beatmap history
Issue #4763677 by leledorf marked as resolved by NoFail.
Owner of difficulty nomi's Advanced changed to nominomu. (NoFail)
Owner of difficulty Leledorf's Normal changed to Leledorf. (NoFail)
Owner of difficulty KPolar's Insane changed to 621. (NoFail)
Owner of difficulty nate's extra changed to natekun. (NoFail)
Resolved issue #4729076 by beans mcCheese reopened by NoFail.
Issue #4400119 by advu_ marked as resolved by NoFail.
Resolved issue #4400119 by advu_ reopened by NoFail.
Discussion #4399581 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4399580 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4399577 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4405261 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4405193 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4405251 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4405240 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4405227 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4401730 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4395401 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4395390 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4395375 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Resolved issue #4405203 by NoFail reopened by NoFail.
Discussion #4405214 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4405203 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #4398352 by Orangeholic marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402050 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402039 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402018 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402038 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402029 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402024 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402011 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402033 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402096 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4402092 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401888 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401839 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4403015 by smolship marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401785 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401777 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401907 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401852 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401847 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401835 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401775 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401907 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401760 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401870 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Issue #4401766 by Night Mare marked as resolved by NoFail.
Discussion #4401741 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4401728 by NoFail obtained enough votes for kudosu.