00:20:037 (1) - Would change to 2 circles since you've already been following the drums anyways
You already did something like this for 00:22:704 (1,2,3) too
00:40:037 (2,3,4) - Rhythm can be made the same as 01:57:371 (2,3,4,5)
01:57:371 (2,3,4,5) is better cuz it highlights that pause in the song
00:44:204 (5) - would extend slider or add circle to catch the kick drum on blue tick
yes he did:
00:20:371 (3,4) -
00:33:704 (3,4) -
he basicaly stated that he'll extend sliders to catch drums with these.
also, this particular one I pointed out got an even louder drum sound. So it's even weirder when you ignore it.
00:46:037 (3,1,2) - Rhythm here focuses on drums, except for the tom drums. Which is a bit of a let down.
Should add circles on red ticks to map the tom drums.
00:47:037 (2) - would do 1/1 slider + 2 circles for drums and to contrast from other 1/1 reverses that only have white tick vocals 00:48:037 (1) - 00:49:371 (4) -
01:04:371 (1) - pause is cool but would make this a 1/1 slider so players have time to recover after reading the stack
01:06:704 (1,2,3,4,5) - Would be nice to make it more active than 00:56:037 (1,2,3,4,5) - since there is a drum fill to follow here. Could change 01:06:704 (1) = to 3/4 slider + circle like 02:24:037 (1,2) -
01:13:871 (3,4,1) - spacing here is kinda odd. would ds the 4 and space out 1 so it's not so close to 01:13:871 (3) - something like this?
01:21:704 (3) - , 01:37:371 (1) - These feels like jumpscare on rhythm since you've never used 1/2 sliders with double reverses before.
Would just split them to two 1/2 sliders
01:40:037 (1) - This is also somewhat of a jumpscare.
Even though 1/1 with double reverse is kinda readable, this is the only the time it is ever used in the entire map.
Could just split into two 1/1 sliders or something.
02:20:371 (2,3,4) - yeah like I said with top diff in pm, would ctrl-g this rhythm so snare on red tick is active
02:30:537 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - song calms down here so I don't think it should be as dense as most of kiai. Could change 02:30:537 (1,2) - 02:31:204 (4,5) - to 1/1 sliders
02:42:037 (5,6,7) - There's something different happening with the song but rhythm is not that much different.
I think it'd be more epic if you highlight the rhythm pauses here like this.
02:44:871 (4) - Would change this to two circles so that the vocal on white tick is actively mapped
02:46:371 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Active rhythms here aren't lined up properly with the vocals nor the drums
03:03:371 (2) - Would space this a little further so it's not mistaken for a 1/2 gap. 1.0x ds should be enough
03:09:704 (1,2,3) - 1/1 gap here is quite odd, especially when it comes right one that is actually warranted. Could just do smth like this
03:10:537 - would add a circle here to not create a sudden drop in intensity
03:13:371 (1,2,3,4) - Patterning looks so cramped on playfield and feels really underwhelming for such high intensity vocals. SV change #4860703 would help but I really recommend not overlapping the sliders here using more playfield like at 03:12:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
03:18:704 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - similar to #4860723, song calms down here so it should be less dense. Recommend changing 03:18:704 (1,2) - to 1/1 slider