00:13:950 - since it still had a sound here so wondering can be lengthened or not for those LNs at 00:01:950 (1950|3,4800|0,4800|4,8400|5,9600|6,10800|1) - , cuz there no clearly stop sign of the music, it's kinda odd.
00:29:100 - 00:33:900 - 00:34:200 - ... check every 1/2 , I found many pianos are missed . The beginning rest part is very long , so I tend to grab onto every piano as you did like 00:26:700 (26700|3) - this one .Otherwise, the waiting finger will be slightly boring
00:43:200 - Even here I think we can remove/shorten some LNs and make room for piano notes
a lot of these that are being pointed out i honestly can't hear it. even if there's piano i just think it's just too insignificant to map them out. in normal playback rate the strings are the main focus and adding notes for piano that can't even be properly heard makes it weird to play. but i did add some there are still audible.
00:43:200 - pianos are omitted here, only following the strings
some consistency issue if you think that need to be fixed
given those 00:32:400 (32400|2,32400|1,32400|3) - 00:24:000 (24000|3,24000|6,24000|0) - melody all got tripled LN setting, wondering can this 00:28:500 (28500|0,28800|3) - one be changed to by adding release or new LN (dk depends on you guys) to more fix the chordsize thing
01:23:475 - 01:23:625 - vs 01:28:275 (88275|3,88425|2) - I think ther are same but seems you just catch the the latter . Is it a intention progressive ?
01:24:600 - I know you may ignore the violin here intentionally but I think this one is specical , so 01:24:450 (84450|1) - seems too long . may be we can describe it with LN like
Another explanation is you use this structure 01:24:600 (84600|4,84600|0,84675|2,84750|4,84750|0,84825|2) - to describe the violin but I think the sound is not vibrate enough
01:29:550 - as well
01:32:325 (92325|2,92325|4) - unnecessary doubled for me since that 01:32:025 (92025|1) - this already used 1 note for that heavy, feel kinda over imo
01:33:000 - there are some clear violins I think you can make them short LNs like you did before (01:28:200 (88200|6,88350|5,88500|4,88650|3) - ) for better layering . As this logic , 01:33:525 - should be rice , and 01:32:850 (92850|1) - should be ended before 01:33:300 -
Can do sth like
01:33:825 (93825|1,94425|3) - vs 01:34:125 (94125|2) - seems the latter has no drum . but fix this wil destroy the translational structure, but I still believe that accuracy should be the main focus
I need some explanation for those 1/16 lengthened LN, beside visual part, any reasonable victor on note/melody/expression side? 01:34:500 (94500|6,94800|1,94800|4,94800|0,94800|3,94950|5,94950|2,95100|3,95100|2,95100|0,95250|5,95250|4,95250|6,95250|1,95400|1,95400|2,95550|3,95550|4,95550|0,95700|5,95700|2,95700|0,95850|3,95850|1) -
I think this 1/4 should be mapped in note (by adding one more object beside the LN?) since 01:36:225 (96225|1,96300|0) - 01:36:825 (96825|2,96900|4) - 01:39:525 (99525|3,99600|4) - that 1/4 rhythm really continued, so can be mapped with obv. object to catch/expresss that
01:42:900 (102900|5,102900|6,102975|4,102975|5) - vs 01:44:175 - I think we have enough space to make it 01:44:175 - double , ps 01:41:775 (101775|2) - can be single yeah cuz the subsequent chords occupied the position
Also you can compare with this 01:53:775 (113775|1,113775|2) -
01:59:850 (119850|2,119850|0,119925|2,119925|0,120000|0) - This is really hard to hit all 300s . I know you are ctrl+H from 01:50:250 - But the latter doesn't have 3-jack . maybe can try to move cols on 02:00:000 -
02:06:768 (126768|0) - idk what sounds here, for grace like 02:06:750 (126750|1,126768|0) - ? it seems just a 1/8 dump thing so why 1/16 here
02:54:600 (174600|4) - I guess this LN is for vocal ,so it should not seperated on 02:55:200 -
Make them 02:54:600 (174600|4) - 02:55:200 (175200|4) - as one LN is more comfortable and like real music
02:57:600 (177600|0,177825|2,178125|4,178200|6,178500|3) - I think the piano here is definitly highlight this part . I really want to buff them . The current version they integrate with grace and does not fully reflect it
So we can try this , Also , set 02:57:600 (177600|0) - to 1/4 LN cuz piano and 02:58:650 (178650|5) - make this rice cuz no piano
02:58:800 (178800|5) - it would be better if this one can be changed into LN like you did before 02:58:500 (178500|3) - in 1/6, then all the melody can be expressed in a whole 02:57:800 (177800|2,178100|4,178200|6,178500|3,178800|5) -
03:10:307 - OK I think this part is too painting , we can use rolly things when long vocal or cello occured ,but dont forget there are also violins . When music only consists of violin and drums we should use more clean patterns imo
Good place : 03:16:307 - nice roll
OK place : 03:10:682 - have background vocal so can use roll
Bad place : 03:12:182 - violin+drum only
// 03:20:807 - vs 03:21:182 - Grace are only occured the 2nd beat
check them until 03:52:307 -
03:11:057 (191057|2,191119|1) - didnt get the 1/6 gap here, seems werid to me compared to other part you mapped 03:14:057 (194057|2,194088|1,194119|0) - 03:21:182 (201182|4,201213|5,201244|6) -
03:20:877 (200877|2,200900|1,200924|0,200971|6,200971|3,200994|5,201017|4) - 这个转好像没有什么必要,关键是03:21:228 - 这地方有小提琴的花,有必要做出对比
明白你的意思,但是我觉得第一拍提琴没有grace(实际上是很清晰的4个1/4,更像03:20:432 (200432|1,200432|4,200525|3,200525|6,200619|4,200619|1,200713|2,200713|5) - )
So 强烈建议不加grace。reopen for stan
03:35:432 (215432|0) - 比如这里这个就不错。而且打到这感觉很明显,03:31:900 (211900|6) - 本身就是除了主音外几乎最长的LN,还没有踩到音。如果做形状的话建议分成两根,不然就感觉是像抓提琴抓歪了。reopen for stan
04:03:932 (243932|0,243932|5,243932|1,243932|4,243932|6) - it can be 1357 for better visual also the pressure. quad might be good for density IMO not 5
if you also applied #4876630 then the other one note can be deleted by 05:16:001 (316001|2) - or 05:16:001 (316001|1) -
04:04:307 - I think this rap part should be slightly nerf . now it plays like a continuously and intensively speed part , but In fact, music fluctuates with the pause of lyrics, and accordingly, some background notes' grace can be eliminated
Parts that need improvement e.g:
1、04:08:542 - to 04:08:895 - for this beat ,I think grace sound should only be from 04:08:630 - to 04:08:807 -
2、04:15:954 - this roll seems seprated by white line , but current ver roll from 04:15:601 - to 04:16:307 - with no break
3、04:17:012 - to 04:17:718 - are two different beat but seems patterns are same . The main rhythm is similar to
4、04:18:159 - This center symmetrical pattern is very beautiful, but it seems to go far away from music, The correct rhythm should be one 1/2 + four 1/8s
Good e.g:
1、04:14:189 - these rolls stopped with music
2、This center symmetrical pattern is beatiful and MATCH with music
I know fix this one may consume a lot of energy, but I strongly hope to correct these issues and make the pattern more in line with the music
i do believe that 04:06:071 (246071|6,246101|5,246130|4,246159|3,246307|3,246336|2,246365|1,246395|0) - and 04:17:365 (257365|0,257395|1,257424|2,257454|3,257601|3,257630|4,257659|5,257689|6) - had difference no matter the dump sounds position or the density, can be changed with slight different setting ig
compared 04:12:424 (252424|3,252424|4,252424|0,252512|1,252512|0,252601|3,252601|2,252689|6,252689|2,252689|1) - and 04:23:718 (263718|3,263718|2,263807|6,263807|5,263983|4,263983|5,263983|0) - they are different but the sound pretty similar, yeah LN can be changed for different setting but the beat consistency sound or the rhythm should be setting similar imo
im not sure does those dump for vocal? if it's then check 04:27:336 (267336|0,267380|1,267512|1,267557|0) - and 04:28:395 (268395|0,268439|1,268615|1,268659|0) - , the later one #2 grace starting from 04:28:615 - but the sound seems started from 04:28:571 - like 04:27:512 - , if for more expression ACC. side ill suggest to change it
04:32:189 (272189|0,272211|1,272255|2,272321|3,272387|2,272432|1,272454|0) - vs 04:31:836 (271836|6,271858|5,271902|4,271968|3,272034|4,272079|5,272101|6) - I believe the former matches that sound very well, but the latter 04:31:865 - seems composed of three distinct syllables. I would prefer to describe them correctly rather than using simple symmetry
05:04:280 (304280|2,304351|2) - seems the only one jacky compare with 05:05:851 - 05:07:351 - .... hard to hit wo I sugg delete this one 05:04:351 (304351|2) -
05:05:851 (305851|0,305851|3,305851|1,305944|3,305944|1) - since this sound 05:05:944 - pretty high like a tone change shifting something like that, so the normal stack/jack seems kinda not enough in expression , I suggest to make it hit by other hand like
like this is really good one 05:13:601 (313601|2,313601|5,313601|0,313601|6,313701|6,313701|0) - you did
Here is a small question of mine
05:24:250 - to 05:26:096 - In this section, because it uses 130bpm, the vibrato of the violin seems difficult to be align. I found that you used 1/6 to 3/16 for fitting.
If using 140bpm, it seems to be able to continue the 3/16 interval by here 05:23:661 (323661|3,323741|1,323822|5,323902|3,323982|6,324063|0,324143|1,324223|5) -
05:46:588 (346588|5) - Can extend to 05:48:388 - breath point . cuz 05:47:788 (347788|2) - is for cello
不同意这一点,首先06:49:673 - 这里的语句可以看作是06:48:816 - 这个高音violin在低音区的镜像部分,小提琴声音也很干净,没有揉弦的部分,并且考虑整段都是density的情况下,突然出现这种结构有点突兀。值得指出的是,06:50:245 (410245|5,410245|3,410245|6) - 这个地方也需要修改。
可以类比后续相似的部分07:26:816 - 这里就是一个不错的例子。沿用类似这个结构即可。
Grace仅用于低沉的提琴声即可07:23:102 (443102|4,443102|3,443149|2,443197|1,443245|0) -
Also I d like to 听听2nd的意见
06:57:745 - 06:57:888 - can add rice for drum if you want , make difference vs 06:56:745 - and 06:56:602 - // can also compare with 06:58:030 (418030|5,418173|5) -
And you did it like 07:00:030 (420030|0,420030|5,420173|6,420173|1,420173|5) - so necessary to fix
07:42:584 (462584|0,462763|6,464870|6,465048|0) - 这段还是想在削弱一点 确实有点太快了,我的办法是删掉外轨这4个对车的note,然后现在两根白线之间7-8个米,和07:47:102 - 这一拍密度就差不多了
07:45:941 (465941|3,465959|4,465977|5,465995|6) - 1/16 early really strange to me, can be just like ?
the 1/4 part doesn't sounds too dense imo, decided to nerf to 4-1-5-1-4-5 etc (reduce a note interval)
08:35:146 (515146|3) - can be ignored like 08:33:146 - cuz 08:35:146 (515146|3,515240|3) - is hard to hit
08:36:084 - also do similar
08:36:021 (516021|4,516084|2,516146|0) - i think the beat here more split feeling, so if do this like a stream 531 seems so comfortable to make a flow, in order to show the difficulty or the shifting feeling , I suggest something like
different idea here, for me it's ok to keep 08:45:959 (525959|1,525959|0,525990|2,526021|3,526021|6,526052|5,526084|4,526084|0,526104|1,526125|2,526146|3,526167|4,526188|5,526209|6) - the 1/8 gap roll but those notes 08:45:959 (525959|1,525990|2,526021|3,526021|6,526052|5,526084|4) - seems more like a beat based not a burst so suggest to make less densitiy here
example to explain what im mean not means this is the only solution
i remember my first draft was like stan idea, but then I thought a full 1/8 burst would play better,
making 1/12 to rice always feels lack of impact since the build up progression should go higher and higher imo so it become more inverse-y
but ok i agree on the first burst changes, i changed the arrangement to make it easier to burst
refer to #4826375/12817015 , dragged the col 1 LN down so i don't think there's any need to add more ln here
08:56:776 (536776|4) - can be longer cuz I think the background sound is still strong , use one 08:56:776 (536776|6) - is not enough