
might be better not to rank bc of where this utaite is now
if you know you know

Akumaii Daykeyboard

also, this whole drama and this comment you posted were completely retarded, sorry to say, if you hadn't sparked the curiosity of others, its likely that barely any people would have noticed it, so you just activated the exact opposite effect of what was intended, now a lot more people know about this controversy, grats.


bn search struggle aside, why should i not rank this bec of that
if you(or anyone else) couldn't stop being snarky, that's on you

Daykeyboard domSaur

most of the time when you find out things like this that you aren’t really supposed to know it’s usually not because you went out of your way to look for it
(like when it gets recommended to you on yt for example)
also I wouldn’t call it being snarky, i think it’s more like morbid curiosity


most of the time when you find out things like this that you aren’t really supposed to know it’s usually not because you went out of your way to look for it
(like when it gets recommended to you on yt for example)
also I wouldn’t call it being snarky, i think it’s more like morbid curiosity