00:12:844 (5,1) - id change the nc's around here because it makes sense to have it on the strong downbeat
Making this 00:25:610 (5,1) - just a slider would do justice here making the vocals more simplified and easier to hit. You can keep the wave slider you have here and just place on the white tick and extend to blue tick https://imgur.com/a/YdmwAvj
you did the same thing here too lol 00:28:164 (1) -
By making it a circle and a slider, i wanted to emphasize the instrumental sound on 00:25:770 - compared to 00:28:164 - which doesn't have that sound. It's the same on 00:15:398 (5,1) - and i also mapped it as circle and slider. If someone else reads this, I'd appreciate another opinion on this, but I'ma keep it like it is for now.
00:33:749 (1,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1) - I feel as if you kinda gave up mapping this or got lazy idk but you need to do something more interesting here instead of just circles. Try this rhythm instead https://imgur.com/a/Qn0Iu3O and start it here 00:33:749 and just repeat for 00:37:100 as well.
00:40:132 (2,3,4) - would nerf the spacing between 3,4 and 2 cuz theres no strong sounds yet only vocals
01:00:398 (2,4) - is too hard to read
same issue here 01:10:611 (2,4) -
01:01:515 (7,1) - do not overlap NC like this unless you are mapping bursts, in this case they are spaced so just move them somewhere where they are not perfectly overlapping.
(Doing what you did makes it hard for the player to read the next NC.)
01:09:972 (5) - green line is 1ms missnapped meaning it changes the sv. Just double check that you want it as the correct sv
why do you end some song with a 1/16 slider: 01:11:568 (1) - 04:25:649 (2) - but others with a circle?
The way the songs end at 01:11:568 - and 04:25:649 - feel different than the other one imo. It's hard to describe, but I just feel like a slider with muted end represents the song better there. On the other hand, I don't really know any other maps that do this, so maybe it's just me thinking that way. Keepin it as it is for now, might change later when I get another opinion.
01:27:461 (3) - this slider looks like it fits with 01:26:830 (1,2) - but the sound it represent is different which is kidda wierd, an easy fix would be to just nc it
01:30:303 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - these linear jumps are pretty hard for such a calm section, i would recommend scaling this by ~0.75x
the 1/3 starts 01:31:251 so NC 01:31:251 (3) - and scale this 01:31:251 (3,1,1) - inward a little more so its easier to read the 1/3
Tying into this; I would differentiate the 1/3 a little more. Giving it a change in direction & moderate spacing difference comparative to the 1/4 would be nice
ex move 01:31:461 (1) - to x84 y238 & 01:31:672 (1) - to x46 y73
@Deag the way you suggested feels very similar to the previous combos (01:30:303 (1,2,3,1,2,1) - ) so it's even less differentiated I think. I also agree that the solution I currently have also isn't the best, so I'll keep it open for now, until I / someone else comes up with a better solution.
01:31:882 (1,2) - this sould be 1/3 instead of 1/4
01:31:251 (1,1,1,1,2) - this might make more sense for simplicity sake if you want to do 2 1/3 reverse sliders or make them all active 1/3 notes
01:31:882 (1,2) - should be 1/3 yeah, but i still want the focus on the vocals, so I made 01:31:882 - a 1/3 slider and 01:32:198 - a 1/6 slider. Since I definitely want these two to be clickable objects, I think it's not really necessary to simplify 01:31:251 (1,1,1) - as the player will have to read the NC's as 1/3 anyways. Feel free to re-open if you read this, and believe it's a bad solution, cuz I'm not really sure myself about the way I mapped it now.
01:31:251 (1,1,1) - i'd make this spacing bigger to show its not the same timing as 01:30:303 (1,2,3,1,2) - but this is a good fix what youve done stil
01:34:408 (8,1) - could be spaced ALOT more, the spacing would add more emphasis and make both of these notes hit a lot harder
same issue here 01:44:514 (5,1) -
I agree with the first one. Since you don't follow the slider the whole way up, it's actually not a lot of movement - increased spacing. As for the second one, I believe the spacing is alright, since you actually have to stay on the slider until the end, before aiming down to the next one.
01:36:303 (1,2,3,4) - Could be tied together a little better (?) what I mean is that 01:36:303 (1,2) - feels too far from 01:36:935 (3,4) - to make it seem like one pattern. So the rotation you give isn't as good of a feel
This is just a quick example of how you could change it; while keeping extra spacing on the white tick
you do this a lot; and it's consistent. so you can probably disregard this it's not an issue. ME personally I would try to tie each of these patterns together a little more aesthetically. but the generic slider rotation & spacings you give has it's own good aesthetic. Definitely nothing wrong with how anything is mapped
01:52:093 (5,2,4) - are all overlapped, HIGHLY suggest you move these around for better readability.
i personally think that 01:52:093 (5,2) - these two stacking are fine since the 2 is perfectly visible as you hit it, but 01:52:882 (2,4) - should probably still be moved for readability
you can make 02:17:718 (1,2,3,4) - more juicer, try doing something like this https://imgur.com/a/bPpAHKx. You don't have to do it exactly how it is in the pic but make the snares SNAP in some type of way. Right now its kind of lackluster and you want the snare to snap when you hit the notes
same goes for
02:18:247 (5,6,7) -
02:40:306 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
02:17:718 (1,2,3,4) - these notes do not flow into one another, its just going in a straight line and doesn't emphasize the kick+snare well
considering how hard your buildup to the last kiai and the last kiai itself is, this isn't really anything too difficult so that shouldn't be a concern
also if youre gonna keep this at least change 02:17:541 (3,1,2) -, this stacking is actually pure evil just move 02:17:541 (3) - somewhere else, same thing with 02:40:130 (3,1,2) -
i agree with the original suggestion but dont entirely agree with #4754955/12608790 as it's already quite a tapping map and this just furthers that playstyle
both ideas do work tho , up to mapper as a bit subjective at the end of the day
02:40:130 (3,1) - For all the overlaps that you did, I would say this will be the most uncomfortable one, because you didn’t do something similar to this for the whole song so players may not expect this.
02:40:130 (3) - you could follow the downward motion you do with the sliders and move (3) to continue that
If you are gonna NC 03:12:604 (1,2,3,4) - change the direction of the streams or make it snap instead of making the streams go in one direction. The NC is on the new 1/4 beat so you have to give that kick some juice or its gonna feel bland. (e.g.) https://imgur.com/a/3QIUiLO
same issue here
03:14:104 (1,2,3,4) -
03:18:604 (1,2,3,4) -
03:23:104 (1,2,3,4) -
the "spacing" isn't increased enough for anyone yet alone the player to notice or feel a change in the NC.
Quit comparing your maps to other maps, try to at least hear what I'm saying and apply it, and if you still don't like it that's fine keep what you have
The 'other important sound" you are hearing is the kick on 03:23:104, its too noticeable for you not to change it.
just adding my two cents on this, i believe a new combo is enough emphasis to acknowledge these kicks on the white ticks and i feel like if mapper was to change direction constantly for extra emphasis it would start to look very cluttered and also feel awkward to play.
i feel your screenshot makes for quite a bumpy stream with the direction change which i personally do not think the song warrants for, and i think this song should be quite flowy lol
maybe mapper could arch down for the second 4 but i dont agree with the bump for the nc (which is alr done at 03:22:729 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - )
the whole entire point of a map DISCUSSION is to DISCUSS i am allowed to DISCUSS on a DISCUSSION page , what do you mean?
furthermore the mapper literally asked me for my opinion. don't be so rude and assumptious next time, thanks and happy new year
he clearly doesnt want to fix it because its not that big of an issue hakuna matata. so happy new year
the classic modding ego where the modder thinks hes always right and that his mapping style should be imprinted on every single map cause his mapping style is perfect. Learn some manners and grow up, i suggest taking a break from the game if you’re this upset by someone disagreeing with your SUGGESTION. Congrats on your first ranked map.
happy new year
i think this discussion is over. waste of time and nothing is being progressed. mapper doesnt want to change so thats that.
maybe I accidently changed it already, or you wanted to point out sth else, but 03:42:229 (1,3) - is not perfect overlapped.
this 03:42:604 (3) - is directly on top of the 03:42:229 (1) - try doing something like this
04:09:413 (1,2,3,4) - if you are gonna use the same shape for all of these then that's fine. At least change the shape of 04:09:413 (1) - or the way its played because I see what you were going for mapping the alarm sound effect for every note but you should emphasis the snare harder and make it stand out from 04:09:590 (2,3,4) -
NC 04:09:413 (1) -
change SV to 2.0x
do something like this https://imgur.com/a/MrD96t0
same goes for these sections here
04:15:060 (1,2,3,4) -
04:17:884 (1,2,3,4) -
04:20:707 (1,2,3,4) -
04:03:766 (1,2,3,4) -
No real reason to map the first sound (04:09:413 (1) - eg.) any different. Given the first one has a drum on it, the spacing between the object before, and this one is way bigger, than the spacing between all the alarm sounds. But apart from that i don't see why the first alarm sound should be treated differently.
It should be treated differently because there is a SNARE on the first note and that doesn't happen with 04:09:590 (2,3,4) -, you have to pay attention to detail and not just let it be boring.
This entire kiai here 04:47:567 to 05:04:367 is gonna be hard to read for novice/advanced players trying to learn the game. You have alot of overlaps like this 04:49:967 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - and like this 04:47:567 (1,2,1,2,1,2) -
04:47:567 (1,2,1,2,1,2) -
04:49:967 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -
04:59:567 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,2,3,4) -
05:01:967 (1,2,1,2,1,2) -
05:05:567 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -
I feel like you can do the overlap thing, just space your overlaps like this https://imgur.com/a/uiWL1wc. Just try not to spam it, most players cant read perfect overlaps because they WILL quit your map.
04:54:967 (2,3) - I would nc these to show its a different time signature and also not stack them because that could appear a bit dull for a breakdown in the middle of a chorus. You could ctrl + h it and move it around to where you seem fit
05:00:767 (3) - maybe nc here? cuz the sounds 05:00:767 (3,4,5) - represent is different from 05:00:467 (1,2) -