00:17:446 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - "Avoid slider-only sections. Aiming and following a lot of sliders in a row can be tiring for new players. In such cases, circles and rest moments without hit objects to click or follow should be used." So i basically suggest you to replace some sliders, with a consistent rhythm, with 2 circles
at this 00:17:446 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - you using 2 beat slider but at this 01:58:696 (1,2,3,4) - you using 4 beat slider, they both the same rythm but you make it different, please make it same pattern
00:32:446 - starts from here, i don't agree with your rythm choice. it feels inconsistent like at 00:32:446 (1,2) - this you using 2 hitcircle but at 00:39:946 (1) - you using 2 beat slider
and for this 00:33:852 (5) - you can replace it with hitcircle to slider instead like what you do at 00:41:352 (4,1) -
variation, its same rhythm but like a bit variation cuz would be boring af otherwhise also sliders are as impactfull in lower diffs cuz newer player too stupid to aim sliders lol, but ye ofc i could just make one rhythm and copy paste spam it through the entire chorus... but thats boring af lol
for consistency NC, you should un-NC this 01:02:446 (1) - 01:06:196 (1) - or make this 01:13:696 (5) - NC, choose one
01:50:258 (5,6,1) - 00:24:946 (1,2) - 00:37:133 (2,3,4) - i see why they have a different spacing but tbh i suggest you to ask confirmations about it cause maybe make sense increase spacing for the entire section but i have some doubts about change it during the same combo as you did like 01:49:321 (4,5,6) - .. So imo it s better change it but i think you should collect more opinions about it