mapped by AWMRone
This beatmap was ranked on 29 May 2024!
nominated by Protastic101 and Carpihat
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The difficulty spike seems to be within an acceptable range since the pattern gradually increases in difficulty in a linear manner from the beginning to the end, and the BPM of the song also steadily increases. It is understandable that the difficulty level increases due to the song's BPM, so it would be unfair to criticize it for that.


0:00~4:00 AWMRone🤮
4:00~7:12 Tyrcs👑


I'm here about the ✨ending spike

First thing, note density:

Second thing, note arrangement and placement:

  • Because of the 3/2 synth accents, I think it would be helpful for readability to stack the chords in sets of three, e.g. 06:35:712 (395712|1,395712|0,395817|1,395817|0,395922|0,395922|2) - is all [12] chords until it switches chord again after 06:36:028 - after which you can use two stacked chords, like this: .
  • Doing the above would probably be simple enough with readability that you can use quads again for the 3/2 accents, but as of now, quads are too demanding considering the coordination required to nail all the jacks at this BPM.

Third thing, trills:

Fourth thing, 1/4 dense jumpstream:

  • 06:40:764 - I think you can still keep the density here but the patterning does need to be made to be more natural to flow rather than this rigid trill like structure. You could keep some trills but in combination with the anchors present like 06:41:291 (401291|4,401396|4,401501|4,401607|4) - or 06:41:607 (401607|3,401712|3,401817|3) - , it's hardddd. Either make the streams themselves a bit more linear and easier to flow or keep the trills but reduce all your anchors to 3 notes or less at most and ensure that any 3 note anchors are juxtaposed with two handed trill-like motion (e.g. 1-4-1-5-1 would be an acceptable arrangement since the anchor is isolated on the left hand).

I think if some sort of implementation of these suggestions are made, the ending will still be extremely difficult, but not unfairly so.


1、06:36:554 - to 06:37:396 - and 06:39:922 - to 06:40:764 - change to 3+2 structure
2、06:41:607 (401607|4) - delete this

Marked as resolved by AWMRone

Hi! reopening this post with some suggestions ive written in the bn server.

06:48:659 (408659|0,408712|1,408764|4,408764|0,408817|3,408870|4,408870|0,408922|1,408975|4,408975|0) - this is heavily unnecessary, giving a weak sound so much emphasis really dilutes pattern impact for all the upcoming jumpstreams, make it a bit easier at least (not complaining about difficulty)
05:11:389 (311389|4,311449|0,311509|1,311569|0,311629|2,311689|0,311749|2,311809|4,311869|2,311929|4,311989|3,312049|4) - same etc

06:52:291 (412291|1,412343|0,412396|1,412449|0,412554|1,412554|0,412659|1,412764|0,412870|1,412870|0,413028|1,413080|0,413133|1) - quite the hand bias here. rebalance patterns to make it even

06:55:975 (415975|4,416028|3,416080|4,416185|3,416238|4,416291|3,416396|3) - this is just super uncomfortable to hit. in 4k by default these patterns are rarely used and already play quite bad but this is a whole other world. this needs to be smoother
06:57:659 (417659|0,417712|1,417764|0,417870|1,417922|0,417975|1) - same

Reopened by [GB]Rick

12 seems a normal delay for background sound 345 don’t feel unbalance and uncomfortable when playing by myself .

Marked as resolved by AWMRone

Let's talk about the ending spike first. I can see that kimgod made a post about how the spike is justifiable given the progressive nature of the map's difficulty curve, but I think many others, including myself, will find the last minute of the map way too hard, beyond what would normally be accepted.

The cause of the spike (starting 06:24:745~) has already been brought up in map discussions prior to this post - the bpm is a lot higher, and there are a lot of very tricky anchors and one handed trills. I see that there has been responses to them but I don't think they have been properly addressed, and I don't see how the spike can be justifiable considering that it's a lot bigger of a jump than any other increase in difficulty in the map. Even 3~4 note anchors can be very hard with such hand biases and disconnectedness, especially considering that all other sections of similar density had been much simpler.

Even without any nerfs to density (the density here itself is actually very fair), reducing anchor difficulty and hand biases alone should bring this section's difficulty down to be more in line with other parts of the map. This includes not only simply nerfing anchor lengths, but better distributing it across columns to provide room for recovery.


keep for now after discuss with test player :3

Marked as resolved by AWMRone

OD HP better 7.5 8.5 这种图hp8太低 od8 又太高 属于上不去下不来



Marked as resolved by AWMRone

Small feedback from Aitor98's testplay and review of the final part:

  1. 07:04:339 - The anchor at col.4 hinders playability a lot in this section, it should be avoided
  2. 07:02:129 (422129|2,422234|2,422339|2,422445|2,422550|2,422655|2) As funny as this pattern is, the anchor is too unreasonable for a transition like this, it would be better to change to a different trilly pattern

waiting for tyrcs

  1. 07:04:339 - this plays fine for me, so i would like to keep
  2. 07:02:129 - personally i dont think this anchor is hard to play, would like to wait for more opinions

yz1155's sugg: He said now anchor maybe too hard of 7.8* 5K map. Move to space may better.


Rearranged this part

Marked as resolved by AWMRone

02:37:392 (157392|1) - 这个面缩短一点然后给后面的三押改成四押?


I dont think so cuz the LN here is continous 后面干脆的鼓点再用4叠

Marked as resolved by AWMRone

02:49:580 - to 03:00:080 - this entire part it's awfull


yes. I m a noob :(

Marked as resolved by AWMRone

even this map considering as an hard map, please consider more about playability


Do some testplays I think the whole strucure is ok :3. Some pattern will improved by modding

Marked as resolved by AWMRone