mapped by TamamoLover
last updated
Note: This beatmap is marked as a work-in-progress by the creator.
Hype Train6 / 5
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00:50:506 - wouldnt mind if u dont do this but id personally add a circle on this exact timestamp, you can rlly hear a strong beat on this part


i think it's fine since it follows the vocals imo + it's done all across the map, not just in that place. but i'm also not kurboh and i wouldn't know

Marked as resolved by TamamoLover

yep, follows vocals, keeping it that way


02:15:391 (2) - can't see why you would add this note here since song didn't change at all from 02:13:933 and 02:14:662 i can maybe see that this is just for a little build up, but its unnecessary cause the song itself does not build up there


this was part of a different set before which had the note, so yeee, removed it

Marked as resolved by Kurboh