00:51:455 to 00:54:655 - Notes arrangement is very confusing as sometimes there's jacks and sometimes there isn't, rearrange the notes so it's either no jacks or a consistent use of jacks
01:51:855, 01:52:255, 01:55:055, 01:55:455, etc. - Whenever this part plays, the notes become very crowded due to the LNs and dense usage. Instead, I recommend that you either have only one 1/1 LN instead of two, or, use a quad instead of a chord of 5 to prevent the note cramming
02:44:532, 02:48:224, 02:58:912, etc. - Having 1/16 releases in these LN bursts does not play out well and is very difficult to acc, rearrange the LNs in a way where the 1/16 releases aren't to be used
i changed it, removed 2 of the 1/8 because the sound does play in 1/8 for most of the notes, i listened in 25%, with effects, without effects, and it sounds right to me