"f d flourite" in tags needs to be replaced with "f_d_flourite"
replace "fireyun09" to "fireyun06" in tags as they haven't had any name changes nor is there anyone with that username
also add "bennybananas" to tags as they have ranked a map under that name
add "(Cut Ver.)" to the song title as this is a cut version of the original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHnEk-1U7m4
oh no
I'll add this
ok added
레인과 오버도즈 사이에 징검다리가 없는거같음. 비피엠이 많이 낮긴 해도 1/4를 스트림처럼 쓰는 오버도즈가 1개정돈 있어야 한다 생각. 난이도는 많은데 별 낮은 오버도즈들이 다 불렙들인듯
rew Overdose added
A final spinner could be added in each difficulty for the outro (ending on 01:11:775 - , see my difficulty for reference), in order to avoid having a high amount of ties in the leaderboards.
it feels pretty much forced to me tbh
hp사용이야 뭐 겟난 만드는사람 맘이긴 할텐데 베니타 난이도는 5 근처여도 될듯 fireyun난이도도 혼자 다른hp 쓰고
베니타 난이도 5로 수정함
a lots of purple
[All Diffs] 00:49:178 - remove finish
intended one
4 digit heaven
Preview time is inconsistent (00:53:074 before update)
thanks, fixed
so fun!hope will loved!
Waiting be ranked :).
wtf all difficulties got damaged...
Please re-download the map the mp3 file is replaced!
ah, yes... :D
12 O's :p
ほら 知らない世界がニヒルな笑みで おいでおいでをしている ムテキでふざけた得物携え 大暴走 大暴走