mapped by RandomeLoL
This beatmap was ranked on 15 August 2023!
nominated by Furryswan and Decku
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00:01:466 - these more standoutish noises for the melody could do with a bit more exaggeration imo. ik the snapping does it justice as well as the spacing but maybe you could force a more abrupt playstyle to better contrast with everything around it? like everything is super flowy, but these sounds are like super abrupt compared to all the rollier dumps around it.

you could maybe incorporate jack usage to better show that contrast like this, it helps strengthen that double when playing to again make it feel a bit more vibrant

more personal taste if anything


its more for the sets of 3 if anything, i feel like jacking stuff like 00:00:986 (986|3,986|2,1106|0) - comes off a bit too forced, as the single note there sorta brings enough contrast as is. its mainly for the groups of 3 for that melody, like 00:03:386 (3386|3,3386|0,3506|2,3626|1) -


also helps with contrasting later sections with more quieter versions of the melody like 00:18:746


I don't dislike the idea as it makes sense! However these were moreso just filler. The Kalimba is not the main focus of this segment - the growls and synths as well as the vocals throughout the set. So with these I've simply taken a PR approach.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

have a feeling geo's ones were a bit better but oh well


(Could be also applied in Insane)

It seems notes for the vocal at 00:23:306 - supposed to be 1/8th earlier?

Starting from 00:23:306 - was also fine, but starting from 1/2th line there felt quite unreasonably forced.


Would prefer having this current structure. Having a periodic 1/8 grace every 1/2 till 00:23:546 better aligns with both the cymbals and the highest attack of the vocals. While playing, that startup shouldn't be all that noticeable I'd reckon.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

00:23:906 (23906|1) - move last note to col 3 to apply a jack tbh, you kinda lose the feeling given the rolly nature of everything around here, also helps with complementing other jacks in this section like at 00:24:386 (24386|0,24506|3,24506|0)


Can do. The sounds which later jacks are justified by become too present here to simply ignore.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

00:24:026 - p sure the sounds here are delayed a bit more than what youve mapped them to. they feel slightly early and are more pronounced on slightly later snappings.

its a 2/7th, 1/2th, then a 7/9th respectively. i can understand for simplicity's sake but they still feel a taaaaad early

would be applicable to most of the notes following this rhythm throughout here


same might apply to insane as welll


Could be done. Initially these were going at the very start of the sound, but aiming for their peaks could be helpful. Applied.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

The intensity of structures from 00:29:786 - to 00:31:226 - could have more anchors and mini-jacks to emphasis vocals. Right now, structures there were too roll-ish and smooth, despite of the rough vocalization of rap.



Sure, don't mind adding some extra strain to this part.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

Won't be adding that much column tension with the jacks however, specially the first 3x note anchor. Again I didn't really like stitching two different segments together, and the triple should be the conclusion of the previous segment and the start of the next one rather than a bridge between both.


not a fan of the representation of 00:30:026 (30026|0,30066|1,30106|2,30146|3,30186|2,30266|3)

the vocal seems a lot harsher for the m, but the quiet extension of the vocal imo doesnt really warrant a more forceful 1/12 roll into a trill
atop that, the vocal seems continually more prominent throughout til the 1/1, so cutting it off at 00:30:226 visually is a bit of an odd choice to make tbh

id simplify it a bit personally, i think overforcing strain for these vocals before an intense chorus kinda ruins the intensity the next section will bring

(theres gonna be more mods for these vocal bursts as an fyi cus i think representation feels a bit funny)


Representation here is quite wavy yes. The over exaggeration of the vocals here was a conscious choice to bring them up a notch. I'd very much prefer that this stays as it is or use the old version which was a bit less strainy on the one hand.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

00:30:666 (30666|3,30706|2) - why more strain here with tighter snapping for a weakening vocal? seems a bit counterintuitive tbh, especially as it forces more strain when playing, although not as noticeable as some of the more intense sections

id cut it off, or weaken the snapping personally

subsequently flip 00:30:746 (30746|0,30866|0,30926|1,30986|3,31026|2,31106|1,31226|3,31226|2) this to better hand balance etc


It's getting tighter leading into the next vocals, and where these are easily pronounced, they get made into the next jack in 00:30:746 (30746|0,30866|0). The burst is as it is to represent the lingering part of the vocals and the impact I want to give to each one via gameplay as they're being pronounced.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

00:31:346 (31346|0,31386|1) flow for these next vocals feels too dense, especially for a more harsh vocal, visually it feels a bit too streamy and defeats the purpose of the jack, and you sorta lose the feeling going into the next burst. id just weaken this to a single note

id also weaken the final vocal burst to smth like this

again cus vocal fade out, its weaker towards its end, and makes playing a bit more comfy going into the jack after this


Coming back to the last two points of having a clear idea here and wanting to leave them as is. The final climax I wanted it to be a smidge denser climaxed by the Kalimba at 00:31:706. Again the focus here is the exaggeration of the vocals and their "linger-ness" rather than going from intensity alone.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

00:32:306 (32306|3,32346|1) - personally would tighten some of these graces in this section, smth like 1/16th or you can experiment with tighter snaps at a different bpm

visually they just dont help attaining the emphasis that the notes would have if the section was lighter; it just feels crowded and the larger gap between them becomes way too loose, so it starts to play more stream-y than going for that emphasis to break up the doubles.


looking at 00:33:266 (33266|1,33306|2,33386|3,33446|2,33506|1) it doesnt help either, especially with the rolly flow it has, it just feels like a delayed stream rather than proposing the emphasis these two separate sounds have


also goes for a lot of the graces in this section, denser sections look and feel more streamy, especially at this low a bpm. they need to stand out more to give that grace-y emphasis youre looking for


A lot of the decisionmaking behind these bursts do not take into account visuals. The idea of keeping everything stream-like while still offering highlights in the different motifs in the synth was a conscious choice in its flow. I didn't like the first iterations where everything was too stop & go and the flow seems to cut every other beat. Hence, the focus for these segments is the strain they produce. Their kinesthetics so to speak.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

Unlike #3540893 , using double at 00:38:666 (38666|0,38666|3) - and jack at 00:38:666 (38666|3,38786|3,38906|3) - was rather a loss than a benefit since ...

... the jack connects with the next double at 00:38:906 (38906|3,38906|2) -, which gave an extra emphasis at 00:38:426 (38426|1,38466|3,38506|1,38546|2,38666|3,38706|2,38746|1,38786|3) -, which led the left hand feel 00:38:666 (38666|0,38746|1) - quite emphasized by comparison.

... the structure at 00:38:506 (38506|1,38546|2,38666|3,38666|0,38706|2,38746|1) - didn't feel so consistently nerfed, due to the double at 00:38:666 (38666|3,38666|0) - and the note stack at 00:38:506 (38506|1,38546|2,38706|2,38746|1) - .


Hence, consider just removing that double to single, and remove jack at 00:38:666 (38666|3,38786|3,38906|3) - . Try applying only single notes to that dump:


I'm fine trying to adapt the pattern to remove the anchor mentioned. However I'd really like keeping the double as it's this segment's base that the dump is working on top of.

Using 00:38:186 (38186|3,38186|2), 00:38:426 (38426|0,38426|1), 00:38:666 (38666|0,38666|3), 00:38:906 (38906|3,38906|2), and 00:39:146 (39146|3,39146|0) as kickstarters for each time the vocals are played in a periodic fashion. Removing the double would make that part more flimsy to play.

Modified the arrangement at 00:38:666 to remove the hammer made in between.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

id reorganise these 1/4th at 00:53:306 (53306|2,53306|3,53426|1,53546|2,53666|0,53786|2,53786|3,53906|1,54026|2,54146|0) to better fit the vocals. i can hear and see what youre going for with the quieter synths in the bg but the vocals are wayyyy too significant to ignore.

keep the 1/4th, just priorities the vocals as thats kinda the main focus of the music at that point; they stand out way too much to ignore and looks weird with the repeating pattern without any changes representing the vocals


00:54:506 (54506|2,54506|0,54566|3,54626|0,54686|1) - helps blend this in too cus youre focussing on the vocal emphasis here, allows for consistency of representation


Not really a fan on bringing the vocals here again. I did want to make these segments feel unique considering the break is unique to begin with. Though in a vacuum the vocal idea is not bad at all and while tinkering with the set it seemed to work well! I just ended up preferring the contrast this offers.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

01:04:239 (64239|3) - Purposely unsnapped?


Yep, just like 01:08:066 (68066|0,68079|3) I wanted to give that extra detail to the "Oh" sample. Though in practice it just behaves like a double, it looks and plays in a more fancy way.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

(Can become a double if that's too much of an issue, I don't mind)


01:05:866 (65866|2,66026|3,66066|2,66146|3) - Swap these columns to give more emphasis to the sounds placed at 01:05:306, and the bigger emphasis at 01:06:266


Don't think I get this one.

  • Do you mean changing the notes in Col. 3 with the ones in Col. 4?
  • The idea here was to have this half beat 01:06:026 - 01:06:266 less straining as only the vocals are heard up until 01:06:266. Wasn't searching emphasis so much so as contrast between segments.
  • Guessing you mean giving some more emphasis to 01:05:306 because of the "Hey" sample behind it?

Pretty much, that was the ideal of it. :3


I'm fine keeping it as it is right now. The emphasis here wasn't so much cumulative, but I just wanted to focus on the main vocals rather than accumulate extra samples in the background. Hence, that's why the trill-jacks are going to the "Fire" samples.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

01:12:986 (72986|3,72986|2,73026|1,73066|2,73106|0) vs 01:13:466 (73466|0,73466|1,73506|2,73546|1,73586|3) are two different intensities. i know youre focussing on the vocal but again visually and playability wise theyre the exact same, despite the first having waaaaaaay more oomph

either buff that first burst or weaken the latter, whichever fits best


I get ya but I really wanted to use repetition in these segments as they consolidated the ideas. They are already exaggerating the vocals by quite a stretch, so slight variances to that structure might make it more confusing to come by. From the playtests I've gathered, the repetitions were a highlight of the segment so I'd like to maintain that idea.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

01:26:426 (86426|2,86426|3,86466|1,86506|2,86546|0,86666|1,86666|3,86692|2,86746|0) comparing the vocals here, 'most' and 'with the' have two different strengths. the first fits well, but you impose the same left hand motion for vocals which are a lot harsher and sudden, and i dont think it plays well to do so

id make the latter vocal either flow a different way, or just weaken that grace and change flow entirely using minijacks or smth. just make it different cus its just a repeated motion atm


I believe making the second grace a bit weaker might help yep. Can do.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

Opted with a 1/8 approach, but still jacking it with the previous note to not lose as much strain.


01:27:146 - and 03:16:586 - could have singles, considering sound's intensity. Keeping doubles on those timelines in Insane would be fine, but in the top diff, removing them would be slightly better, I think.


I sure can. Originally these were for the snares, but given how in contrast to the other snares, these are not accompanied by anything, I believe it's going to be fine delayering them for contrast's sake.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

01:51:866 - Think this section here should be better with it just incorporating the 1/8 snap exclusively, considering it's lower in intensity, and although the sound is there would have better difference as a "break" section.


Can do.

Done so except on 01:59:606 and its mirror'd segment as I'd want to emphasize on the sounds stacking on each other.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

01:58:266 (118266|1,118346|2,118466|3) not a fan of the representation here personally. that extended warble that starts here kiiiinda takes priority and its weird to play when feeling it start later than is proposed

i see the sounds you attribute this to but i think consistently applying the stream here regardless would fit overall

like you ignore the stronger beat at 01:59:546 (119546|3) given its lack of a double to emphasise the warbles, so continue that fully if so


again applies wherever represented like this
just make warbles start consistently pls


02:05:786 - oh but not in this section, i think it works more favourably here given the distinct lack of intensity in the music


I could give the intro of those parts a bit more meat to their bones, but I won't go too overboard with it.

A couple extra 1/8ths should give that extra bit of power at the start while maintaining the structure.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

02:22:766 (142766|2) - Intended ghost note?


Nope, just a small big woopsie

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

02:33:626 - omg its a jole the box reference


yeah and I suck at both 🔥


02:36:986 (156986|2,157026|3,157266|2,157506|2,157546|3) - stuff like this feels weird given the similar flow for vocal and synth.

id say change flow of the first grace in the highlight for that vocal to differentiate it from the upcoming synths


Changed to 1/9 to give it a slight different hint of flow.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

Both note density and pattern's intensity from 02:44:906 - to 02:45:506 - , and from 02:48:506 - to 02:49:546 - are so lower than their sound's intensity. Try applying much faster snaps or applying one or two more notes.


Yeah that's fair, I'll try experimenting with this and see how it fares.

Marked as resolved by RandomeLoL

For the second timestamp though I really wanted something way more simple both to hit and to see given the echo'ing and softening of everything outside of the growls, basically as if I were only want to represent said growls and the veeeery faint vocals surrounding them.


02:48:986 - More smoother entrance in these types of synth, maybe consider doing a more flowed snap instead of a more rapid one? e.g:


The part's weird to understand but here it made sense. I wouldn't want that 1/8 in particular to be changed as it is following the same as 02:48:746 (168746|3,168776|2,168806|1,168826|0).

Basically the overall idea to follow here is:

  • Faster snap, more noticeable synth/growl
  • Jacks = vocal emphasis
  • Column 1 starting from 02:48:026 is mostly to repeat the "wop" vocal samples going on.

I'd be more concerned if something plays "poorly" than emphasis, so lmk if that is the case in any of these parts with the ideas being followed!


That's ok then :3

Marked as resolved by Decku