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is the video 16:9 stretched to 4:3 and then cropped back to 16:9
Is it a real problem anymore?
it looks bad, they should unrank this.
that last part is impossible to acc jfc
bro there is a few high frequency squeeks throughout the song and it fricks me out
deyyym this map is awesome
my first FC and S on an insane diff <3
This fucked shit is bugged it applies 300 pts and break the combo what the hell?
this is not where you report bugs with the game :)
my man!
OOhhhhhhhhHHHHHoohohohohhH BURN
I like your pfp dude :D
I really love this map
loved this map so awesome
Fantastic map, I love it!
there is a problem with submitting a score with this map http://osu.ppy.sh/forum/p/2...