Wherever you are now, I hope you have finally found peace. Fly high, EijiKuinbii, you will be remembered. o7
- REQUESTS - GDs/Collabs: Depends on the song. I prefer Hard/Extra diffs, but you can try requesting something else. Your diff has to be rankable. (unless we're friends) 100% accept: Akatsuki Records, senya, xi, Halozy Request in DMs
23.03.2022 Unrestricted (restricted for 20 months.) 24.03.2022 First Ranked 9*Pass 30.03.2022 First Ranked 7*Pass 06.04.2022 First 200PP Play 06.04.2022 First Ranked 6*FC 06.04.2022 First Ranked 8*Pass 17.06.2022 5 Digit Global 11.08.2022 100 Medals 12.08.2022 50 000 Plays 12.09.2022 First 300PP Play 07.10.2022 First Ranked 10*Pass 17.10.2022 200 Medals 05.02.2023 Level 100 27.07.2023 727 Hours Total Play Time WYSI 27.07.2023 250 Medals 11.09.2023 No More 100PP Plays in Top 100 23.12.2023 First 400PP Play 23.03.2024 2 year tournament ban is over! 14.08.2024 100 000 Plays 28.09.2024 1 000 Hours Total Play Time
Rafis Rafis has been in the top 50 for more than 10 years. What's even more impressive is how he's kept up with the game's changes and is still one of the very best players in the game today. After endless grinding and too many chokes to count, he finally got his first 1k pp play on June 23rd, 2024. Oh and he got the Nomod PP record wtf.
SapphireGhost He was a top 20 player as well as one of the best tournament players at that era. SapphireGhost is remembered as an amazing person who has overcame addiction and depression and was able to live a happy life.
Mathi Mathi spent way longer than most players training to achieve the greatest milestone in the game but quickly ended up losing motivation and basically quitting because of the large number of people hating him for pp farming. Now he is one of, if not the best finger control players. He got his first 1k pp play on a three-and-a-half minute long speed finger control hell beatmap on November 26th, 2021. 3 years have passed, but no one has been able to beat his score. Mathi is the real GOAT.
Meow01 He taught me how to improve both at mapping and playing. We've been very close friends for more than 5 years now. COOL DUDE
FGSky He spent thousands of attempts on multiple beatmaps to achieve some of the craziest pp records in the game's history. And he did this on a laptop with a mouse, in his bed. Nowadays he is one of the best aim players and even got invited to osu!'s biggest aim tournament.
xasuma Do I really have to explain this?
BTMC In my opinion he is the most underrated top player. People usually forget how good his nomod and hard rock streaming skills are. Also, what he has done for the osu! community so far is just straight up crazy. How can anyone hate Ed? 25.02.2025 Update: Well, well, well