Having lyrics on a colorful background like this one doesn't seem to work that well, especially considering the font design you've chosen as it looks like something more that would fit street style.
We definitely do not want to have the lyrics appear on a black screen and need something that would appear on the background, thus I'm suggesting to use something else, maybe a brick wall might work to imitate a graffiti styling? It might also be beneficial to change the font and lyrics settings a little to fit the idea even more.
Sorry, but just get rid of the falling circles, they feel really random.
In case you want to have your background differ somehow on the parts where you used the particles, I guess you could try using a different sprite with lower opacity and that would be bigger, so it looks like some light floating around rather than unrealistically huge snowflakes.
What's even the purpose of shaking the "ultrasex" lyrics? This just looks random as they don't have anything special in the music around them except for the pause gap which doesn't usually want to be represented by effects like this.
I highly suggest you to get rid of shaking for "ultrasex", but keep it for the kiai part where they sing the f word.
I'm not entirely sure what the correct lyrics are here, I have looked at like 4 different lyric listings and the only one that seems to have it the way you suggest is bandcamp, is there a way we could resolve this for certain (I don't know what bandcamp is, but if its more reputable let me know)
https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/sv/Beatmap/Primary_metadata_source. Bandcamp is what most artists use to upload their albums. It's as official as you're gonna get
Some parts of lyrics on your sb is wrong
change it
00:09:551 and every time he says that line - i've
00:25:045 - i got subdued and everytime he says that line ---> https://imgur.com/a/lD04umQ
00:33:630 - landing ( btw 02:01:854 - is right)
02:10:341 - take me now---> https://imgur.com/a/RXIbp82
ur missing hifumi's names in tags also english also some other stuff i sent u a fixed osz on discord with new mp3 also also also
i might forget about it in the future but please use the same mp3 mirash used in his set 1780095#3568616
based on this https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1547973#osu/3163286 . idk if the actual song has the censor but i figured it would apply here too