就强度而言我觉得和00:06:698 (6698|3,6912|2) - 是差不多的,只是音调非常低。
个人认为这里应该是和前面00:06:269 (6269|5,6484|4,6698|3,6912|2) - 这些是一组的,整体效果上来说加上可能会更好
00:08:198 (8198|5) - totally understand this ln stop at 00:08:841 - cuz that background sound just stopped but somehow I feel these two have a strong connection to each other 00:08:412 (8412|3,9055|6) - which more like a consistent sound so... I suggest to make thing like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17903563/9b11 , maybe this is not 100% accurate but just because the chord sound had another soundtrack (maybe it's low) but still obv. in the background, so... I think this will be better
00:12:484 - i think this place clearly has two kinds of sound, one is high pitch violin, another one is in lower pitch just like 00:09:055 (9055|6) - , so maybe you can add one LN here to express that sound
00:04:769 - Same, may can add one more 1/2 LN here
00:29:841 (29841|2) - In this part, your idea is to emphasize those repeated sounds by 4 notes anchor like 00:28:341 (28341|5,28555|5,28769|5,28984|5) - , so this note here, which induce unecessary 5 notes anchor, may kinda interrupt that expression imo
Maybe you can move this note to other col? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17717781/a11a
00:36:698 - Same
00:34:341 (34341|5,34555|6) - do not know if this is intentional, but i think they should be in same pitch just like 00:37:555 (37555|5,37769|6) - , maybe you can keep that 4 notes anchor shape
00:39:698 (39698|6,39698|5,39805|3,39805|2) - 感觉这种胶囊不适合映射有音调变化的乐器,更适合鼓之类的节奏乐器(虽然这里也有clap)不如换种排列 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17579014/5cb8
00:45:912 (45912|6) - This sounds obviously more extended than 00:46:126 (46126|5) - , can change this to 1/2
00:59:626 - and other similar places (if any)
tbh I think for 100% playback they are that different at all. You may tell the first one is slightly extended, but for sounds that are short like this I don't think it really worth breaking up the pattern to reflect this very minor difference.
compared 00:48:912 (48912|2,48912|5,49019|6,49019|4) - with 00:50:626 (50626|6,50734|5,50734|3) - 00:52:341 (52341|5,52448|6,52448|4) - 00:43:769 (43769|1,43876|5,43876|6) - and many others.... can you tell me what does this doubled mean? 00:48:912 (48912|2,48912|5) -
00:49:769 (49769|1,49876|2) - So here 1/4 notes are for the melody sound if i'm not wrong. Then maybe change these 2 notes to 1/4 LN will better distinguish them with other 1/4 notes for drums, like 00:50:734 (50734|4) - , and will be more consistent with overall concept imo
hmm I also debated with myself for quite a while regarding this..
I mean if someone else think LNs are actually better than maybe I should go down that route. changed
00:50:626 (50626|3,50626|6) - feel this may be potentially inconsistent with 01:02:626 (62626|3) - , as i don't find there is sth different in drums
00:55:126 - to 01:07:126 - , i notice you sometimes use 3 normal notes for clap as previous, while sometimes just 2 notes.
Some places i can understand you nerf 3 notes to 2 notes for symmetry or due to the limited space, like 00:57:269 - , 00:58:126 - , 00:59:841 - , etc
But for some other places, basically from 01:04:555 - to 01:07:126 - , i do think using 3 normal notes for clap for consistency is not bad
00:56:626 (56626|5) - not sure should this be LNed or not since this is kind of like a short/fast orchestral sound and you already did in the next part 00:59:626 (59626|6,59841|5) -
I didn't use LN here for a specific reason: if I LN this one, I will also have to LN 00:55:769 here, and I don't think it works really that well: 00:55:126 and 00:55:984 are two separate violin phrases and they sound disconnected, so having short LNs in between them don't look as pleasing to me. I think the current solution of using LN ends to represented those sounds is the best solution here.
01:09:591 (69591|3,69591|2) - [Subjective]
Not pretty sure, but i think in this part those clap sound like 01:09:269 (69269|4) - seems more intense, while the sound you double here is much slighter and somehow "hidden" under the strong drum beat 01:09:484 (69484|4,69484|0,69484|6) -
So i would suggest to use double for those clap sounds and just leave sounds like 01:09:591 (69591|3,69591|2) - single
hmm interesting. I thought that was what I did especially when I referred to what I did at the section prior to second kiai. Well that's definitely not intended. I fixed all
oh maybe i understand, these notes 01:13:019 (73019|2,73341|2,73555|0,73662|2) - are set as single on purpose?
yes. It doesn't really matter which sound exactly sounds like a double/single. The thing is that here for two beats that is not completely the same under 100% playback should be differentiated by double/single so that when they are played they do feel different, and I think your perception that the earlier one is strong is true. That's why I changed those to double, and left the remaining to single
01:19:769 (79769|3,79769|0,79769|5) - not the same as 01:19:126 (79126|3,79126|5,79126|0) - , can just leave this double to keep consistency with 01:20:198 (80198|4,80198|1) -
01:28:769 (88769|2,89198|2,89412|2) - This shield pattern here may be not good for the expression of melody by long LN, i think you can move the normal note to col6
01:34:341 (94341|3,94448|3) - 03:15:484 (195484|3,195591|3) - 03:28:984 (208984|0,209091|0) - 03:42:912 (222912|3,223019|3) - 03:56:626 (236626|3,236734|3) - 04:11:198 (251198|3,251305|3) - 04:52:555 (292555|0,292662|0) - 04:53:198 (293198|1,293305|1) - 05:38:734 (338734|0,338841|0) - 05:40:448 (340448|0,340555|0) - 05:42:162 (342162|6,342269|6) - 05:43:876 (343876|4,343984|4) - 05:45:591 (345591|6,345698|6) - 05:47:305 (347305|0,347412|0) - 05:49:019 (349019|6,349126|6) - 卡手的东西一览。你不想改就算了。
01:35:305 (95305|3) - For consistency reason, here should be double for clap sound, but if that's intentionally nerfed for this short trasition part, i think it's OK
01:54:055 (114055|2,114269|2,114484|2) - and 01:57:269 (117269|5,117484|5,117698|5) - , feel like this 2 places there is no thing deserve 3 notes anchor to emphasize imo, maybe you can split that
01:54:055 (114055|2,114162|4,114269|2,114376|4,114484|2) - these are for the repetitive string sounds. All of them, if strictly following PR, should be trills like this but that would be awful to play. So I diversified most of them like 01:52:341 (112341|2,112448|3,112555|1,112662|3,112769|2) -
I think I just didn't touch this one, but I think this pattern is justified
"All of them, if strictly following PR, should be trills", so that's maybe what i'm actually concerned here.
Currently you only follow the strict PR in several places, which induce those 3 anchors trill kinda randomly, so i think may be a bit sudden and weird if we consider the design of this whole part
well ok it's not that I am doing the trill thing consistently anyway. I moved around a little bit to break the anchor
02:00:055 (120055|3) - maybe this place also has similar sound like 02:00:376 (120376|4,120376|5) - , though not that clear.
But since you apply triple at some other places like 01:58:341 (118341|4,118341|1,118341|6) - , which this sound is also not that obvious, maybe this place should also be triple
I think this can be tripled. I listened a couple of times under 100% playback and it is indeed clear enough, at least not dramatically fainter than others.
02:02:412 - focusing to express the chord sound 02:02:412 (122412|2,122412|0,122519|6,122519|3,122734|3,122734|6,122841|2,122841|0) - like 02:02:198 (122198|1,122198|3) - so ingored quad on porpose? But I feel better added cuz that won't effect you express the quad thing actually. (like you did at 02:16:126 (136126|2,136126|6,136126|4,136126|0) - even 02:16:341 (136341|0,136341|5,136448|6,136448|1,136662|5,136662|1,136769|2,136769|6) - )
I think there is a clear layering issue with adding any note here. There is no string sound to add any note here whatsoever, that's why it only has two notes for kick. 02:16:555 (136555|0,136555|2,136555|4) - is the only outlier since it has an extra layer of dadada like starting from 02:15:484 so there is a solid reason for one more note other than the doubles for kick, but yeah without string sound there's no way to get a quad, since quad is literately kicks + claps + string
02:15:591 (135591|3) - Since you just use double stairs soon next at 02:17:198 - for same sound, this can also be double for consistency imo
02:32:412 (152412|2) - Same reason as #3002993, can move this to col2 (1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
And 02:33:484 - here i think is in same pitch with 02:31:769 - , also should try to avoid unecessary anchor, so suggest sth like this maybe https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17721371/69b1
02:39:698 - minor but i'm just curious wahy you break you rules of using 4-notes anchor before, if it's just meant for more comfortable, then compared with 02:37:984 - , i think this is literally can not be a consistent explanation
btw, 02:45:484 - not really sure if 02:45:484 (165484|3) - is strictly same or different pitch with next sound 02:45:698 (165698|3) - , but i just think it's quite similar with what i heard at 02:35:198 -
I am just lacking space here. I think if I move my furniture around I should be able to make space for 4-note anchor here possible eventually, but I think I would rather keep the pattern simple/straightforward and readable here. It would be completely fine to still have an anchor, but I just don't like how that look and play.
For your latter question, 02:35:198 (155198|3,155412|4) - they actually are at the same pitch. This is also the same thing that I can anchor them, but that doesn't look too appealing so I break them up
02:48:269 (168269|0,168269|4) - See what you do at 00:41:412 - , this place can also triple for the light cymbal sound maybe
02:51:698 (171698|1,171912|2,172019|3) - nothing wrong but weird suddenly compared with other LN part! (恼)
02:59:841 (179841|2,179841|0) - maybe this can be triple since there is enough space for that.
And for 03:00:055 (180055|3) - , personally feel it may be better to use 2 LN for those clear 2 layers of sound
03:09:484 (189484|4,189484|1) - Listening here for several times, i think the structure here is still clearly 3 kinds of instrument like previous 03:08:841 (188841|2,188841|5,188841|0) - , so maybe you can still apply 3 LN here
03:22:126 (202126|4,202234|1) - may should double to keep consistency with 01:15:269 -
03:27:055 (207055|2,207269|3,207376|1) - Same, and 03:27:484 (207484|2,207484|6) - should be single imo
03:28:984 (208984|0,209091|0) - The 2 sounds here are kick and clap sound if i'm not wrong, so personally feel it's not good to apply minijack here since those 2 sounds are completely different
03:29:198 (209198|5,209305|4) - can be minijack if you want to keep same expression with other similar places like 03:42:912 (222912|3,223019|3) -
oh yeah I probably should explain this. My idea of using minijack here is that I need a pattern, or some way to convey this kick to player. There is no legitimate reason for me to add any note here (as how kicks are treated early throughout the whole section there is no real justification to triple this), the last resort is to elevate the difficulty by pattern to signify that this specific notes are different.
I ended up choosing jack here not because the two consecutive notes sounds the same, but because the second note is visually and physically harder to play, and it really communicates the idea that the kick is different pretty well imo. It emphasis the second note which is kick in this case, and I think it suits well.
03:28:984 (208984|0,209091|0) - jack is ok but this is feel so odd when we check the whole part from 03:28:984 03:28:769 - to 03:29:412 - and next part 03:30:055 - , hmmm, I feel there are no two distinct sounds with a strong sense of repetition, which are more like a group of coherent drums, so I'd suggest you remove this jack just be normal stream will better, how you think?
这个左边的13是我听到的鼓重复的感觉,很理解pc哥想突出03:29:091 - ,但这是一处 x--x--x 的结构
On a closer inspection I think what you and dongsheng said make senses. The lone jack here is indeed weird. I was thinking about making all heavy beats like this jacks then, but I think that does no good to no one. Alright, remove the jack
03:39:484 (219484|2,219484|3,219591|1,219591|4) - vs 03:53:198 (233198|5,233198|0,233305|2,233305|6) - , though both pattern seems work, i think it's better to make them more consistent
still something like I said about #3117494
03:55:555 (235555|5,235555|2) - 2LN hold + doubled chord
03:56:412 (236412|6,236412|1,236412|4) - 3LN + tripled chord
03:49:769 (229769|4,229769|2,229984|6) - 3 LN hold+ tripled chord
for LN thing, you can do whatever you think it's heavy or soft but I just can't understand why one is doubled, another is tripled. They are all the 2rd/4th 1/1 rhythm in the part which means heavy heat I'm pretty sure.
04:00:055 (240055|2,240269|0,240484|1,240698|0,241341|2,241555|1,241769|0) - maybe this kind of arrangement here is meant for pitch, but i just feel making the pattern that biased at left hand makes even worse, because this is the only one "unbalanced" place in this map maybe
Also, the way you set at here is an inverse like pattern (but 1/2 gap) made up of 2 different sounds, i mean 04:00:484 (240484|1) - and 04:01:555 (241555|1) - , which can't express those different sounds well imo
So maybe you can move some those less intense and low pitch sounds 04:00:269 (240269|0,240484|1,240698|0) - to right hand
04:22:662 (262662|6) - this sound is too soft to be heard imo, and since you don't map for the more obvious sound at 04:23:091 - , will suggest to just remove 04:22:662 (262662|6) - to make this transistion part more clean
04:33:269 (273269|6) - If you are mapping for main melody here, then i don't really understand why this is such a long LN, as i think this should be only around 1/4~1/2 beat length.
And if you shorten this, there will be more space to apply double LN for 04:33:484 (273484|0,273591|1,273698|2) - , which is in same instrument structure with 04:33:912 -
04:36:805 (276805|3,276912|4) - Same, though here seems you want to make a transition to full LN, i literally feel the sound is too short to do that, and it's clearly broken between the next sound at 04:37:126 -
I need this to connect the pattern. Indeed strictly following the instruments then this is a mistake, but from the song's standpoint this is still in the middle of a sentence where we are "stepping up" through a set of short scales, each of them passing down to others. Thus for each set of scale, eg 04:32:626 (272626|0,272734|2,272841|4) - 04:33:055 (273055|6,273162|4,273269|6) - 04:33:484 (273484|0,273591|1,273698|2) - I prefer to have the last note extended to where the next pattern begins so that they are all connected.
This is how I feel when I listen to the song, but yeah definitely disagree below if you think strongly that this should be altered.
btw 04:33:484 (273484|0,273591|1,273698|2) - shouldn't be doubled even if I have space to do so. The main reason is that it belongs more to the group of scales that elevate throughout like 04:33:055 (273055|6,273162|4,273269|6) - rather than the continuous violin bursts like 04:33:912 (273912|4,273912|0,274019|1,274019|6,274126|2,274126|4,274234|6,274234|0,274341|4,274341|1,274448|6,274448|2) - . Even just for the purpose of differentiating them makes sense to leave them as single
i can understand your intention at 04:33:269 (273269|6) -, that's OK i think.
But for 04:36:805 (276805|3,276912|4) -, since the "next part" begins at 04:37:126 - , even based on your design here still feel kinda weird imo
my last-ditch effort to keep this pattern(
I tried to shorten the LNs and they would probably ends up looking something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17724498/db36 . You might argue that the selected LN can also be removed, all some previous LNs can also be shorten, but either way the short scales are going to last until 04:37:126, and 04:36:269 (276269|6) - isn't going anywhere..
To me having short LNs (and on top of that, end abruptly together leaving huge space behind) in a supposedly interconnected LN pattern is just too ugly, and there is no reason for it to die down as it is still at the peak of a sentence. I feel like everything should be as connected as possible until 04:39:698 where a new sentence begins
I know it doesn't 100% follow the music and looks awkward compare to how we usually do LNs. But it follows the flow well, and let's just say its the necessary compromise between having easy-to-follow flow or fun-to-play pattern vs. a strict layering/following the exact music
'and there is no reason for it to die down as it is still at the peak of a sentence" i agree with this and your idea here is fine.
But here from my listening i just think 04:37:126 - actually has broken the song into 2 sentences, just like 04:33:912 - , so maybe i think the best way to go here is sth like this, if your LN pattern is meant for the completeness of each sentence, https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17726145/9837
What do you think about this?
it really definitely is the same sentence. If you only listen from 04:37:126 and I don't think you can make any sense out of it. 04:36:269 really contributes to the integrity of this sentence by going the scale up so its counterpart can go down at 04:37:126
your suggestion is what I tried at the beginning, similar to my example at https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17724498/db36 . If you notice how empty the top right you may know where my rejection roots in: for a part that is so interconnected I don't think we should leave any huge gap in the pattern
I am pretty sure there are at least two instruments going on (might be two violins actually, I am not sure) but for the intensity I think it makes sense to double all of these
04:44:734 (284734|4,284734|0,284841|6) - 这里snap直接改到04:44:626 - 就行了,这里的音是个类似渐入的效果,note提前一点没问题(事实上这一整段很多地方也是这样)。乐谱里面的结构应该也是这样的
04:57:269 (297269|2,297484|0,297912|2,298126|0) - i think here you're making those LN longer on purpose to express those continuous violin sound
So i think 04:53:841 - is in same structure, maybe you can keep them in same shape
04:57:484 (297484|6,297698|6,297912|6,298126|6) - may can get rid of unecessary long anchors here https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17724381/b011
05:02:412 (302412|3,302626|3,302841|3,303055|3) - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17724393/55e0
hmm at 140bpm I think this should not be a issue. Anyway changed the first one, the second is a little bit weird for me and I will keep current pattern.
05:00:912 (300912|4,300912|0,301019|2,301019|6) - unlike 05:01:769 - , i think there is only one obvious melody sound at this place, the sound at 1/4 line is more like echo. So it will be better to change 05:01:019 (301019|2,301019|6) - to normal note to distinguish, and also just double will be enough for 05:01:019 - in that case https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17724305/5447
05:14:626 - Same
05:18:055 - may should also be the same, but here i think this kind of pattern can be acceptable to make some emphasize since it's the end of the part, and it's visually good
I agree with that the sound at 1/4 line is more like echo, but mapping it as normal note seems more confusing since they are still the violin sounds, so I prefer to keep these notes.
05:10:555 - From here, i found those sounds at 05:10:662 - , 05:12:376 - , 05:14:091 - , etc, are not mapped, just want to make a confirm if those are intentional since they're all mapped in the previous part
also 05:17:948 - , but this one is isolated one, not in same place as what i referred above
oops can't remember why I did that. added them expect this 05:15:698 - it is already very dense and the sound is actually not that obvious to heard. As for 05:17:948 - it is also not that obvious to heard imo and I want to emphasize the violin sound 05:18:055 (318055|0,318055|4,318162|1,318162|5,318269|6,318269|2)
05:10:984 (310984|6,311198|4) - basically this place there are at least 2 kinds of instrument coexisting, just like 05:11:626 (311626|0,311626|4,311841|5,311841|1) - , so i think it will be better to also apply double LN
05:27:484 (327484|5,327698|5) - and 05:41:198 (341198|2,341412|2) - feel like this two places are in same structure of music with some other places like 05:30:912 (330912|2,331126|1) - , 05:34:341 (334341|4,334555|5) - , etc.
May should adjust the col to make them more consistent
05:43:876 (343876|4,343984|4) - All other minijack things in this part are in col1 or col7, so maybe you can change this to col7