mapped by Xushey
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 18 January 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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personally i think it's much more apt as a low extra than as an insane with the longer bursts and bigger jumps (most of the points i brought up would be non-issues for an extra, and indeed the map it reminded me of is also an extra), but maybe the 160bpm offsets that enough for it to be a tricky insane, i'm no spread sage

idk if you already have had it playtested, but that would be good, see if players at an insane level are ready for this one


i think the difficulty is fine. its almost 5* and not a generic anime pp map. it focuses more on rhythm/fingercontrol



Marked as resolved by Meek007

sick, i love it, the flow is so delicious, reminds me of one of my favourite maps ever and its going straight into my favourites


thanks :3
