you always emphasized those double drum notes so nicely with a triple switching into a slider or circle jump etc. 00:17:074 (1,2,1,2) - 00:18:507 (5,1,2) - 00:21:203 (3,1,2) - but here it falls off 00:23:984 (1,2,3,4) - , 00:24:995 (2,1,2,3,4) - since its a 4 circle jump with pretty much the same spacing without any special emphasizing, meshing it to one thing instead of focusing at the important beats
what i mean by that
00:23:984 (1,2,3,4) - 00:24:321 (3) - has the highest jump spacing even tho you priotized these two beat before 00:23:984 (1,2) -
00:25:332 (1,2,3,4) - here they all play the same without anything standing out
00:28:198 - here it gets ignored completly
Maybe move 00:18:507 (5) - closer to the slider tail at 00:18:254 (4) - and for 00:18:591 (1) - make it close to (5). (like a 2 circle burst after the (4) slider)
00:19:265 (1,2) - 00:21:962 (1,2) - 00:27:355 (1,2) - 00:30:051 (1,2) - you always used 3/4 sliders with sv change on the second slider, 00:24:658 (1,2) - changing it now is a safe missread from the playside, or you just missplaced it xD
00:24:658 (1,2) - ^dis
00:30:051 (1,2) - also this one is missing the sv change on the second slider
00:30:051 (1,2) - 00:35:445 (1,2) - maybe you stopped using em when vocals started? sv change ^
00:24:658 (1,2) - i can see a small reading problem in the spacing here, 00:17:411 (2,3) - this looks exactly like that too but it has a 1/2 gap, usually you used less spacing 00:17:917 (3,4) - 00:19:265 (1,2) -, can be argued with slider liniency tho xD
00:20:108 (2,1) - ^ dis idk xD directly comapred one second before was like 00:19:265 (1,2) -
00:32:074 (1) - i feel like here would be better to make this a circle and 00:32:242 a 1/1 slider to better emphasize the drums
00:34:602 (6,1,2,3) - well thats really confusing to read tbh xD, the spacing between 00:34:602 (6,1) - and 00:34:939 (2,3) - are practical the same visualwise
00:37:973 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - this is soo coool but 00:38:984 - it feels like you missing something :D
00:42:186 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - you could make the vocals represent the gameplay here actually, just copy the pattern over and over again :D
00:53:310 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - this whole section needs a little rework, if you follow vocals and are trying to add jumping patterns to them, atleast map the jumps according to the weight and pitch of the vocals, for example
00:59:209 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - in this whole section u followed the drum, 01:00:894 - dont ignore it here
01:09:574 (4,1) - random 1/4 jump feels like a mistake here lol especially cuz the reverse goes over where the instrumental changes at 01:09:827 -
even 01:10:417 (1,2) - is kinda oof but the spacing change is a bit less harsh however both of these instances are a bit much for what the song is doing
01:13:366 (6) - also why would you make that loud hiheat a passive play :/ you lost the whole momentum at 01:13:198 (5) -
01:13:872 (1) - this could also be a 3/4 slider like you did here 01:13:366 (6) - or a 1/1 slider to represent the cymbal
01:24:658 (1) -
02:32:074 (1) -
02:40:838 (3) -
03:28:703 (1) -
same in these
01:13:872 - pls just use a slider here xD it feels so wrong after you used a slider before here 01:13:366 (6) - and then you didnt
01:25:501 (5) - feels abit too much of a jump, its bigger than your big jump pattern in one of the high points of the song
01:26:007 (1) - imo this should be a active object because of the snares, you could move 01:26:007 (1) - to 01:25:838 because it would at the same time represent the kick and leave space to map the snares a circles
and this 01:26:344 (2,3) - should be a lot more spaced to better represent the snares
01:26:175 (1,1,1,1) - Make it 1,2,3,4 instead of all 1 combo jumps to make it readable for the player.
02:03:591 (5,6,1,2) - Make it so (2) is away from (5,6,1) to not confuse the player into thinking the (5,6,1,2) is a burst.
02:33:422 (1,2,3,4,5) - i feel like this jump is kinda out of place considering what you did on 01:15:389 (1,2,3,4) - and 03:30:051 (1,2,3,4,5) - , would recommend changing it to make it consistent with the other kiais
remove whistle and change addition to auto for 03:05:782 (1) - 03:08:478 (1) - 03:11:175 (1) - 03:13:872 (1) - and also add whistle to 03:15:220 (1) - this is my fault
I think 04:03:759 - should be a clickable object because of the strong cymbal and vocal on it but it is currently mapped as a slider end. Easy fix is deleting the current slider at 04:03:647 (1) - , extending 04:03:310 (1) - by one reverse and placing a circle on 04:03:759 - but whatever you come up with that makes 04:03:759 - a clickable object works.
Add a break between 04:09:237 (1) - and 04:14:546 (1) - to indicate that the player is ready to hit the next note.