100~200+ maps they realize that their first maps sucked and they delete them (I've seen this pattern wayy to many times). You may look at this (and a lot of other maps) differently after mapping a lot yourself.
Fun fact: Before SR update every diffs rating ended with 0. 4.20, 5.20, 6.00, 7.00, 8.30 etc.
I appreciate the effort, but this is a comment section. That button next to download called "Disscusion" takes you to the beatmap discussion where you should put your mods
I achieved 2 out of 3 of my life targets by this one score:
1. top1000 - DONE
2. 500pp score before 7.000pp overall - DONE
3. 10.000pp - soon...
3 years and Niko still best NC/DT.
1. Almost nobody from best players can play AR9,67 because "OMG I'm too pro for slow AR's"
2. Almost nobody from best players can read squares.
3. Almost nobody from whole community are playing maps that gives no pp.
#11637-> #11638... fu♥k