most accurate would be having no reverse and snapping it like since the sliderend doesn't line up with a reverse slider but it depends on what sound you want to prioritize here.
hmm, don't rly like sliders there, i will just unstack them and make grouped by 2 circle like i did 01:18:086 (1,2,3,4) -
01:02:246 (1,2) - Kind of weird that these two sounds are grouped together when it sounds more like 01:02:366 (2,3) - are supposed to be grouped together
01:02:726 (1,2,1) - felt underwhelming cause of the choice to undermap here + the slower slider. i think it'd be more fitting to have proper movement into the downbeat and utilise a more dense rhythm //
01:09:926 (1,2,3,4) - spacing here feel really too big for the pretty weak vocal here, it have kinda killed the emphasize for 01:10:886 (1) - because their spacing are really similar here, would be nice to nerf it a bit
01:16:646 - and 01:17:366 - Patterning / grouping these in the same way when the instrumental is audibly different seems odd. The first one has a blue tick rhythm to it, more like whilst the second part is more akin to where you tried to map part of the fading drums as active then passive, but they all sound similar. Would be better to just break up the rhythm for both of these as the current way doesn't really represent things too well.
01:18:086 (1,2,3,4) - you didnt really do this double cutstream thing before, would rather do a quad or something instead
01:25:286 (1) - dont see the need for a 1.5x sv slider, seems to be one of the fastest sliders in the map while nothing unique is really happening here in the song
honestly feel an sv change on 01:24:806 - would be more appropriate anyway for the cymbal
01:25:286 - I can get that the section is calming down, but this is such a stark contrast from how active that you have been mapping the piano / melody rhythm that it feels unfitting. You could do a more passive rhythm for the piano and / or melody, but just covering it with a 1/2 slider is too simple here.
01:36:806 (5) - nc for consistency? keeps things grouped as 4 which seemed to be your intention with 01:32:006 (1)
01:58:166 (2,1) - could use a lot more spacing for proper emphasis. current spacing feels similar to other patterning 01:56:726 (4,1) - and doesn't really show the finish as well
02:42:806 (4) - 1/6 sounds better here - snapping isnt perfect but theres 4 total sounds including the downbeat here which is more suited to 1/6
02:55:286 - and possibly 02:55:766 - I feel like you could remove these, as the sounds are quite faint, and not a part of the main melody that you have been following here. The first one is definitely the above, but the second note has a really faint melody beat to it, but I is quite hard to hear in comparison to the others so it comes off as more similar to the first than a part of the melody, which is why I group them in this suggestion.
02:56:606 (1) - end the spinner 02:58:406 - for the vocal instead of 03:02:246 - ? currently the spinner is covering 3 different layer at same time and it end up to feel like following nothing imo, it will be better to just end it at where the vocal end imo
03:17:966 (2,3) - shouldnt this be spaced like 01:59:246 (2,3) - 00:48:206 (2,3) - to keep the consistent? I dont really agree that the pattern of last chorus should be easier than previous
03:31:286 (2,3,1) - Kind of weird that 3 is a part of the same curve as 1 (and the rest of 1's combo) when the cymbal crash is on 1, but the patterning is the same? The only thing really showing the different here is the combo, when I feel like you could just place 2 and 3 differently to better transition and emphasize 03:31:526 - .
04:00:806 (3,4) - 04:16:166 (3,4) - using circles instead of 2 1/2 slider here? it feel really dull that this section is just following slider for a very long time tbh, creating some jump pattern here can let this section become less boring imo
04:02:246 (2,3) - there are u can do flow better visually
I turned them 04:02:726 (3,4) anticlockwise on 15 degree and did like this:
check this out
04:05:606 (1,2,3) -
this slider 04:06:566 (3) - looks weird, cause of almost 90 degree angle
u can move 04:06:086 (2) - righter and to do 04:06:566 (3) - longer, it will be better visually imo, check this out