mapped by Arutsuki
This beatmap was ranked on 18 December 2022!
nominated by Flask and Okoayu
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00:23:689 (1,2,3,4) - maybe make the spacing on 00:23:839 (3,4) - larger than 00:23:689 (1,2) - since the pitch there is higher


the spacing between (1,2) and (3,4) should be enough to represent the pitch imo, since there is no 1/4 jump on 00:23:614 (4,1)

Marked as resolved by Arutsuki

00:27:889 (3) - NC to be consistent with 00:26:689 (1,2)


00:26:689 (1,2) - same sound
00:26:989 (1) - un-same sound
00:27:589 (1,2,3) - all same sound

also 00:26:989 (1) is already a bit unnecessary to nc but it's there mainly just to suggest SV change

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00:27:889 (3) - don't you feel like ignoring this vocal end causing a 1/2 gap is a bit lackluster? I know it makes it easier for the movement for 00:27:889 (3,1) - but you have space to place this object further down on the playfield to be closer or use a triple into a slider instead


there's no vocal to follow though? 00:28:114 is just slight extension of the vocal note on 00:28:039 unless I'm just hearing it wrong, and this extension is barely audible when the 3 sounds before it are all clear vocal notes with loud drums, I feel like it's ok to ignore it

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00:29:739 - shouldn 3 be here i think



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00:34:339 (2) - making this slider a bit more visually distorted like 00:34:189 (1) - would be nice for sound emphasis



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00:40:189 (3) - could you please make the reverse arrow for this slider a bit more visible by raising sv/direction change/spacing for readability as its very hard to differentiate from stuff like 00:31:939 (1,2) -


raised sv a bit, it's a bit clearer now but in testplays i got so far it didn't seem to be a problem anyway as there's a 1/2 gap before it

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00:45:139 (1,2,3) - would probably move this elsewhere for readability sake


I think this is fine because once you're on 00:44:989 (5), 00:45:139 (1,2) is fully visible

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00:52:189 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - think you could do this just as a continuation of the accelerating stream since the melody seems to just be going up in pitch instead of doing these accents on downbeats. 00:52:414 (4,1) - especially doesn't seem to fit


idk i feel like it fits, 00:52:189 (1,2,3) - this spacing is different from the previous accel because from this point the snares are all the same intensity, and the slow down here 00:52:339 (3,4,1) - sets up contrast which helps emphasise the climax of the stream better

i'll keep this in mind though, if more people feel like this is an issue then I'll think of a way to change it

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00:54:289 - map this with 1/4?


would have to map 00:54:364 as well, and the only way to do that while still focusing on the drums is a repeat 1/4, which would look a little weird imo, especially cus the gap 00:54:214 (5,1) fits really well with the song

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00:56:089 (1,2,1,2) - sure about going decel with these? feel like the song just gets more intense with these


the pitch does go up, but the 1/8 drums kinda dissipate into white noise and it gets quieter, so i feel the slow-down fits + it helps emphasise the jump and then complete stop of motion here 00:56:389 (1)

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01:01:789 (1,2) - could swap nc so it's more apparent to be aware that this is not 1/4-gapped lol right now it looks a bit like that


01:20:389 (1,2) - same thing


02:11:057 (1) - this nc feels unnecessary


yep done

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01:02:089 (3) - possibly change slidershape to better emphasize this strange sound plus to differentiate it from 01:02:989 (1,2,3) - these upcoming sliders



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01:04:039 (3) -maybe make this 2 circles to distinguish this from 01:03:439 (3) - since the sounds are different


I'd say it's different enough with its length, I'd like to map this passively cus the whole section of music slows down compared to what's surrounding it. Will keep in mind tho if others raise the same issue

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01:05:239 (3,4,1) - could just make one continued burst for playability


the playability is fine, the whole pattern 01:05:014 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) is basically back n forth, and removing the 1/4 jump would kinda ruin the emphasis on 01:05:389 (1)

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01:07:339 (1) - maybe NC like this since sounds like 01:07:339 and 01:07:489 or 01:07:789 and 01:07:939 (4) - sound like a group


did something similar, started the NCs on 01:07:789 (1) and 01:08:239 (1) instead but for the same reasoning

Marked as resolved by Arutsuki

01:07:339 (1) - very easy to miss read this and not see the gap there, plus the slider body is obscured

would be nicer here


idk all the testplays i got so far sightread that with ease, and imo it's fine

the change would also mess with the theme of aim changes on specific sounds (move on 01:07:339 (1,2) 01:07:789 (1,2) 01:08:239 (1,2) these sounds, and pretty much stop completely when they're not present)

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01:11:314 (2,4) - maybe use different sliders here from 01:10:639 (3) - since they represent completely different sounds


also for 01:11:089 (1) - maybe use a rhythm like since the strong sound(snare+ vocal) is on 01:11:389 while it is currently on a sliderend


changed 01:10:639 (3) to be different from 01:11:314 (2,4)

As for the rhythm, I feel like not every individual sound has to be mapped actively, and here the active focus is on one specific sound. It would feel weird to change focus at the very end of the section, especially when the blue tick rhythm is much more interesting and fun to play imo.

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01:16:789 for this section, maybe consider lowering the sv of the part until 01:19:114 since currently the sv is the same as 01:19:189 (1,2,3) - but the later part is way more intense , consider lowering it to 1.3-1.5x


if the concern is the difference between this section 01:19:189 (1) and this section 01:21:589 (1), I think it will be better to raise the sv in the latter section instead.

That way, since each straight slider section is lower in pitch than the previous, it will have a nice progression (1.7x->1.6x->1.5x)

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01:33:589 (2,3,1) - not sure why spacing here gets smaller when the pitch of the song gets higher? could possibly buff the spacing


the keys do go higher in pitch but also the low wubs go down in pitch, and trying to focus on both (bigger jumps but smaller sliders) would kinda ruin the feel compared to focusing on one or the other and it would ruin the pattern

and I chose to focus on the wubs here cus that's the focus of the patterning for the whole section 01:28:789 - 01:37:189

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01:41:239 (3) - reverse arrow is like completely obscured with opaque sliderends, please visually show the reverse arrow for playability, this is a little bit more important than the previous one



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01:41:989 - your evillllllll




01:51:157 (3) - uh is this supposed to not be perfectly overlapping the sliderend or is this a tiny error?


it's intentional yeah, it would look out of place and maybe suggest different rhythm cus the only perfectly overlapping thing in the sections before and after is 01:51:757 (1,2,3) -

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01:51:657 - There is some sound here, if you map this it would further the emphasize on 01:51:757 (1) -

how is blanket to 01:51:357 (4) - like


hmm I'll map the sound, but with the blanket I think it's too big of a jump so I'll put it somewhere else

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01:52:957 (1,2,3,4) - nc spam to highlight this would be cool and would also differentiate it from 01:53:357 (1,2) -


imo it doesn't look great on squares especially unless the sound is like reeeeally unique, this is just snares to kick off the section

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01:55:557 (5,1) - could avoid the overlap here and just move it into the space above


I like how the overlaps look in this section, but I adjusted them so that 01:55:257 (3,5,1) has consistent visual spacing so it doesn't look that messy. Gameplay-wise the angle is fine imo to emphasise the jump to 01:55:657 (1).

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01:55:957 (2) - you think it could be cool to ctrl+g this? seems like a nice contrast to me instead of going back 2 times


tried this while mapping also but it felt a bit underwhelming, esp for a sound that is in the song only twice

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02:02:157 (3) - could nc due to nc at 02:00:557 (1) -



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02:04:257 (4) - nc for change is sound could work here as well



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02:05:657 (1) - a case where a slider looks like the sound that's being emphasized


02:22:557 (3,4) - is this ds intentional? it's slightly bigger than others

prolly doesn't affect gameplaying that much tho but yea it looks nicer


it's intentional cus of the pitch changes, but adjusted it anyway to be a bit milder like 02:19:357 (3,4,5,1) -

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02:26:157 (1,2,3) - due to this sound being less sharp than the sounds at 02:25:857 (1,2,3) - you could lowering the spacing at 02:26:157 (1,2,3) -, maybe a pattern like would be a cool way to emphasize the different in sound instead of them being similar spacing


I'd say they're differentiated enough by being 1/8 sliders VS just circles, gameplay-wise also because 02:25:707 (2,3,1,2,3) is harder to hit properly than 02:26:157 (1,2,3), so that seems to fit the sharpness enough imo

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02:28:557 - to 02:31:357 - has really interesting rhythm changing, probably do these for more interesting.

02:29:123 (2) - guess this slider snap to 02:29:132 - end in 02:29:232 - (1/16)

02:30:157 - Could add 1/32 reverse slider here
( fanzhen's Another for 1/32 reference 01:02:729 (1) - )


oh cool I did not know that was rankable lol
added the 1/32 but the rest seems fine to me, 02:29:323 (1,2,3,4) is not 100% accurate but it's simplified to be playable at all

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02:29:123 (2) - uh kick sound is closer to like 02:29:257 instead of 02:29:223


both 02:29:223 and 02:29:257 sound off cus the real sound is somewhere in-between and I can't rly snap it there cus of the slider's start. the whole rhythm is mostly outside of osu capabilities so it's simplified where appropriate

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oh I think its actually 02:29:232 on 1/16 I think so its not out of osu capabilities, you can just use a new object for this sound and it would work fine honestly, because if you wanted to simplify you would need to extend the length of 02:29:123 (2) - and mute the end

Reopened by Mattay

yeah I think I'll have to add a timing change to make this accurate, didn't realize the ranked versions in other modes didn't rly need it here but std does cus of the sliders, mb. will do asap


ok fixed

Marked as resolved by Arutsuki

02:30:957 (1,2) - most likely going to have to do something about the spacing here. seems a bit brutal for the snapping change lol


I think this is fine, the spacing gets higher for each change in snapping, the real challenge is to hit those with good acc rather than aiming them

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i think it reads better if this is like spaced or something right now the difference between 1/4-gapped ds (02:30:957 (1,2) - ) and 1/6-gapped ds (02:30:757 (1,2,3) - ) doesn't look as apparent as it should be for reading purpose

Reopened by Flask

oh right I misunderstood the original mod as brutal=too big lol
i get it now, fixed

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02:31:757 (1) - unsnapped


yeah even with 1/16 snapping this is the closest i can get it to end at the red tick because of the tempo change. if there's a way to actually snap the end to the new bpm please lmk


02:33:357 - the red line here sounds perfectly fine without it, not sure why there is a bpm change :thonking: remove it so you can properly snap this slider, otherwise its impossible to do it


true I didn't realize that, mb, fixed now

Marked as resolved by Arutsuki

02:53:684 - could add a normal-sliderwhistle here


if u do that do it to the other sliders in the section too like 02:58:484 - 02:59:684 - 03:03:284 - etc


maybe the sliders could use a bit more hs impact but i personally don't like how normal-sliderwhistle sounds in general, i could try to make a higher volume soft-sliderslide or find some other custom sample for this section tho if that would help?


uhh if you can find samples that sound nicer i think it'd be an improvement yeah?


the normal sliderwhistle sounded nice to me on these sounds though lolo


putting soft sliderwhistle for now as an alternative, sounds much better to me while accomplishing the same thing. will leave this open tho in case flask wants to add anything



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03:00:884 (1,1,2,3) - I like the use of slidertails being a bit more visible from the overlap of the slider like 03:06:284 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - for visual and reading purposes especially when consider how much of 03:01:584 (2) - is actually hidden to the player


it's not really hidden at all, 03:01:484 (1) already indicates the presence of 03:01:584 (2,3), and by the time you get to 03:01:409, 03:01:584 (2) is either fully visible (hd) or ~75% visible with an approach circle going straight to it (nomod)

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03:06:284 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - think you should swap the spacing for these. the pitch goes up at 03:06:584 (1,2,3) -


i feel like gameplay-wise it makes more sense as is, cause you have this stream 03:06:284 (1,2,3,1) - leading into a pattern where you have to suddenly slow down, and this slow-down is a nice tool for emphasising certain sounds which I feel like it fits well here

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03:18:134 (2,1) - not perfectly overlapped with the sliderend 03:17:684 (1) - as 03:22:484 (1,2,3) - is perfectly overlapped


yeah idk why the game keeps doing this i swear i stacked them

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03:39:284 (1,2,3,4,5) - i would space these out a lot more

you have a lot of wide and big movements before, then you have these circular sliders where your cursor barely moves, the player probably wont even follow them because they are arranged awkwardly, it just kills a lot of momentum

maybe smth like this would be better


I see the point but I feel like this is rly up to the player, if I use bigger gaps between each slider they'd just be inclined to sort of move back and forth, there's no way to force anyone to follow the full curve unless I just put the next slider directly after the previous slidertail

if the player chooses to follow the sliders fully they'd have the same fun with either of the two variants

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03:40:409 (6,1) - was expecting this to be spaced cuz the music is giga intense maybe sth like this? or even larger ds


did smth similar

Marked as resolved by Arutsuki

03:41:834 - dunno the reading heavy pattern came kinda out of nowhere and then immediately goes away i think going something like 03:48:134 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - is more reasonable and readable for this, right now you just feel like you're shitmissing out of nowhere


alright, changed the first pattern to sort of ease the player into the second, should be enough introduction imo

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03:43:784 (1,1,1,1) - this nc spam doesnt really do anything

it would actually make the player think that its 1/3 while the snapping is still the same


yeah it's purely there for visuals, just like 03:34:184 (1,1,1,1,1) which is the same sound
I'll change it if people do actually misread it as 1/3 but I haven't seen that yet

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04:01:259 - i think that was the point of the pattern but i'd feel like easing into this pattern a bit more would be fairer by starting with some sort of movement


i get it might be a bit harder to play but i really like the contrast in movement, the stop emphasises the snare on 04:01:184 while also making the 2nd part of the stream feel more impactful. wouldn't work quite as well with more movement in the 1st part imo

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04:02:084 (1,1,1) - think you could make the slidershapes a bit more pronounced with each change. feel like it's barely noticeable right now



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04:29:684 - cool section :))


04:32:084 (1,1) - fail stack


idk why the game keeps doing this aaaaaaa

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04:36:284 (1) - offscreen



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04:37:784 (4) - nc to go with 04:36:884 (1,2,1,2) - perhaps?


imo that wouldn't look right even in gameplay cus 04:37:484 (1,2,3,4) would kinda indicate a different rhythm if (4) was NCd, right now it looks like one pattern altogether

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04:38:984 (1,2,3) - could change this to 2, 1/2 sliders bc 1/3 doesn't fit well with the rhythm of the song


I mean there is some faint 1/2 wubs starting there to build up to 04:39:284 (1), but other than that there's nothing? the 1/3 is mapped to the vocal samples just like the 1/4 before, 04:38:684 (1) is a bit simplified cus following the exact rhythm of the vocals would be ass to play

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04:42:809 (4,1,2) - that you have to stop for just this part of the stream doesn't really fit well with the high movement / excitement section something like 04:43:409 (7,1,2) - seems more natural


yeah i guess going with the overall feel is more fitting here even if the difference of 04:42:884 (1) is ignored, adjusted now

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04:44:084 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This patter is visually less impact than 04:45:284 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - because it is done in a smaller playfield.

By keeping these visual sizes the same, can represent similar sounds.


yeah but also the pitch goes up gradually and it's the climax of the whole song, so I think the visual difference fits. in my mind it's like two falling stars chasing each other (in a galaxy collision haha)

Marked as resolved by Arutsuki

04:46:484 (1,1) - would be cool if this was a smaller snapping, maybe 1/8?


could be, but I honestly dont know how I would make a decent looking star with half the slider size, and I can't go any higher in sv :/
in this case it works the same as a buzz slider pretty much, so I'll keep it for the sake of the pattern cus of the song name/theme

Marked as resolved by Arutsuki

04:46:484 (1) - can you cheese these by holding at the center or do you just break instantly here?


can get 300 on those if you hold just below the centre from the start and then come back

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04:46:484 (1,2,1) - dude idk if im playing them wrong but I CANNOT get 300s on these at all when not moving my cursor so you could 0,7x spacing them or something

also like 04:46:484 (1) - the intensity of the music here is lower than 04:47:084 (1) - so if you make 04:46:484 (1) - smaller than the other one it can highlight a bit of rising intensity


agree with intensity point, lowered 04:46:484 (1) by a bit

as for the 300, it's definitely possible, but my pc is too shit to take a video so here's a ss of where the cursor should be to cheese 300 /



Marked as resolved by Arutsuki

can you still nerf these further even with non shit pcs these are kinda stupid

Reopened by Okoayu

alright should be better now

Marked as resolved by Arutsuki

05:15:884 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this ds feels a bit overwhelmed for such a clam section, could consider nerf for a bit


had to change the direction a bit but now it works with smaller spacing, so done

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