00:02:416 (4) - K finisher here is kinda weird, I'd map is as just a d instead, since this sound isnt very loud or important, and because the note right before it is higher in pitch.
If you do want a finisher around here, this note is a much better candidate imo: 00:03:288 (5) -
feel like this could've just been an all-diff mod with reference to the 3 diffs done by me but sure, applied again
00:30:846 (5) - could move the nc from 00:31:195 (1) - to here instead? giving the 2 1/1 notes to the same player probably makes more sense to play (plus it makes it consistent with 00:25:265 (1,2) - )
stuff like 00:36:428 (5,1) - is kinda similar but i think those are good as they are because there are more notes before, the long break before a player's last note is actually more important now i think about it
00:47:939 - Feels a little off since you suddenly stop emphasizing the vocals. I think it's fine to keep doing that here by moving 00:48:986 (96) - to 00:49:160 -.
If you copy that for 00:50:730 - and then delete 00:52:474 (103,104) - you also get a nice rest moment out of it.
i really couldn't understand most of this, but i think i got the general idea? yell at me if how i implemented it was very wrong thanks
ohh i got it, then it should be pretty much the same already :D (keeping 01:40:614 (197) as the only difference)
00:53:521 (1,2) - 02:06:079 (1,2) - imo you should pick either same color or opposite color after this finisher for consistency
00:54:916 (4) - could nc this and 01:00:498 (4) - 01:06:079 (4) - 01:11:660 (4) - if you want? currently player 1 gets every xxx xxx and player 2 gets every xxxxx, but if these ncs are applied the players will take turns getting the 5plets if that makes sense. i counted ncs between the kiais and how it is rn each player would get the same part of both kiais (like the same player would be hitting every 5plet across both kiais) which can also be nice for some people, this is super subjective and u should just do whichever sounds nicer to you lol
tbh i did not count the combos but i think it'd be nice to have a balanced spread of difficulty between each player, so sures
pause might seem awkward but adding a note breaks rest moment rc, so wont be doing it unless another rest moment less awkward can be found nearby
01:10:265 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - The vocals here are actually different from the ones at 00:53:521 - 00:59:102 - 01:04:684 - since the emphasis land on 01:10:788 . Maybe reflect this by moving 01:10:614 (2) - to 01:10:788 - and 01:10:963 (3) - to 01:11:311 ?
Same thing happens in the second kiai
01:29:102 - 01:36:777 - In this section you could vary a bit more than only kdk since it is not an actual repeat section unlike eg. 00:17:242 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
01:29:451 (1) - move nc to 01:29:800 (2) - ? it's kinda like a mid-pattern player change rn by kantan standards so it prolly catches most kantan players off guard
01:40:614 (1) - could move this to 01:41:311 (2) - maybe as well? this one is ur call though, end of pattern nc is usually readable to people
01:40:614 (7,1) - moving these two 1/2 to the right (01:40:788 - 01:41:486 - ) can help put empasis on a new lyric snapping starting since 01:39:916 (5,6,7) - seems conjoined atm. also just personal preference but i find the last sound of a vocal chain to be the often be the strongest one
01:43:753 (1) - 02:06:079 (1) - there is only 1 breaktime every 32/1 in this section, density is higher than that of kiai. I would suggest removing 01:48:637 (6) - 01:59:800 (6) - and adding notes at 01:53:870, 02:05:032 to create more consistent breaks
01:43:753 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - imo these should be copy pasted (but 01:48:637 - being absent for the break is fine) since you already have established from the start that repeat patterns should happen for repeat rhythms (also a bit weird for TAG2 to be playing different stuff)
The exceptions are 01:53:870 - 01:59:974 - 02:03:986 - but the two first are breaks so they could still be copy pasted, the third one makes sense to have kdk instead of kkd so thats fine to keep