the way patterns are made is fine, all of them are for Futsuu. But the biggest problem lies into managing density with the intensity of the song. with the way it is currently mapped, there's no change from some part when some are clearly different in intensity. Considering it's a futsuu, sometimes you have to make choice where to undermap to avoid density/intensity problem. Most of the time, consider that kiai are made to be the hardest part of the diff, and no other part should be equally mapped. for example, my biggest problem would be the outro being too close to this part 00:20:550 - .
here's an example on how you can make change in density. The higher the number is, the denser it is:
Currently, for example, this part 00:21:000 - 00:30:600 - is similar to this one 00:30:600 - 00:40:200 - ; with just some 2/1 break removed. Removing the 2/1 break doesn't really increase the density that much when you consider that what make it too close in intensity is mostly the 1/2 4 notes from this part 00:21:000 - .
And for another example, same thing happens for this part except this time, density is the same 01:21:000 - 01:30:600 - and that one 01:30:600 - 01:40:200 -