oops can't remember why I did that. added them expect this 05:15:698 - it is already very dense and the sound is actually not that obvious to heard. As for 05:17:948 - it is also not that obvious to heard imo and I want to emphasize the violin sound 05:18:055 (318055|0,318055|4,318162|1,318162|5,318269|6,318269|2)
I agree with that the sound at 1/4 line is more like echo, but mapping it as normal note seems more confusing since they are still the violin sounds, so I prefer to keep these notes.
hmm at 140bpm I think this should not be a issue. Anyway changed the first one, the second is a little bit weird for me and I will keep current pattern.
ok rearranged a bit. But in this section I catched both guitars and drums so anyway there will be more jacks.