00:13:579 - snappening I think:
00:13:979 (13979|1) - 1/12th earlier
00:14:091 (14091|2) - 1/12th instead of 1/16th
00:14:179 (14179|1) - 1/12th earlier
00:14:179 (14179|1) - sound better on the nearest 1/16th tick I think
00:15:012 (15012|1) - 1/12th earlier
they sound a lot more accurate now compared to mine
00:14:741 (14741|2) - was moved to 1/16
00:14:841 (14841|3) - ^
00:15:522 - suggestion to nerf the pattern here like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769561/d36c since the outer long jacks are really hard compared to anything else in the intro
00:21:679 (21679|3,21679|1,21679|0) - different pitch from 00:21:479 (21479|0,21479|3,21479|1) - so different chord as well? It forces a jack but you don't seem to care too much considering you also have 00:20:779 (20779|1,20879|1) -
00:28:022 (28022|3) - This LN sounds more fit to end at 00:28:322 , since the long snap which corresponding the note end at this place. In this way, maybe 00:28:422 could add a note in column 3 to make a shield and a double in this C like the next several C with doubles.
00:28:822 - started from this part, I aware that some kick sound at red line are has variation between single to double and vice versa, while I think there's nothing so much different happening at the music itself, I would prefer to make it all single or double equaly but I think single is works well too proportionate with the song, for example 00:29:122 (29122|2,29122|0) - has double 00:29:322 (29322|1,29522|0) - single, 00:29:722 (29722|2,29722|1,29922|0,29922|2,30122|3,30122|0,30322|2,30322|3) - more doubles and 00:30:922 (30922|2,31122|0) - back to single again. Those variation I think is a bit overlayed and kinda confusing because I can't determined what is actually emphasized there and simpler layering is more appreciated.
00:37:922 (37922|2,37922|3,38122|2,38122|1,38322|0,38322|1) - Maybe these 3 doubles use single is better? They are more similar with the previous W with singles instead of those with doubles. Maybe change all of these is too radical, I recommend to use single in the last one at least.
I think make this part 00:47:322 (47322|0,47322|1) - 00:47:622 (47622|3,47622|2) - 00:47:922 (47922|1,47922|0) - to single is better, considering this part is quite calm compared to the rest of it, and also it will give some moment to take a short break between denser part before and after. So focusing on anchor to do the job for emphasize the chord progresion of string instrument is more than enough imo.
Its actually good to make it a bit "empty" to give nice contrast with other part (this part is is placed between two dense part), anyway this had some similarity with 01:28:022 (88022|2,88022|3,88022|0,88022|1,88122|3,88222|3,88322|3,88422|2,88422|1,88422|0,88522|0,88622|0,88722|0,88822|3,88822|2,88822|1,88922|3,89022|3,89122|3,89222|2,89222|1,89222|0,89322|0,89422|0,89522|0,89622|2,89622|1,89622|3) - even this part is obviously more quiet.
00:47:422 (47422|0,47722|3) - These 2 snaps sounds more fit to use doubles like their pervious snap. Since they're very similar, I do recommend to use longjack in this rhythm, this array are very convenient for this rhythm.
00:52:222 (52222|1) - suggestion to move this note to 3rd column so 00:51:622 - becomes mirror pattern of 00:50:022 -
00:54:422 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15768532/94d6 suggestion to use this pattern template instead(right playfield is original, left with applied changes), the current one is visually odd with the use of [123] and [234] hands and the two empty adjacent columns, no difficulty reasons just for visuals
for the rest of the section it would look like this 00:56:422 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15768556/fa70 - 00:58:022 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15768558/06be
for the 4th part i suggest using the last possible combination of the two mirroring patterns instead of repeating same pattern on 00:56:422 - like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15768561/a864
01:01:579 (61579|1,61579|0,61779|2,61779|1) - in the previous section you always had these like stacked (01:00:379 (60379|2,60379|1,60579|2,60579|1) - ), in this section you do it only sometimes (01:04:779 (64779|3,64779|0,64979|0,64979|3) - ), is there a reason for when you do and when you don't?
01:10:422 - for this section and repeat of it i'd like to suggest this pattern template too https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15768580/3875 to avoid the odd transitions here https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15768575/773f , they're really hard to hit for me
it's not as difficult which may be the intention but it plays a lot more naturally with the same structure, on 01:11:822 - it would be mirrored by this transition https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15768589/dfec
rest of transition:
01:13:222 - would turn into a hand which seemed to be missing http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15768603/6a7f
01:16:022 (76022|1) - moved to 4th column
01:10:422 - this still plays rly badly and i rly think u should change it. 01:10:722 (70722|1,70722|0,71122|2,71122|3) - there's no reason for these to be doubles. i get that it looks aesthetically pleasing but it plays really disorientating and not fun. you should definitely represent 01:12:022 - this change in pitch somehow because its extremely prominent and not doing anything to represent it feels incredibly weird.
01:14:322 (74322|2,74422|2) - the biggest problem is these minijacks especially are very awkward and don't feel in time with the song.
The "reverse mapping" thing may make sense on paper both theoretically and specially aesthetically but in practice here the playability gets realy deteriorated because of it.
I really doubt the "emphasis" on the high pitched hi-hat by using a single note is gonna flourish on the gameplay on anyone because of the natural "bigger note group->strengthened emphasis" fundamental the game has, specially on a song as intense as this.
i suppose you have good enough reasons for that
i adjusted the patterns to a much more "simple" and "playable" idea that still has some emphasis on the kicks while retaining the idea of melody pitch
edit: though it might cause some odd triple stacks that i think looks a bit ugeh
edit2: deleted note
01:10:622 (70622|0) - Same as the previous suggestion, I suggest to use longjack here. The array here is much more difficult than the previous one, and much longer than previous one, use longjack will slightly decrease the difficulty of this part.
01:11:822 - What about add LNs here, like arrays in 01:13:322 (73322|1,73422|2,73522|3) , to fit the rhythm better. Meanwhile, such a long jack is a little boring and very tiring, add some LNs is a chance to do some adjustment while playing.
01:16:179 (76179|1,76179|0) - snare here which is a change from the previous sounds like at 01:15:279 (75279|3,75279|1,75279|0,75379|1,75379|0,75479|2,75479|3) - but it's mapped the exact same way, maybe a little change? Either through using a different double or straight up making it a triple?
01:16:279 (76279|3,76279|2,76379|2,76379|1) - would prefer this pattern being different from 01:15:079 (75079|3,75079|2,75179|2,75179|1) - both to differentiate the sounds and also to avoid 01:15:979 (75979|3,76079|3,76179|3,76279|3) -
01:16:822 - i tried following a consistent structure for this section with pattern mirroring with these following suggestions:
01:19:422 - http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769217/4c05 the selected part was mirrored from original map so 01:21:022 - becomes mirror of 01:17:822 - and 01:19:422 - mirror of 01:22:622 - without the quad, changed the piano notes in 01:19:022 - to https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769232/c1d3 in same way for 01:22:222 -
01:25:622 - suggestion to move this note over to 3rd column since all other piano notes were each on different columns 01:19:022 - 01:22:222 -
01:18:222 (78222|0,78322|3,78322|2) - 01:21:422 (81422|3,81522|1,81522|0) - 01:24:622 (84622|0,84722|3,84722|2) - I think there's effective way to represent the guitar part instead making it double, since you already layered double for kick and stuff. I highly suggest to just simply make it single and stacked instead, just something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16024877/709c, applied to other section that has similar issue.
On second part I curious why this guitar part is not filled by a note 01:31:122 - 01:34:322 - etc, I can still catch some guitar sound but if you decided to just layered the justified sound then I can fully understand.
Edit: may apply to other part that looped from this one like 04:21:127 - etc
i don't really see the issue here
singles are used for main guitar and piano
doubles are used for secondary background guitar
triples are used for snare
quads are reserved for cymbal (with a few exceptions making them triple for the sake of playability)
and any other appropriate pattern usage
Sorry, I used a wrong word, it should be "case" than "issue". Anyway, what I meant to say is, some stacking will give some nice detail to catch the song itself, because as I hear here, the part that I mention above has some guitar layering, first for melody and the other for harmony to make it sounds richer. At that case, I notice that others guitar layering which works as harmony is on same pitch by each other. Though I understand such sound is not really that noticeable, even me can barely hear that at first glance. But I think it could give just some more nice detail to follow up. At the end, current is fine and there's no issue there, so It's up to you.
01:18:379 (78379|2,78379|3) - I assume this has to do with this post but the offset changed so, anyways I really don't think these sounds are strong enough to warrant a double, there's a super faint guitar in the background which really isn't audible at 100% speed
Actually these 01:19:022 (79022|1,79222|2) - 01:22:222 (82222|2,82422|1) - 01:25:422 (85422|3,85622|2) - is on same pitch, I aware that you intended to make it that way for diferentiate it with guitar. but I think it's just better to rely on pitch a bit more to emphasize the pitch relative on piano part which for me is icing on cake. You still able to do more variation to separate the guitar part from piano part and also follow pitch more accurately as well, for example I would stick to centre part of finger for guitar like 01:17:422 (77422|1,77522|2,77622|1) - 01:20:622 (80622|1,80722|2,80822|1) - 01:23:422 (83422|1,83522|2,83622|1) - -etc and 01:19:022 (79022|1,79122|3,79222|2) - for piano is like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16021304/3287
01:28:022 - i think this is the same situation as before where you sacrifice playability for the sake of aesthetics. theres no reason for 01:28:122 (88122|3,88122|2) - this to be a double, and hitting 01:28:122 (88122|2) - this note to a non-existent sound is so uncomfortable and easy to trip up on when its not really justified.
01:28:179 (88179|3,88279|3,88379|3) - 01:28:579 (88579|0,88679|0,88779|0) - I think it'd be cute to move these to column 2 and 3 respectively, as it kinda shows they are different pitch from 01:28:979 (88979|3,89079|3,89179|3,89379|0,89479|0,89579|0) -
same here 04:32:383 -
01:29:622 (89622|2,89622|3,89622|0,89622|1) - this should probably be a 234 triple, because the anchor into this quad is extremely brutal and doesn't really feel justified
01:32:222 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769318/373e suggestion to mirror this pattern so the following mid column trills starts off on left hand opposite to first one 01:29:822 - allowing same set of patterns to be used mirrored over 01:33:022 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769328/635c
01:34:222 - i think this should be double solely for structure consistency, i can't hear much there in terms of song
01:35:622 - note here preferably on 1st column
01:43:222 (103222|3,103222|0,103322|2,103322|1,103422|1,103422|0,103522|3,103522|2) - I think it would be nice to differentiate this part from 01:43:622 (103622|3,103622|0,103722|2,103722|1,103822|1,103822|0,103922|3,103922|2) - which has guitar sound along with the drums, it can be done it various way but I think stacking double is works pretty good, something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16026245/a323 for example. Giving some different pattern to different section will not only give more accurate detail to express the song, but also give clearer structure in general.
01:45:622 - this is huugely subjective but i think it would be much more fitting if you represented these sounds with anchors somehow instead of dumping it. u know i'm a huge advocate of dumping but i think anchors fits a lot well with this file and doesn't ruin the flow of the jacks, not to mention that there's not really any other dumping in this file to the guitar so this feels really out of place here.
01:53:222 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15768328/2133 when playtesting i was expecting change of direction here which threw me off since same happens on 01:45:622 - suggestion to change it as in the screenshot
01:55:922 (115922|3) - could LN be shortened by 1/8th to avoid early releases, replying with other similar cases in the map since it's unimportant detail
02:08:222 (128222|1) - this LN could be moved to 1st column instead so the 02:06:722 (126722|1,126822|2) - two LN theme stays visually present
hm i think keeping it to 1/8 makes it easier to read and hit considering https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16099908/3edd could be pretty harsh on a break
02:38:426 (158426|0,158426|2) - sounds more accurate to move one note at 1/6 right after that, it may looks like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16021390/d616
02:48:355 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769370/b52a this was the only part in this section where minijacks were back to back on same hand which was odd, keeping with the left then right theme and later on having the back to back combo near 02:49:815 - would feel a lot more natural since it's a transition and to counter the left hand bias, would fit alot more in
02:55:384 (175384|2) - move this to column 2 to replicate the double snare like 02:55:060 (175060|3,175060|2,175141|3,175141|2) - ? Also should make 02:55:303 (175303|3,175303|2) - a single I think like 02:55:546 (175546|2,175628|3) -
03:05:925 (185925|2,185925|1,186006|1,186006|0) - I really think these should be in different columns since they definitely are different sounds from 03:05:438 (185438|2,185438|1,185519|1,185519|0) - as well as it potentially removes column 3/right hand bias. (this section is the only 185 jack section, and you have 3 - 3 note stacks in a row on column 3
03:06:031 (186031|2) - could be moved to 2nd column to stay in theme with the one handed double jacks https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769407/2a76
03:13:815 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769426/8479 the way the 1/4 jack mixes in with the 1/6th trill makes it look really odd here, a slight re-patterning to avoid that would look nicer http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769436/b3fc
03:39:031 (219031|1) - What about use a double here since the snap is really heavy and the previous similar snap use double(though with a LN).
04:14:727 - I think this pattern, and former same patern's repeatability is too high, maybe need some idea to reduce this.
example 1 or 2 measures after, move 04:15:727 (255727|0) - to col2,04:16:127 (256127|3) - move to col3
04:35:327 (275327|1,275327|2) - I curious whether it's intentional or not, but I think this should be single compare with 04:38:527 (278527|3) - is single too since they were similar
04:47:927 (287927|3) - I think this LN is a bit ambiguous to me, I was initialy though it was for crash cymbal-ish sound but that sound is still there until next bar and it's longer than the LN, so It might be good idea to simply treat it as normal note instead, unless you had something to say about it, I will be glad to hear that.
04:55:027 (295027|1,295227|2,295427|3) - I quite curious with these stacking note with LN for short time. Actually I like this idea to give more emphasize to violin sound i think? But this one 04:55:627 (295627|1,295727|2) - is not stacked like the other, I assume it may meant to make consistency with 04:54:827 (294827|1,294927|0) - since they are exactly above the new bar (thick whiteline 04:55:527 - and 04:54:727 - ) but I think since they has different condition because the first one here 04:54:727 (294727|0,294827|1) - are very stricted because the triple so its imposible to make it stacked, and second one has more column to expressed, I think it's fine to make this 04:55:627 (295627|1,295727|2) - stacked to follow up the layering.
05:01:083 (301083|3,301083|2,301183|1,301183|3) -
actually shouldn't 05:07:283 (307283|3,307283|2,307383|1,307383|0,307483|2,307483|3) - be structured the same way as 05:00:883 (300883|1,300883|0,300983|2,300983|1,301083|2,301083|3) - ?
05:17:827 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769491/e13a some stream re-patterning to avoid the back to back minijacks on same hand https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769486/2524
05:30:727 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15769518/66a6 re-patterning to remove hand bias and keep the pattern somewhat in similar difficulty to rest of section with use of minijacks and in theme with one handed doubles, if too hard the notes on 05:30:877 - 05:31:177 - could be moved outwards
https://gyazo.com/77b8df8c25145c0c4aaaf801c068b728 this way it divides it into 2 pieces of hand bias, other bursts like 05:23:583 - are super comfortably mapped, so this pattern being "awkward" still makes it stand out without having a complete right hand bias
i'm intending to keep this section (05:30:783 - ) as is because
i) the snare timing is different from all the other guitar stream bursts in the sense that other sections' snares are very consistent in timing and are all on the white lines while this particular section has a different snare timing where it is slightly faster and is matching the pitch change of the guitar
ii) the current pattern to me is most suitable for emphasizing both the snare and pitch change
05:59:727 (359727|3,359727|2,359827|3,359827|0,359927|2,359927|1,360027|0,360027|1) - very sugestive, but you might want to make it something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16026360/91a2 to give a slight momentum of different pattern to initiate or transition too denser part here 06:00:327 - which will give the player some nice clue to prepare themself in my opinion.
06:45:927 - the grace notes could be substituted for a quad, or if too hard hitting a [23] double with 06:40:927 (400927|0,400927|3) - being extended on to fill where the 1 and 4 LNs on 06:45:927 - stretch to and 06:40:927 (400927|1) - ending around 06:45:127 -
06:45:927 (405927|2,405939|3,405952|1,405964|0) - this is rly nasty given that this is a 7minute file and this is od9. I think it would be better to release all the LNs 06:46:427 - here. (the sound ends all at once anyway, i don't really understand the decision to chart the releases like this other than aesthetics which looks pretty but just doesn't rly play very well)