
lets gooo


here before loved

-Barry tansen

rank hoga ye

tansen -Barry

lets gooo

Two years


The peggies fandom is dying. Upvote if you love pegging.

Qualified! Finally!

Thanks for the ___/ graph, Xexxar!

BeatmapTokyo Move

Oh by low I meant around 94-95 accuracy and I'm pretty sure you'd get more PP for 500 combo with 98 accuracy as opposed to 1k with 89

High accuracy high combo > low accuracy high combo > high accuracy low combo > low accuracy low combo

Daiyas tansen

I think seeing more pp for a 500 combo 98 acc is better than seeing a 1k combo with 89 acc

tansen Daiyas

Oh by low I meant around 94-95 accuracy and I'm pretty sure you'd get more PP for 500 combo with 98 accuracy as opposed to 1k with 89


That song is almost 5 minutes long which is rankable with a single difficulty as long as it's an 'Insane'.

This is pretty cool.


Shiten more like shit'nt

Now ranked as of 5 minutes ago!

Glad to know that the magician's are still alive in 2021.

It's qualified now :)


If shiten was so good why wasn't there a shiten 2? There is now!

warguy64 tansen

if shiten was good, why does the name have shit in it? Atheists in shambles

tansen warguy64

Shiten more like shit'nt


Mapping is incredible for a song as boring as this.

Let's go new Flake.

because theres no map 🤣

BeatmapSpring Thief

In that case, I'll send you some cool storyboard maps that I've come across.

June 21 2021 my grind to FC this starts


holy shit this is incredible




Flake song choice is always the best

Beatmapwow iphone

guys thats me in the video


What a masterpiece.

BeatmapMazare Party

I can hear my phone's ringtone somewhere in this song

BeatmapApple Girl

There's nothing wrong with that part.

Thanks for mapping this.

I FCed this and ended up the leaderboard. It isn't much but this is the longest map that's in my top plays.

Everything should be ranked

The map has sudden death built in.

Amazing map set.

BeatmapShrill Tones

Yesss new over_loadcode beatmap

This is literally one best* of the maps I've played.


This is a pretty cool map. do you think it would've been ranked if you hit-sounded it?

This is literally one of the maps I've played.

floppled tansen

i agree, this is one of the maps ive played.

tansen floppled

This is literally one best* of the maps I've played.

actually it doesnt suck

BeatmapPlasma Gun

We have similar usernames


Just ask a BN for their password.

I came here to comment just that LOL. kudos Hitsounders.


I'm allergic to FCing


he probably cant play the map but it actually is slightly off


It actually is timed wrong but you got to 55k by playing some of the most overweighted maps in the game. this map may be too slow for you


play it with -12 ms offset

yashb tansen

it's timed fine, -12ms offset won't change anything anyway - dude literally just can't play the map

tansen yashb

he probably cant play the map but it actually is slightly off



i got yelled at by my mom when i was using the angelsim skin


i got yelled at by my mom when i was using the angelsim skin