mapped by fayew
This beatmap was ranked on 15 October 2023!
nominated by Deif and GiGas
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00:02:050 ~ 00:13:715 - Notes on the blue tick are pretty questionable (ex:00:03:438 (6)). You map for the beeping noise in this section, but ignore the noise on 00:03:346 when it is the beeping noise. There also seems to be sounds that you ignored which I do deserve recognition such as 00:04:920. I think a repolish in this section is needed.


this is literally a first entering sections of the map it doesnt really need any complex rhythm


few reasons why i did that:

  1. contrast with a higher nelly's diff
  2. 00:03:161 (5,6) and 00:04:457 (4,5,6) - are different in pitch/intensity(?) that why it have different emphasis

There also seems to be sounds that you ignored which I do deserve recognition such as 00:04:920

  1. i want to keep things a bit simple for entering section
Marked as resolved by Morusya

So, I think a repolish in this section is not needed! Feel free to post anything specific if you have anything to say with my concept in mind


because it sounds higher pitched to me + i want gameplay diversity in this section + its fine

Marked as resolved by Morusya

00:12:235 (6,1) - missing hdash?



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i feel like this section is fine as it is now

Marked as resolved by Morusya

00:25:753 (1) - I like the idea movement in the slider here, however, the movement at 00:28:531 - starts a bit earlier than the other two. It starts on the red tick while the others at 00:27:235 - and 00:30:198 - start on the big white tick


it starts on white tick because synth sound on 00:28:716 starts earlier than other ones?

Marked as resolved by Morusya

idk seems ok to me


Just relooked. You right I pulled a dumb here


00:49:457 - 01:07:142 comfy to play for me


00:49:457 ~ 01:07:142 - This section has a ton of antiflow triplet wiggles, but when it is presented seems really random to me. Would restructure this section so that it has antiflows only when the song supports it on the trills. EX) 00:57:975 ~00:58:253 , 00:55:012 ~ 00:55:290.

After further modding, it seemed like the 2 diffs above here seem to do the same thing. I think this patterning is acceptable in overdose and above but just not rain. This section alone tops kimitakaris's overdose difficulty imo.


I think this patterning is acceptable in rains and we have a ranked map with such a thing.

Marked as resolved by Morusya

The part that you mentioned is much easier to play than what the map currently presents. 01:05:012 (7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12). This is way too overkill. Please nerf this section and I think the rest will be fine.

Reopened by GiGas


Marked as resolved by skill issue lol

(resolved because moru fixed that part)


00:54:364 (5) - x186, it hurts a bit to see a single triple with a more unconventional flow.


okie dokie

Marked as resolved by Morusya

01:12:975 (9,1,2,3,4) - this honestly feels like an overdose pattern, not like patterns you'd see in a rain lmao you're asking too much out of players who are just coming out of platters:

  • introduces 1/4 hdashes (good)
  • introduces hyperdashes within sliders in their droplets (okay)
  • introduces consecutive 1/2 hyperdashes (sure)
  • introduces wiggle movements/left right 1/4s (oh no)
  • introduces quick antiflow turnarounds like 01:27:975 (1,2,3) -
  • mixes and matches all the aforementioned together (example 01:33:161 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - here) expecting platter players/even mildly seasoned rain players to cope let alone adapt (very scary)

yea chief i think this is a low sr overdose, would ask 4/5 digit players for testplays and feedback


someone cooked here


just started modding the platter in case i could find comparison points and yea no XD, the jump in difficulty between what the platter is doing and what the rain starts to do is far too ludicrous to be acceptable i think, if whoever comes out of the platter can one shot pass, let alone fc the kiai overall, then id think they were cracked af

id personally make this rain difficulty be responsible of introducing the platter player to 1/4 density streams and hypers but not all that other stuff, as nelly's overdose during its first minute of gameplay does a far more controlled job of introducing wiggle/antiflow 1/4 stuff to the rain player (peppering them here and there before its kiai), introducing them in this diff is far too soon


i have committed food poisoning




actually tbh i want m0ru to balance this kiai since hes much comfortable with mapping/playtesting rains


TRIED TO FIX MYSELF pplease lmk if there are any flaws

Marked as resolved by skill issue lol

i went through the diff again, the kiai is far more manageable now than it was before (save some sections where the distance between objects is way too ambiguous to be walkable but too close to be dashable like 01:32:420 (1,2,3) -), but i'm still concerned about stuff like 00:49:457 - the section starting here all the way up to the kiai using stuttery dash patterns like 00:53:901 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - , and wiggle repeats all across the board like 00:49:827 (2) - 00:55:753 (2) - 00:59:457 (10,11,12) - , ambiguous walk-dash stuff like 01:00:753 (1,2,3) - immediately followed by strenuous patterning like 01:01:309 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - all these (way too antiflowy), among more. it feels like a nerfed overdose more than a rain

Reopened by Cielbami

did smth on my parts, leaving the rest for m0ru



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01:13:161 (1) and 01:25:012 (1) - Breaks the guideline that hyperdashes should not be used on individual drops and/or slider repetitions.


i know


rearranged slider shape for my part tho so its less intense after previous build-up


we know

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(i have also rearranged the slider a little bit)


we have removed these btw since we even forced a proposal for that LMAO


01:13:161 (1) - 01:25:012 (1) - regardless of this in itself does not fit when compared with what the song provides, its overdone and already was brought up even before I put eyes on this map


asked by zerokt for opinions. I agree that these two sliders don't fit the music, and the difficulty goes beyond the expectation by a rain player. The sounds at the start of the two sliders are just regular snares that don't even last long. The jump is not even on the snare sounds but 1/2 beats after. I can't understand why these patterns are designed in this way in a rain difficulty.




it fits the music

Marked as resolved by Morusya

reopen if you have a proper suggestions how to fix this """problem""", im not taking this proposal seriously no matter how many people agree with it, thats way too subjective


idk the idea of "fitting and not fitting" is so subjective like the proposal is (unless its accepted and integrated into the rc system i'm not taking it for granted) and i gave my opinion about it. it is FUN and CAN be used properly and sparingly. the sounds are quite noticeable and unique due to their pitch and position in the song


difficulty goes beyond the expectation by a rain player

i really wonder if you asked any rain player to play it (or any kind of sliders like this in other maps) or just posted your thoughts like only true ones without even asking a core audience of the difficulty

i've met enough new players who went from very beginning to odose gaming and hypersliders/hyperdroplets wasnt a problem for them at rain difficulty already


fyi originally this sliders was like this but i had to change due to some hareimu mod

if something like this would fix the "issue" i dont mind to change it back to original state, however i still want to hear a proper reason for a fix which is not a "hyperdroplets bad"


I asked several rain players to playtest the difficulty and not a single one was able to get a fullcombo on the map, with the hypersliders part being shitmissed on sightread by every single one of them.
Furthermore I personally don't feel comfortable nominating the set with a rain whose difficulty curve is such that you can easily rename the diff to overdose and nobody would bat an eye.
The 1/4 repeat 160bpm wiggle patterns that are all over the place in the sections before the kiais begin are way too much for actual rain players (not overdose players who are just passingly playing the rain of the set for completion's sake), and I will stand by this.

Reopened by Cielbami

any solutions then? is it only "remove the hyperslider" or will there be anything of a middle ground? me and moru are pretty much open for discussions but not when we're just thrown at with "This is bad change"


i really do not understand how you come to the conclusion that what has been said amounts to "this bad, change" when i've pointed out across like 4 suggestions all over that the difficulty is way too potent for a rain, these hypersliders included
the solution is as simple as mapping the thing in any other way that doesn't use a hyperdroplet 3/2 slider for the sake of it lol, even if it does technically "fit" what the song is doing it's still far too much of a departure difficulty-wise in a section that's already filled with several dense 1/4 streams and requiring very experienced catcher control to handle
i get that people want to innovate when mapping new things as of late but you cooked way too hard with this difficulty, thats all


If you want even more of a valid point, compare the difficulty spike between what the platter does with its relatively balanced density and hyperdash presence throughout, to what the rain does; if a platter player were to touch it, they would immediately delete the set out of frustration saying "this is way too much".


okay, i see

we will discuss this with m0ru in dms privately and elaborately. no one is to close or reopen this point, i think there is enough points and arguments for us to think through


after some discussion w m0ru and hareimu we decided to eliminate these sliders and map as 1/4 rhythms instead

Marked as resolved by skill issue lol

since reimu is no longer a bn for this BRING SLIDERS BACK




01:13:624 (2) - should remove it cuz 01:25:012 (1,2) - u didn't map 01:25:475 this notes.


mapped 01:25:475 instead

Marked as resolved by skill issue lol

01:14:642 (1,2,3) & 01:16:124 (1,2,3) - I don't think a rain should have standstills that look like antiflows. Something that you did on 01:17:605 (1,2,3) fits better and is better to play.


01:26:494 (1,2,3) - @fayew wtf is this


did something for my sections



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01:24:642 (6,7,8,9,10) - slightly overmapped. 01:24:688 & 01:24:781 no sound here, just simple 1/4s.



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01:39:850 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:45:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - I get the concept behind, though these sliders should start 1/16 beat earlier, so the sliderstarts are placed on the beats they should be and not the sliderends as it is now (plus all your sliderstarts are on 5% volume sections, which is also meh). You can either remove a repetition from 01:39:087 (5) - 01:45:013 (5) - or split those sliders w/repetition into two 15/16 sliders, so you keep the concept.


applied for moru

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01:47:999 (5) - End of slidertail to x=373 so it is even more comfortably caught when walking.



Marked as resolved by Morusya

01:51:679 (2) - Could use more movement on the sliders. Gameplay on this slider is too bland rn.



Marked as resolved by Morusya

01:53:161 (1,2,3) - this look a bit weird for me cuz 01:53:161 (1) - are following kick more than piano. Then, 01:53:901 (2,3) - here suddenly turned to follow piano.
I would suggest like these to follow the sound.
If kick sound,

If piano,


btw remember to add nc cuz over 14 object here


i followed piano here but the reason why i started 01:53:161 (1) on its place because i dont want to make big 1/1 gap from 01:52:975 to 01:53:346

Marked as resolved by Morusya

01:53:161 (1,2,3) - the volume of these feels way too overpowering for what the snares in the song are actually doing (increasing in volume), id add some green lines to progressively increase their volume from like 45% back to the 70% youre using

pls review if there are similar sections in the rest of the map(s) you can apply this to, as -45 really likes to play with volume stuff and representing that would do wonders to the set


i will do this later but agree



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01:55:753 (3) - nc cuz 01:54:642 (1,2,3,4) - too long and 24 objects here


recheck 01:53:161 to 02:00:475 this part of NC thing cuz somewhere is over 14 so i don't point them out



Marked as resolved by Morusya

redownloaded as of july 12th and 01:55:753 (3) - this is still not nc'd when something like 01:58:716 (1) - this is (and its in the same part of the section musically speaking), could clear the catcher up here tbh
would also add 01:57:605 (3) - nc here since its on a downbeat and 01:59:827 (3) - for the same reason as the first one

Reopened by Cielbami

i'll nc for moru

Marked as resolved by skill issue lol

pretty sure i did NCs in version i sent fayew, idk why it didnt work :eksdee:


02:02:790 (5,6) - The sliders that stop on the blue tick seem pretty random when it is a similar sound to 02:05:753 (5,6).
02:08:716 (3,4) and 02:02:790 (5,6) are the only times that sliders that on the blue come up so I would just make these end on red ticks.


02:02:790 (5,6) - are more higher-pitched comparing to 02:05:753 (5,6) so thats why i have different emphasis

Marked as resolved by Morusya

02:05:753 (5,6) - sounds more deep yknow


02:14:642 (5,6) - The rhythm usage is noticeably different compared to 02:05:753 (5,6). I honestly prefer 02:05:753 (5,6) rather than what you have rn.


i did that in sake of contrast of 02:00:568 and 02:12:420 sections, keeping same rhythm would be too monotone and i dont really like any other options

Marked as resolved by Morusya

The spacing with 02:21:587 (4,5,6) - 02:22:327 (4,5,6) - 02:22:790 (1,2) - and 02:23:253 (5,6) - confuse me a bit as they look as though you should dash them but they are also walkable at the same time and end up being pretty ambiguous imo.



Marked as resolved by Morusya

02:24:087 (2,1) - look cool here. But unfortunately, at least 125ms between notes and start of the spinner. Current only 93ms :(




did something

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