00:14:332 (1,2,1,2) - the grouping is really out of place, it doesn't represent the instruments nor the vocals.
i would 00:14:332 (1,2) - swap nc and 00:14:566 (2) - rearrange this closer to 00:14:801 (1,2) - so you can highlight the drums getting stronger at 00:14:566 - and complement the vocals at the same time. example
00:16:676 (1,2,1,2) - maybe increase the angle of these 1-2s to make it differ from 00:16:207 (1,2,1,2) so that it emphasises the vocals. Smthn like this
00:19:957 (1) - bring this further away from 00:19:723 (4) - cause right now it has little impact and also it would make this 00:19:957 (1,2) - similar spacing to 00:20:191 (1,2) - which i think makes more sense cause the music feels just as intense on both of these jumps
00:20:895 (1,2) - this spacing could be buffed considering the spacing you have here 00:22:770 (1,2) - and here 00:24:645 (1,2) - and every time u put 2 sliders during this section
00:23:238 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) & 00:26:988 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2)
could you do some ctrl+h things or rotate it or anything else to make it differ from 00:21:363 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) & 00:25:113 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2)? it's just the same pattern basically and it doesn't really feel interesting to play
The rotation and movement isn't all the same I think that's fine, the pattern itself is interesting enough to play imo
00:33:551 (1,2,1,2) - 02:11:051 (1,2,1,2) - feels too spaced since the drums are decelerating, would go with much smaller and gradually decreasing spacing instead
00:43:160 (3,4) - turn this into a slider since this is more active than what you did here 00:58:160 (6) - when this section is a bit more intense. Alternatively you could turn 00:58:160 (6) into 2 notes
00:49:957 (1,2,1,2) - here I agree with gradually increasing the spacing.
00:50:426 (1,2,1,2) - meanwhile drums in this part are going down with intensity but the spacing is increasing.
I recommend following those drums more and lowering the spacing in the 2nd part of jump pattern instead of increasing.
01:03:551 (4,1) - swap nc or 01:03:785 (1) - don't need nc here imo so you can group the drums more reasonably and highlight 01:04:020 (1) - better
01:04:957 (1,1) - these ncs are really out of place since 1-2 nc spam doesn't have to do anything with what the song is doing, would be better to unnc them
01:05:895 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - these feel really weird as 1-2s you should change them to 3 note patterns and try to emphasise these 01:05:895 (1), 01:06:246 (2) - cause theyre important vocals
01:07:301 (1) - feels weird to passively map the 1/3 drums since you map them actively every other time, would be intuitive to map them here as well
01:11:051 (1) - unnc or 01:11:285 (4) - nc this? i don't see what you're trying to highlight with the current nc pattern
01:11:520 (1) - 01:11:988 (3) - minor but they works well to be 3/4 sliders like 01:12:457 (1) -
prefer keeping like it it now as it is quite obvious it's 1/3 pattern, asked a few top players to try it and they read it fine
01:20:426 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - spacing goes too big considering this is still in the middle of the buildup
01:57:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^ but this time it's in the part where the intensity is going down gradually
01:20:895 (1,2,1) - pattern seems to really forced ngl, ik it's 100% intentional to keep the jump chain pattern starts at the middle of the playfield so maybe you could move 01:21:246 (2) - towards to the middle instead
01:21:246 (2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2)
may do more soft spacing progression, so it could transit into drum emphasis more smoothly
01:25:113 (1,2) - this double doesnt really make much sense since every other time when the music is similar, like here 01:26:988 (1,2), u map them as normal jumps and the other times u do map doubles like 01:31:676 (1,2) - and 01:52:301 (1,2) - theyre on low intensity vocals
01:38:238 (1,2) - imo 1/2 slider works better than filler rhythms here, as it intentionally slows down the map for a while and immediately requires drastic cursor accel for the next jump chain, which fits the part of the song really well I think
01:46:441 (2,3) - for the same reason
I think the 2 circles is good for the buildup for the big jump section, so prefer not changing
01:55:113 (1,2,3,4) - idk if it is exactly what you expected but this is really awkward to move and most of the other jumpy patterns are rather natural
[!] agree, but this 01:55:113 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) entire jump section doesn't really make sense since it emphasizes nothing with such overspaced patterns
i'd highly recommend avoiding spamming jumps and stick to the drums since vocal is prolonged here and you can't do anything around it
these jumps are not supported by the song and they'd make sense in a place like 02:09:645 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2), but definitely not here, so please work on it
02:03:082 (1,2,1,2) - this is so evil lmao i think it works here 02:04:957 (1,2,1,2) - cause it emphasises the vocal but on the other one i dont think there's anything in the music to warrant such uncomfortable movement so just ctrl-g 02:03:082 (1,2) -
very very optional and completely up to you, you can ignore it if you don't like it, but you could use a 1/2 slider to give a short break before players enter the most intense jump section
that could make players feel more comfortable with hitting 02:09:645 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2)
02:11:051 (1,2,1,2) - personally think this should be an x pattern jump so it can have a better follow up with 02:11:520 (1) - there cus is so high bpm and I think right now it will put so much strain to change the angle to snap it there. So like -90 angle the second 1-2 and it should be fine
A rotation like that causes sudden and purposeless linear aim, which I avoid throughout the set. I'm keeping current state to keep the consistency representing toms.
02:13:402 wasn't the section consist of so overdone jumps? kinda i get that this is 9* map and it during all the map consist of such big jumps, but honestly, 02:15:277 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - moment like looks so overdone, especialy in jumps 02:15:511 (3,1) - 02:15:862 (3,1) - 02:16:214 (3,1) - 02:16:214 (3,1,2,3,1) - where the spacing (according to ds panned) is ~4x (or above), while the section tried to maintain the 3,2x spacing? Kinda i have looked over all the map and i do not thinking that it is really worth to use so huge spacing, even if you remove this, SR will reduce on 1* (not the objective argument, but makes sense)
if you're concerned that the constantly big jump chain would cause some issues, imo 02:14:808 (1,2,1,2) - 02:16:683 (1,2,1,2) - work well to relieve the aiming strain here (and provide some contrast surely)
@muchin i just confused only that the map do not fully reflect 9* as it might been, and having only diffspike of fully-screen jumps at the ends looks like abusing than maintain overall contrast. I have also testplayed this and cursor fast moving does not looking so enjoyable ig.
However, i just only asking about thia and would like to discuss; will close if others will think it is okey
I'm assuming that you're trying to push a thing where the rest of the map should reflect the difficulty that it should be to a certain degree
but isn't it essentially reducing the impact of sectional contrast...? your statement in the original post actually contradicts your explanation later which seems really weird...
namely, you expect the map to be more active for presenting sectional contrast but looks like you immediately denied the mapper's idea, despite they already did what you suggested (reflecting the sectional contrast)
as for your concern about the last section seeming like a diff spike. while it's indeed a big exaggerated, I do think the map already implied it from section 01:57:464 -, and the early intro (i.e. 00:16:214 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) - ), especially 02:09:652 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - so it should be expectable
in conclusion, the original post seems just because you think the last cross-screen jump is "inappropriate" without a comparison to the rest of the map, or a solid reasoning of why you do think it is not suitable for the diff
btw in #4706327/12483071, you're comparing two different diffs but like I don't even know how does that make any sense...
akitoshi's diff is trying to buffer the impact of the last intense part by introducing a linear increment of object density/spacing but not closely following the drastic intensity changes in the background, this improves the player's experience indeed
in contrast, the top diff is intended to fully represent the changes of the song, I just don't understand why your wording looks like you're trying to push a change in another way that the mapper does not intend to do, if both of them is valid
this is my opinion as the nominator
I have already suggested improving the sectional contract in dm but I was carefully approaching the spacing of the jumps since it is clearly their intention
#4681896 in case you're not aware of that
please correct me if I'm understanding you wrong since I think your statement is a bit messy and lacks enough explanation to support your points
also next time please do this in general tab if you expect some discussions below, since there's a word limit for replies in timeline tab...
hey, i just do not compare both difficult, looking at akitoshi diff i just want to share that this moment do not creates a diffspike while in current diff it does. Just if compare contrast Akitoshi reflect this much better, but it was an abstract fact without any concrete and do not make influence as argument. The pointing this as a diffspike was the most shortest way to point ><
I will respond a bit later, mostly with full reply
hey louis look i've made an essay about an osu pattern
if you compare this difficulty with akitoshi's cataclysm and say that it's more pleasant in terms of difficulty progression, then you actually don't understand how difficulty spikes actually work
let's take a look at mapset verifier's overview section and what it says about this hilarious difficulty spike:
this is /difficulty/ box which is used to be /star rating/ box in the past, so yeah - this is how star rating progresses throughout the map. if you spend some time looking at this screenshot, you'll be able to notice that star rating in akitoshi's difficulty more looks like an actual spike than in this difficulty
as you can see on the screenshots star rating in top difficulty smoothly progresses up while in akitoshi's cataclysm it just jumps to the starts which is also fine, it generally works with the song
however, like you said in our dms, star rating isn't an argument because this is system is broken as hell and i particially agree with this stamement, so let me show you a comparion of how mapset verifier calculates /aim/ aspect of the map => screenshot
yes, the values are almost the same with the ones in the /difficulty/ box, but you still think that this specific difficulty is overdone while akitoshi's cataclysm is actually harder (if you still think that overdone thing is an issue here, please refer to this veto which is a much worse case. you'll be able to see that such things are acceptable)
spacing values you're being nitpicky about in the initial post aren't that crazy. if you'd make at least some kind of research, you'd notice that
let's set sv 1.5 for 01:58:402, so we could equally compare this section (one of the most intense ones) with the one you've mentioned above, 02:13:402 => 02:17:034
01:58:870 (1,2), 02:00:745 (1,2), 02:02:620 (1,2), 02:04:495 (1,2) - they have 3.0x spacing
02:01:917 (1,2,1) - has ~2.5x spacing
02:06:370 (1,2) - has 2.7x spacing
and so on
and now the most climactic section of the song, the most intense one with ass smashing dense drums (which basically requires you to buff spacing to give actual emphasis for what's happening in song here)
02:13:402 (1,2,3) - 3.3x (slightly increased for climax emphasis)
02:13:753 (1,2,3) - 2.9x (no increasement)
02:14:105 (1,2,3) - 3.5x (spaced higher since spacing changes aren't prohibited)
02:14:456 (1,2,3) - 3.0x (no increasement)
02:15:277 (1,2,3) - 3.0x (no increasement)
02:15:628 (1,2,3) - 3.6x and 3.9x (spacing starts to progress higher to make gameplay more fun and diverse)
02:15:980 (1,2,3) - 3.3x (not a major change + refer to 02:13:402 (1,2,3))
02:16:331 (1,2,3) - 4.0x (right at the end of the map for the maximum emphasis)
things like 02:15:511 (3,1), 02:15:862 (3,1), 02:16:214 (3,1), 02:16:566 (3,1) are completely fine because they are used to give stronger emphasis on snare + cymbal, so it works emphasis-wise
you can say the same about fieryrage's happppy song or iljaaz's deadly force if you'll use the same arguments since there are also sections with climax section's emphasis
you also requested some plays that may prove your rightness. try giving a look to the leaderboard, there already sub 10 misses plays by kamenshik and kurumiw
please let's stop wasting our time on this pattern, it's absolutely okay. you have 14 dislikes by experienced mappers and beatmap nominators over 0 likes. muchin also spent some time explaining why you are wrong. people highly disagree with what you think about this. your stubbornness makes no sense 💀
02:15:035 (1,2) & 02:16:910 (1,2)
would suggest unstacking for better readability (since they are perfectly stacked) and movement variety (depends on how you unstack them)
something like this would fit well i think
I use this for other diffs and parts also I think it would not cause reading issue for players playing these diffs
02:15:159 (2,1)
personally, i think that this jump poorly represents the intensity of this section, especially when we compare it to
02:13:636 (3,1) - 02:13:987 (3,1) - etc. The flow change is a good point, but the transition from 02:14:808 (1,2,1,2) - to the next part could use a spacing buff to highlight the downbeat
02:14:808 (1,2) & 02:15:042 (1,2) - i'd love to see these represented in a different way, this doesn't really reflect the drums nor the melody, ig this -> https://twujmlody.s-ul.eu/8iqf7cN0 could help it (circular pattern and/or spacing change would contribute a lot, the toms and melody is clearly getting lower so the spacing doesn't feel right
02:16:683 (1,2,1,2) ^too, also could move 02:17:034 (2) - to emphasize finish?
speaking of how it works emphasis-wise, it may not be perfect, but at least it plays good. changing things to what you suggested may cause flow issues which will fuck up gameplay aspect of the map
the only solution for this would be general reworking of the section which, i'm pretty sure, is not what mapper wants (they would do it in 3 years if they wanted that)
if you check their 8* difficulty, the same emphasis concept is kept, so i wouldn't insist on fixing it because it will ruin mapper's intention
I understand the representation may deviate from your expectation of how those should be emphasized, but currently it works and plays well so I don't think I'm gonna change it
contrast and song representation in this jump pattern / transition feels fine to me
only thing i noticed is that maybe could move 02:17:034 (2) - to deviate from the grouping 02:16:683 (1,2,1) - but doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things