不是,你折返尾是一个大白线,歌曲还有很重的鼓,所以你要 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17894233/8357
00:06:058 (6) - a single note is a bit weak following the instrument here since it's not as distinct as 00:05:335 - etc. , a slider would do it better imo -> https://i.imgur.com/eDVJt5v.png
00:18:347 (1,2,3) - 00:21:238 (1,2,3) - etc. could probably stack 2, 3 to differentiate vocal (00:18:528 (2,3) - ) from filler instrument mapping (00:18:347 (1) - ), would also reduce consecutive 1/2 movement in this relatively calmer section
00:24:130 (1,1) - 为了配合低难度保持一致是没问题,但是低难度空出两个转盘的时间是为了体现人声,你这里反而把最明显的最需要点击的那个节奏放到了转盘开头。我建议00:24:130 - 00:27:022 - 都加一个圆圈。把转盘缩短往后面放。
00:29:913 (1,2) - similar to #3636366 , would suggest doing same thing as 00:41:479 (1,2,3) -
00:36:419 (4,1) - more fitting as two circles or one 1/1 slider instead since there are no vocal on the slider ends, unlike 00:36:058 (3) - 00:33:528 (3,4) - etc.
00:50:154 (1) - wrong snapping, slider tail should end on the white tick (00:50:516 - ) instead
01:05:696 (1,2,3) - 开着ds把1往下拉一点会好看很多 现在1和3的间距不明所以 另外01:04:973 (3,3) - 都可以试着包一下01:05:877 (2) - ,会好看一些
01:09:672 (8) - consider using lower sv for this slider because instrument is less active there, for better comparison with 01:08:949 (7) -
01:14:732 (1,2,3) - i'd do a 1/4 reverse slider here for simplicity since all other active 1/4 rhythms in kiai are following vocals and this triple suddenly coming out of the blue can be a bit odd
01:21:238 (1,2) - would use just one 1/1 slider like 01:09:672 (8) - for better density comparison with rest of the kiai where consecutive 1/2 sliders were only used at spots with very active instrument and vocal
01:22:323 (6,7) - 01:25:214 (4,5) - would really recommend ctrl-g rhythm on these to better grasp the vocal rhythm, similar to first part of the kiai (00:58:829 (2,3,4,5) - etc. ), currently there are a lot of filler instrument notes (01:22:684 (7) - 01:24:853 (1) - etc.) that make it hard to tell what's the rhythm focus in the section
01:29:190 (3,4,5,6) - this should be using some actual harder rhythm and maybe spaced patterns instead of 01:30:636 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - where the song intensity goes down, would buff the former and nerf the latter for better song expressions, example -> https://i.imgur.com/FrUflDC.png
01:30:636 (1,2,3,4,5) - 比较建议01:31:178 (2,3) - 01:31:901 (4,5) - 叠起来,而不是叠在滑条尾,一个是移动很难为打hard的人,另一个是,音的强度和点击性我觉得是1 23 45
如果你拆成两个的话,需要注意一下这里音乐没有那么强烈的,但是你的间距却和后面01:34:612 (2,3) - 差不多,并且节奏也是两个1/2滑条,也就是说会出现失衡的情况的,因此建议是1换成两个圈 2是按照上面1/1的改,再考虑下?
01:07:775 (2) - Like the vocals here, it is strong enough, would be better for Hard version. that's what I think.
01:34:431 (1,2) - ctrl-g rhythm? i feel 01:34:973 - is more fitting grouping with 01:35:154 (3,4,5) - instead