Tried discussing this in irc but on your wish I'll end that and move my reasoning here: This difficulty is not made to please Beginner-players just because it is the lowest difficulty of the set. Not every song can be made into a meaningful Easy-diff, and this song in particular consists mainly of a mixture of a shitton of offbeat-rhythm-layers that all have 3/4-gaps and all sorts of other stuff that simply doesn't make this difficulty enjoyable for beginners. I am fully aware that this has once been in the RC, but maybe you aren't aware that it has been removed for a reason, because you insisting on keeping it easy just bc it's the lowest diff contradicts the purpose of removing it in the first place. Also, the draft confirming this kinda thing has just been announced, so I guess it would be more meaningful to raise your concerns there instead of here if you want to force lowest diffs to be easier than others.
This difficulty is a Normal in every way, and the pure rhythmic structure of it is already demanding a certain skill-level from the player. I believe that if a player can handle/enjoy the rest of the map so far, they will not struggle with slow 1/1 double-reverses at all. I have formed that belief from most of my mapsets featuring patterns in lower diffs that the nominating people had problems with, which caused me to get a shitton of testplays for various maps by players of the respective skill-level. This applied for example to this map which features the exact same pattern in a lower (lowest) diff at higher BPM, where I already discussed this with other QATs and came to the conclusion that keeping it was fine. That diff was actually aimed at much worse players than this one is, and even there we've reached the consensus of it fitting, so why not here? You stated that my diff already had too many advanced techniques, but I don't see how that's a reason to compensate that by leaving relatively easier techniques out; It's simply forming a coherent and consistent difficulty.