Don't forget to put Arcaea as source
"For remixes, arrangements, or covers based upon the original song, the source of the original song should be used."
Also metadta from here
03:18:885 see my answer here 2104441#4084166/10903414 (reposting here just because i think otherwise it could get lost in the discussion)
03:28:485 (1) - i think you should split the reverse.. I mean to say you should start a reverse slider on each finish sound 03:28:485 - 03:28:828 - 03:29:171 - keeping 03:29:856 - as a circle..
It makes the thing less boring and more representative at least of the finish sounds ^^
03:35:342 - if you put this section as kiai time then probably this one 01:27:800 - should also be kiai time because it's the same section...
As alternative you can make both section start with a kiai pulse (meaning you make a kiai section that is like 1/2 long) instead of having a whole kiai time and keep only 02:44:600 - (which is the unique section of the song) as kiai.
The kiai pulse gives anyway the kiai effect in game.. I usually do it when there are intense sections that are anyway a bit less intense than the actual kiai
While i find the spacing of the calm sections alright, I think overall the diff feels not spaced enough in the more intense sections
from 01:27:800 - to 01:49:743 - (and again when the song repeats at 03:35:342 - ) should really have bigger spacing for 1/2 gaps.. like two or three times bigger than the current one. it really feels like hard diff or insane diff spacing in places, especially at slider tail or for stuff like 01:33:286 (1,2) -
from 01:49:743 - to 02:08:943 - it would be really cool if you could increase the spacing of all of these combos:
01:51:114 (1,2,3,4) - (something like 01:56:600 (1,2,3,4) - 02:02:086 (1,2,3,4) - 02:07:571 (1,2,3,4) -
Ofc same goes for the second half -> 03:53:171 (1,2,3,4) - 03:58:656 (1,2,3,4) - 04:04:142 (1,2,3,4) - 04:09:628 (1,2,3,4) -
This, together with the timeline rhythm suggestions I posted, should do.
02:44:600 - for the whole kiai, You did overall a better job with the spacing here.. I'd still increse the spacing just a little bit between sliders/ slider to circle (because with the sliders leniency they play way easier than you'd think)
basically every build up. I think I pointed them all out on the timeline with different suggestions
01:08:257 (1,2) - 01:13:743 (1,2) - 01:19:229 (1,2) - i would map 1/4 sliders when there are also drums and not the melody only so for these combo, each 2 should be a circle.
In that way you can keep the two 1/4 sliders idea for all of these sounds 01:11:000 (1,2) - with melody+drums (you did with this one but then didn't repeat the idea for the others) so 01:15:971 (1,2) - 04:00:199 (2) - 04:08:428 (2) - 04:11:171 (3) - should all be 1/4 sliders
It should be all of them but maybe double check if you do end up doing it
03:11:343 (5,1,2,3,4) - I think the grouping here is of 6 objects so the first slider should also be active and the NCing should be different to put all of these sounds together
I fail to see how 1/2 rhythms (sliders in this case meaning that players play 1/1 clicks) are too hard during the kiai time of a hard diff if that's what you meant agreeing with LosPedros..
That said I do agree that we can have a bit more variety for the sake of variety so I used 1/1 reverse the first time, slider into circle with a 1/1 gap for the second repetition and then two 1/2 sliders for the third repetition..
Let me know if it's okay or if you'd like something more/different
you trolling right? I suggest you read the wiki about how to mod before going on in your modding career..
But in case you are lazy to read it all..
"When pointing out "issues"[...] try to offer a potential solution or improvement and consider exactly how that suggestion will improve the map. If necessary, try multiple suggestions to see which work best — the more help you can offer the mapper, the better."
And a mod should contain:
1 A statement of the issue itself and where it can be found
2 A brief explanation of why this causes a problem
3 One or more alternative suggestions, accompanied by explanations of how they address the problem(s)
Making a rhythm suggestion when the rhythm is wrong is exactly what you need to do as modder together with posting screenshot(s) about spacing/placement suggestions. Always keeping the mapper's intention in mind.
If you have more concerns about this feel free to poke me in private (or really to ask any BN if it's wrong to post screenshots and rhythm suggestions)^^ the time line is the place to talk about the map and not the rest
Agree here!
If for whatever reason you don't want to make it active you could also map a reverse
To me the important part is to represent at least this 01:21:971 as it's a different sound that is completely getting ignored atm
I agree that the NCing needs work..
In your place, to keep it simple, iI'd just follow music phrase, or half phrase if you don't want long combos.
even just with the first combo 00:00:029 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - it would be much better to make it like that instead
If you have issue with that, you can poke me in dm and i'll show you on a bigger portion of the map
well the difference is that 04:08:256 (1,2) - has 3 drums 04:08:256 - 04:08:428 - 04:08:599 - while 03:57:285 (1,2,3) - doesn't and it's more mapped on the melody..
altho again if you end up applying 2104441#4087213 it should solve also this concern because then you have a pattern/rhyhm for when it's melody only and a different one for when there are also drums going on
oh i opened a post about this and didn't notice this one because i took it from the first part of the map.. see this pls..
could make both of you happy because then mapper will keep 1/4 sliders for that specific sounds with melody+drums and not for only melody sounds.. It should make both sections feel way more balanced