00:12:805 (4,1,1,2) - You've got the little background strings starting on the red ticks for this + 00:20:485 (4,1,1,2) so the same rhythm as 00:09:445 (7,1,2) 00:17:125 (5,1,2) etc. is kinda lame
Something more dense for these ie. like this could be cool for something a bit more expressive
it is, see 00:08:965 (6) - 00:18:085 (2) - 00:12:325 (2) - 00:08:485 (4) - etc. Those are emphasizing the snares. Also slider leniency helps here aswell so I think they're fine
why not? 00:24:059 (3) - has some active objects before it and I'd like to introduce the 1/4 spaced patterns through easier ones like 00:24:899 (5,6) - which is way less dense and the player doesn't have to worry about hitting constant 1/4 while also aiming them.
Also I do use similar spacing for the other times this rhythm appears: 00:17:339 (3) - 00:21:179 (5) - 00:23:099 (3) -
I get it but you could just rearrange it so the stream goes down or even right to left and you snap to 00:24:059 (3) -
00:25:499 (7) - Spacing is a little too high, same jump here 00:29:339 (1) - has a bigger gap in rhythm so it's fine
00:30:299 (2) - in my view this should have lower spacing than 00:30:299 (2) - which has a more intense sound
meant the next slider, though you obviously have the spacing logic applied to the drums and I am thinking about the guitar intensity which I feel should make 00:30:779 (4) - more spaced
increased the SV a bit for 00:30:779 (4) - just for that higher pitch guitar sound you mentioned
this is again because of the chain of 1/4 objects, making this as spaced as those individual pairs of objects would make it too overkill. I suppose I can introduce a little jump from 00:31:499 (3,4) - to the slider 00:31:739 (1) - i guess
just like a little CTRL G at 00:31:259 (1,2) - was my idea or similar, I feel like some snappy movement fits here
considering how the map gets later I feel like yeah spacing could be quite bigger for those
idk about this since i dont really give cymbals bigger emphasis through sv anywhere else on the map (see 00:24:059 (3) - 00:39:419 (1) - 02:06:758 (1) - etc
okay cooked something just for this one (and the first one of this section with #3962602), not something too exagerated but added some movement to it
not intended to follow the vocals but the drum, I start to focus a lot more on the vocals from 00:47:726. I do some vocal following on 00:42:188 (1,2,3,4) - too to introduce that I'm not just gonna follow the drums through the map tho.
should be alright since there isn't really any instrument there, just a kick. The other white ticks have some other sound in there like vocals, synth or guitar
00:43:457 (2) - Starting here it seems vocals are 1/3, but you only start to follow them at 00:47:726 (1) -
probably should start from 00:46:803 to focus the vocals cuz I just realised 00:46:803 (1,2,3) - doesn't have the same pitch as the other ones
00:47:726 (1) - Right now there is too much switching around with the rhythm you should have it more consistent. Sliderend should end at 00:48:880 - and if you really want to follow the snaps perfectly 00:49:111 (2) - should end on 1/3 and so on
wdym speed up, if you mean the guitar, im gonna rework 00:52:226 (3,4) - a bit cuz of #3962643 so should be alright as it is. Increasing the spacing a bit tho ig
shouldnt be a problem, vocals on this song are kinda like this a lot of times where they start a little earlier or sooner than they should
About 00:52:686 - since there is a vocal at 00:52:455 I think it would be weird to transition to a 1/3 rhythm from a blue tick
About 00:57:532, it follows vocals from quite before, and 00:57:878 (1,2,3) - is explained on other mod #3962645
About 00:51:532 (1) - , I still don't think it's necessary. If I did it here, I'd have to do it anywhere else where the vocals do weird stuff and I don't want to make the map rhythm more complex than it should be just because of the vocalist's mistakes. I already do some inaccuracies on the rhythm for the sake of some different reasons like simplification or emphasis, so should be fine.
00:52:342 (4) - If you want to follow vocals this seems weird. You should follow one layer more closely otherwise things get muddy and people are not gonna comprehend what they should follow
should be fixed now? (not sure what you meant about the stack is off, fixed the position of 00:53:957 (2) - )
00:59:365 (7,8,9,10) - this one for vocals seems to me is not allowed current 130 bpm here, feels more accurate with 116 bpm? or feels more every 3/8 tick lmao
also make them different with 00:58:441 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
01:12:749 (3,4,5) - also not clearly follow vocals here, adjust with slider 1/2 + 1/4 circle may be
02:31:780 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - also feels not follow, 3/8 + 1/4 (3'rd circle -> nc) fits more here, end adjust with slider may be
02:35:934 (1,2,3) - 02:36:857 (1,2,3) - end ect sorry im exhasted to noticed similar also check
After careful consideration, I have decieded that mapping active 3/8s would make the rhythm way too complex for what I aim with this map. The rhythms are already quite complex because of the mix of 1/4 and 1/3 rhythms, and I don't believe accurately mapping vocals will do any good to the playability of the map.
However, I do agree that some of those are quite off, so I have decieded to either map them by 1/3s or 1/4s, depending on how close they are to each snap. Here's the summary of the changes regarding the patterns:
00:59:365 (7) - Just made it a slider, even thought I would prefer it to have it the same as 00:58:441 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - by using 1/3s. However I don't mind it that much since the vocals pitch go down there, so it works as a conclusion to me.
01:10:441 (4,5,6) - Keeping it as it is, as 1/4's here sounded way too off compared to 1/3. However changed 01:09:057 (1,2,3,4,5) - to 1/4 since those do sound better when like this.
01:12:749 (1,2,3,4,5) - Reworked this pattern so it uses 1/4 instead.
02:31:780 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - same
02:35:357 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - same, made it so that the switches between 1/3 and 1/4 are as natural as possible.
02:46:088 (1,2,3,1) - Also changed.
01:05:249 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - This whole pattern feels really crunched together/underspaced especially for such a strong vocal on 01:05:826 (2)
I'd at least buff the spacing between 01:05:711 (1,2)
I don't want to buff so much this pattern so that visually it stays closer to a 1/4 gap, but buffed a bit 01:05:711 (1,2) - and rearanged the objects so that the visual spacing between them is still around the same (might have slightly buffed the other elements in the process aswell).
01:08:378 (4,5,6,7,8) - This whole part is off. They should all be on 1/4. Like everything here hits on 1/4
yeah but here I'm introducing the 1/3 rhythms without NCing for the following part so I rather not mix up rhythms so the player gets the intentions straight. Mixing 1/4 rhythm here would make the introduction a lot more complex from what I want.
Oh I think I understood you now, the vocals actually get a bit faster (like they become 1/4). However, this would be quite complex since I'm still introducing the 1/3 rhythm without NCing, so Im not too sure about mixing stuff yet, I'd rather have the introduction to the mixing of rhythms something like 01:11:609 (2,1) - like it is rn which I feel is a lot more intuitive while playing.
01:10:342 (1,1,1) - didn't quite understand these rhythms since the song doesn't really supports it
01:12:188 (1,1,4) - these objects could visually look better, i'd say just stack all of them as it is totally valid
01:14:033 redline here can be removed, since sliderend seems to be fairly accurate with 130bpm, same here 01:14:501.
01:16:265 (1) - is 1/6th
01:14:495 (1) - feel like normal sampleset would be better cuz there's a snare sound there in the song
01:16:340 (2,3) - also should but I'd rather keep the current rhythm cuz that adds some variety and differentiates the vocals feeling of 01:16:263 (1,2,3,4,5) - from 01:17:263 (1,2,3,4) - . If mapped with the 1/3 it would be 4 times the same rhtyhm of 01:17:263 (1,2,3,4,1) - which I'm not really looking forward to
01:19:570 (4) - If you make this shorter you could make 01:19:801 - active rhythm
Just more of the making sure to follow the rest of the music too while focusing on vocals.
Like I'm sure there is a good solution to map the drums even 01:22:686 (1,2,3) - while focusing on vocals
01:18:531 (3,4) - these two objects feel like they are forced themselves to be mushed up together which results in not only awkward visuals, but also bad gameplay. i'd suggest using the lower part of the editor field right here
not too sure about this, its kinda the same as 01:16:339 (2,3,4) - which has also the same vocals. Maybe i could stack the tail of 01:18:646 (4) - to 01:17:723 (4) - so it looks cleaner?
01:20:840 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -
I'd rather have the whole pattern to be 1/4 so it feels different from the rest.
here you have the thrice repetition of the word "votar", and I don't want to give them the same 1/3 treatment as the usual vocals. The first and the third are said by the same group of people, hence the similar pattern for them 01:21:301 (4,5) - 01:22:224 (3,4) - . Then for 01:21:763 (1,2) - switching to 1/3 would be weird cuz the pattern is already conditioned from 01:21:301 (4,5) - which would need to have really large spacing so it differentiates from the 1/4 ones.
01:21:763 (1) - Vocal is on 1/6. Though you can keep this 1/4 cus it has actually instruments that can be highlighted. Good example of when to switch snapping.
01:28:340 (1,2) - I would switch these for rhythm. Feels weird to me. And this is the only slider here not on white tick
Or did i paste the wrong timestamp. You can map all the drum hits when they are in focus like 01:14:263 - or even have some kind of 1/6 stream when the instruments speed up. That would be maximal rhythm coverage.
00:53:724 - I think here should keep the 1/3 or just map all the 1/4. I would just have the 1/4 as the music indicates a speedup
for 01:14:493 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - , i think i'll keep it as it is cuz for 1/6 rhythm would need to be stacked and it'd be too similar visually to the pattern. Maybe simplified with a 1/4 at 01:14:378 could work? Cuz it wouldn't need to be stacked, kinda like this
Would like an opinion on it tho cuz I feel its alright as it is too but im not against the 1/4 idea.
i think i might go with the second one cuz feels nice and it adds emphasis to 01:14:493 (1) -
01:40:670 (2) - would you mind silencing the 1/8th sliderends such as here? Its a bit confusing for players to hear a passive hitsound so close to an active one
02:00:665 (1,2,3) - This whole thing sounds/plays much better as being simplified to 1/4
1/4 overall works fine for the drum + the first vocal is definetely on 02:00:627 so probably like this
02:37:473 (2) could be shifted back to 02:37:434 as well since this random 1/9 is still fine on 1/4 + plays a tad better
For 02:00:627 (1,2,3) - , sure changed.
For 02:37:473 (2) - I feel like its fine since the vocal itself is at the 1/3 snap, and the 1/9 is just the sliderend which the player does not have to worry about too much when tapping.
02:14:153 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - this is very cool but also quite the diffspike in the slow section. id recommend lowering the spacing a bit from slider to circles
02:16:717 (1,2,1,2) - Kind of unreadable suddenly the song gives you this random 1/12 drumming. You could make it more playable with even like a circle slider circle combo. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18825233/e1e3
02:25:319 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Not a huge fan of the 1/4 stream for this since it kinda ruins the effect of 02:26:473 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5) which seems designated for the drums/vocal syllables on each tick
Swapping 02:25:550 (3,4) 02:25:780 (5,6) for 1/2 sliders or something less dense in comparison could be cool
but mapping actively the sounds of 02:35:717 (4) - would remove all the focus on the strong drums for how inaudible they are (it is a lot more blended in the background compared to other similar ones like 01:37:340 (5,6,7) - ). I feel like the shift to 1/4 with the increase in spacing compared to past 1/4 triples already makes quite the difference on the pattern, no need to complicate it even more.
About 02:35:256 (1,2) - , I'd have to stack 02:35:256 (1) - over 02:35:371 (2) - if i mapped as 1/6 but that wouldn't give the movement emphasis to 02:35:371 (2) - that I'd want.
02:57:371 (3,4) - Snapped wrong. You could use a slider like 02:56:294 (2) - and it on the 1/8 tick only real sound is on blue tick there
02:57:525 - You should remove this if you want to stop at the instruments. You could try something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18825249/180e
i want to focus only on the vocals on this specific section because it's a really iconic part of the song in terms of them
can't do that cuz that would make the flow direction of the pattern to the same as the following one and would be inconsistent with the other ones
03:25:197 (2,2) - weren't supposed to be stacked but i guess it doesn't hurt them to be
for 04:15:078 (1,2) - fixed
03:34:613 (2,3,4) - these are more closely to 1/9th snap than to 1/4th snap, especially noticable with 03:34:613 (2) - being early.
04:05:847 (1,2,1,2,1) - you could represent these sliders differently than others that you've made, since they are a different rhythm it deserves the respective visual emphasis
04:10:232 (1) - id not use hitfinish on the sliderend here and 04:10:924 (1) - , the hitsounds are so loud for no particular reason in the song, id recommend using hitclaps if you want to highlight those 2 specific sounds
04:11:816 (1,2,3,4,5) - recommed to rework smtg like this one for better emphasis 3rd note like: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18899209/fd2e
for the first one, the spacing on the screenshot feels excessive. For the second one, feel like it already has enough spacing considering it comes from another circle with movement instead of a slider or a stack like 03:52:432 (2,3,4) - or 03:57:163 (4,1) -
04:17:905 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Btw this part is kinda crazy it switches from 1/8 ticks to 1/6 idk
04:17:270 - Sound is on 1/6
04:17:924 (1) - Sounds like it should start on the 1/8 tick before, everything else sounds fine so might be some crazy snapping not a timing change
04:18:770 - I think here is some kind of 1/12 rhythm pattern going on, try this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18825177/2a4d
This part is kinda fucked ngl, you need to find a good way to simplify or this is some additional timing
04:21:732 - This is off but snaps to 1/16 ticks and so on
04:22:078 - Sliderend snaps on 1/16, this slider could be on 1/16 star and end so it has even rhythm gap
04:22:232 (1) - This sounds to me like it should be on the 1/12 tick little earlier
Yeah not gonna change the first note of 04:17:924 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - cuz it'd make the difficulty skyrocket and It already simplifies rhythms from between the stream.
About 04:17:232 (3) - , sure
about 04:18:770, those are definitively on 1/8 and not 1/12 gaps
about 04:21:732 (2,2) - , I'd rather stick to the 1/12 cuz there's no other place I've used 1/16 and its close enough, already said on other posts but I already do a lot of simplification on the rhythm anyways
04:21:770 (5,6,7,8) - this is off timewise, i understand you go with a simplification here but it is confusing when 04:21:770 (5) - is late, and so is 04:22:117 (7) - , i think a good simplification would be circles on 04:21:732, 04:21:809, 04:22:078 and 04:22:155 to carry the intensity of the drums while maintaining an easy to approach rhythmical gap between the reverseslider
how did you catch that one lol i just noticed now cuz listened to it on 50%
im thinkin about it cuz I like the intro already and i dunno how could I add a 1/8 rhythm without making it too hard cuz i dont want to put another slider here, I want it to feel different from the other two at 04:25:001 (8,9,10,11,12,13) -
probably gonna keep it as it is cuz its quite unnoticeable at 100% speed unless i get a big brain idea to how to implement or something
04:34:463 (1,2) - i know you wanna simplify the timing for playability but the circles is ~60 ms off from the vocal sound which is kidda problematic imo
not simplifying this would probably cause a quite awkward rhythm here, since if mapped accurately the vocals would be suddenly in a mix of 1/9 and 1/8 rhythm. A simplification that would not be as extreme as directly mapping the 1/9 would be to just 1/6 from 04:34:232 (4,1) - like
but that would make the vocal at 04:34:520 to also be about 60ms off
mapping accurately won't do any good to the map imo because the complexity would be just too much but i'd agree to try using the alternative simplification showed in the screenshot if you feel like that could work better regarding to the vocals.
i feel like the big spacing from 04:48:079 (2) - is good enough, from having no movement to an almost side to side crosscreen jump
feel like should be alright to overmap a bit for the climax of the section. It also kinda follows the vocals cuz its the same pitch twice so same pattern twice. Hitsounding should do the trick here
it also kinda connects to how it starts from 04:25:001 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - which I personally like too so I'd rather keep it
The things I pointed out are fine just some stuff I noticed felt kinda off like 04:38:963 (2,1,2,3) - I think it sounds more like 1/6 stream. In this instance you have circles where there are no sounds and miss on other sounds
04:53:848 (5,6) - Listen to this closely, I think this one is a good example of my issue. There is under and overmapping all at once. Sounds like 1/6 first too and then 1/8 04:53:848 (5,6) - but there is no circle here instead you have it on 04:54:252 (8) - where there is nothing
btw if im taking too long to answer now its cuz started uni last week and i don't have that much time to check (homework kinda going bonkers)
05:09:421 (1) - and 05:10:488 (1) - : maybe you can make these different? cuz 05:10:488 (1) - has some cymbal on the head and tails
i dont get what you mean by different type of hitsounding. Do you mean different samples or what
05:54:506 (2) - not my role to advice, but this slider would definitely have more effect if it slowly decreased volume correlated with the music. i'd say spam green lines lol