what is this song about
yeah, I love ding ding
look up Limp Bizkit - Nookie, you aren't mishearing
take the cookie and do WHAT
So I'm not the only one who heard this way...
I sure hope it does
nice map
what were you mapping brother where are the doubles
make sure to turn on hitsounds for top diff
I play a lot of IIDX so I'm just used to that one
cut version
if you're gonna cut the full version you should've just used the game version
idk whether u love the game ver more or not, I personally don't like some elements of the game ver, that's why I cut the full ver instead.
real music is back in osu!
How did this avoid getting copyrighted
actual pots and pans
standard needs more sharpnel
anyone know what he's actually saying?
good map
Erm that's just her model, her name is chii
best girl on the bg
This is a good map, thank you Andrea.
does this map not show up as ranked for anyone else in lazer?
this is what osu is about, thank you wanjia
I wasn't familliar with your game spazza
Style Change!
This is. Willy Worm
guys.... this is a cover song..... look up punk rock song by bad religion................
holy boly
it looks bad, they should unrank this.
Eye like this beatmap.Eye want more of this.Or else... HEHEHEHEH
and i ran
they predicted neco ark in 2012
I'm normal
this is crazy
not nearly enough
chat is this real
dragon fly
is the video 16:9 stretched to 4:3 and then cropped back to 16:9
Is it a real problem anymore?
anyone else hear a phone vibrating at the end?
why are the lyrics in the story board japanese text but with chinese simplified characters
what do you mean