00:38:472 (1,2,3) - 01:46:028 (1,1,1,1) - whistles for piano here? seems a little empty right now
00:28:027 (6,7,8,9) - patterns like these are better reserved when you actually have something to emphasise on 00:28:250 (8)
a simpler stream would be more fitting for context here
00:51:361 (3,1) - separating these could be cool for emphasis into downbeat - currently treats 00:50:916 (1,2,3,1) - as a single pattern when 00:51:583 (1) - should be isolated for emphasis
01:11:583 (3,1) - jump feels a little underwhelming for the finish, 01:10:694 (5,1) - works cause it stops flow but 01:11:583 (3,1) - feels like ordinary movement. could try stack as well or space much further
01:15:028 (2,3) - could try have 3 positioned higher so the slider leads into the circle better // similar to how 01:14:028 (1,2,3) - works
01:46:028 (1,1,1,1) - this is pretty much the same instruments as 00:38:472 (1,2,3) - yet with a different rhythm mapped. id try do something similar for consistency
same for other diffs
01:47:805 - worthwhile to map the hihats here to highlight them since usually there is a pause in the instruments here. doing something basic like shows that contrast
02:51:472 (4,5,6,7,8) - doing a decelerating stream then following that with a large jump is usually really awkward to play - better to pick one or the other by either constantly increasing or constantly decreasing spacing
03:26:250 (1,1) - would try arrange these objects a bit closer so the feel more connected - that way you can contrast with the jump on 03:28:028 (2) - better. maybe stacking 03:26:250 (1,1) - can work
02:12:028 (3) - would make this the 1/4 slider of choice for the finish emphasis, otherwise it feels like a regular pattern
02:41:805 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - would try balance density a bit here as it gets really 1/4 heavy and then really sparse at 02:44:250 (1,2,3) - cause it all becomes 1/2
intensity is fairly even throughout so should map with an even density
00:15:361 (6,7) - 00:18:916 (6,7) - for patterns like these u want the active notes to be on the most obvious sounds, here it would be the snare on 00:15:583 - yet is mapped passively. better rhythm would be
01:22:916 (6,7) - etc.
00:21:361 (1,2) - think using 3/4 repeats is much better here given your two higher diffs do that
00:54:472 (3,4,5) - 01:08:694 (3,4,5) - etc. would avoid any instances of jumps that cross over in flow, particularly for a hard as it becomes difficult to follow which circle should be next when all equally spaced. try more linear flowing jumps for these, same for other kiais
01:41:694 (2) - avoid rhythms like this in hard cause it is usually unintuitive for target audience, having this as a 1/2 slider is more fitting //
02:05:805 (5,6) - doesnt really follow what music is doing. circle into triple from red tick follows this much better imo //
00:31:583 (6,7,1,2) - rhythm feels a bit awkward here as you suddenly prioritise only vocals, while previous rhythms attempted to keep the 1/1 kicks going by mapping downbeats 00:32:027
could probably reconsider the rhythms here to be more consistent in what ur following
same for 01:39:139 - and any other parts
00:48:472 (1) - spinner feels a lot nicer to have finish at 00:49:805 - that way you can separate the build up and can emphasise the transition to it on 00:49:805
(kinda like how you handled the spinner on 01:56:027 (1) - )
00:21:361 (1,2) - imo replacing some of these with 3/2 repeats would give a bit of variation in rhythm to this section. feels a bit repetitive atm
00:39:139 (3,1) - swapping ncs would be better here to follow music phrases
01:46:694 (3,1) - etc.
poke when ready
00:46:402 (1,2,1,2) - think using extended sliders for 00:46:402 (1) - and 00:47:041 (1) - accents the beats much better. otherwise just feels like regular 1/2
same for 01:52:785 (1,2,1,2)
01:28:690 (1) - stacking/overlapping on previous slider 01:28:211 (2) - seems nicer to stop movement after the jumps. current pattern is kinda unintuitive too cause it looks like 1/2 spacing
00:06:030 (1,2,3) - makes more sense to shift this 1/2 forward and start triple on red tick as the guitar peaks around 00:06:349
00:08:344 (1) - seems super awkward to begin the jump pattern on a spinner end, would either remove 00:09:700 (1) - to begin jumps on the next kick drum 00:09:860 (2) - or end the spinner early and do
00:28:051 (5) - should follow the 3/4 guitar here too given you follow it later 00:30:605 (3) - rhythms feel inconsistent otherwise
00:45:764 (2) - 3/4 slider doesn't really fit cause u skip over a strong kick 00:45:924
1/2 seems much more appropriate
01:52:147 (4) - etc.
01:28:690 - section is far too dense imo - just cause the 1/4 sounds are present doesn't mean they need to be mapped
section here is much less intense than the rest of the song yet is really 1/4 heavy. try focus more on passive 1/4 similar to what top diff does so this section doesn't feel harder than the rest
03:01:083 (3) - emphasis feels off cause slider isn't clicked to anything important, would ctrl g 03:00:924 (2,3)
poke when ready. dont forget to fix up hs
volume could be a bit louder after the drop 00:23:982 - to maybe 80-90%
ur snare sample blends in really well so having it at a lower volume provides little feedback
00:46:571 - this section needs a bit more whistles to accompany the heavy 1/4 density, reserving them for the 'blip' sounds doesnt really work imo when strong streams like 00:51:865 (1,2,3,4) - go without hitsounds
01:48:688 - dropping whistles here is fine due to the lowered intensity but id still try include a few on strong sounds so the section doesnt feel completely ignored
01:58:571 - all the drums here should be hitsounded in the same manner instead of just the white ticks
00:02:453 (1,2) - worthwhile to use a separate means of visually indicating rhythms here. these are 1/3 but follow similar spacing ideas to 1/4 patterns 00:03:247 (1,2)
can try using a different way to space 1/3 visually compared to other rhythms
00:05:277 (1) - would expect to end on blue tick or have the blue tick mapped given it follows similar ideas to 00:02:718 (3)
1/2 gap there feels a little random when there is constant 1/4
00:09:512 (5) - 1/4 double could work well here for the wub that was followed previously. also helps fill in the hi hats on 00:09:777 -
00:11:453 (2,3,4,5) - kinda tries to do two things at once that conflict with each other. rhythms are focused on 1/2 priority but the stream jump into 00:11:541 (3) - attempts to emphasise the kicks on 3/4 rhythms. better idea imo would be to stick to 3/4 rhythms by ctrl g'ing 00:11:541 (3,4) -
00:18:335 (1) - would work a whole lot better as 1/8 imo. 1/4 feels underwhelming for how many sounds are present here
00:45:630 (1,1,1) - feel like this is a bit too much of a diff spike especially being the pause between more intense sections. can try something a little less spaced
00:50:453 (1,2,3,4) - spacing seems to come out of nowhere, would be more appropriate to have this concept used at 00:51:865 (1,2,3,4) - being the transition between sections
same for 01:05:365 (1,2,3,4)
01:40:453 (2) - would be better to simplify to blue tick as the 1/6 is more harmful than beneficial in gameplay and isnt used elsewhere 01:46:130
00:05:982 (5,1,2) - 00:17:277 (5,1,2) - etc. grouping feels off with these, as the synths are organised in 4's yet the patterning isolates 00:06:159 (1,2)
rhythm like is more sensible and similar to what top diff does
00:02:453 (1,2) - 00:08:100 (1,2) - similar to top diff these need to be a bit more intuitive especially since this is an insane, alternatively can make the 1/3s here passive by using sliders or ignore them all together
01:40:453 (1) - 01:46:100 (1) - would definitely avoid the 1/6 here as its too obscure to include in an insane. either skipping or simplifying to the blue tick would be more fitting
00:22:571 (1,2,3) - spacing should be a bit more intuitive here, as target audience will assume a similar rhythm to 00:16:924 (1,2,3) - from the spacing used
imo using a 1/2 slider in place of 00:22:835 (2) - also helps differentiate the two
00:46:571 - section here feels a bit too complex in context with the rest of the map. density is already quite high from the constant use of 1/4 doubles and 1/4 sliders, plus when paired with varied spacing concepts 00:50:012 (3,4,5,6) - makes this section overbearing
can try reduce active rhythms here by replacing 1/4 sliders with repeats instead
01:08:806 - worthwhile to map this too for the percussion given its mapped in extra and insane
01:19:482 (2,1) - 3/4 rhythm is hard to identify here for target audience when the objects are stacked, should try space more intuitively
01:34:571 (1,2,3) - also related to readability, the stack here appears misleading and makes it hard to read the 3/4
00:45:159 (1,2,1) - should avoid this patterning in a normal as 00:46:571 (1) - is faded in before you leave the first slider 00:45:159 (1) - making it ambiguous as to which object is next
01:09:159 (1) - flowing back to the previous slider makes the visual spacing appear less than it actually is. should go for something like that properly indicates time-distance snap
01:27:335 (4) - 01:30:159 (4) - etc. misleading for target audience to have the downbeat on a slider end. rhythm like is much more fitting to what players would expect
poke when ready
01:09:126 (4,5) - should space visually different to distinguish between 1/2 and 3/4 spacing
shining stars
there are a few additive red tick triples in the map that dont follow music structure so end up feeling real forced. ideally you want to prioritise what the music offers first then put in triples to fill the gaps
additive triples like 00:20:197 (4,5,6) - 00:50:733 (2,3,4) - are good cause they lead into the stronger sound, but then triples like 00:32:876 (1,2,3) - feel weird to play cause both 1 and 3 have relevant sounds
should check through the map and look for triples that dont really make sense and reconsider them 01:06:805 (3,4,5) - 01:09:126 (4,5,6) - etc.
would take a look at contrast between first 00:50:555 - and second 01:01:983 - half of the kiais
when u do patterning like 00:50:554 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2) - for individual vocals in the first half, then 01:01:983 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - in the second half comes off as barely any different despite the song doubling the amount of snares in the second half
kinda need to start lower in spacing/density so you have more to contrast with, at the moment if everything is just big spacing and the density change isn't immediately obvious then it limits the contrast of the two halves
00:29:126 (2,3,4) - use of triple here would imply same triple use at 00:30:555 (2,1) - for the growl sound yet this isn't possible cause of 00:31:090 (1,2,3)
better spot for a triple would be on 00:29:037 - which leads into the downbeat better
01:44:840 (2,3,4) - same
00:29:840 (1,2,1) - 00:31:269 (3,4,1) - patterning feels too tame to provide contrast imo, does same sv as everything else 00:28:055 (3) - without much additional movement
the strings here are fairly powerful and deserve to stand out a bit better from everything else
01:45:555 - etc.
00:33:769 (2,1,2,3) - doing something similar to 00:35:197 (1,2,3) - seems more appropriate to map the double better instead of forcing triples
01:49:483 (2,1,2,3) - same
00:36:894 (1,2) - 00:39:751 (1,2) - don't really think these require nc's, also this is the only time you nc the blue tick over the white 00:53:055 (4,5,1)
01:52:608 - same
00:50:108 - good spot for a triple as its supported by that kick and leads into 00:50:197 (1)
01:04:840 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - could opt for a rhythm like
emphasis into 01:05:376 (1) - is limited by just 1/2 spacing when everything else is fairly spacing so the 1/4 slider helps with that, and 01:06:090 (4) - works better as a 3/4 to match the held vocal like 01:05:376 (1)
01:08:233 (1) - also worth extending imo to give the finish more priority similar to what was done at 01:09:662 (1,2) . you can use sv to contrast the two
01:56:090 (1,2,3) - can maybe do something similar to 00:40:376 (5,6) - again for consistency otherwise that pattern becomes a one-off thing
02:04:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - could try organise this with emphasis on 3/4 rhythms since 02:04:394 (4) - stands out here with the kicks
03:11:983 (1,2) - think just a 1/4 slider from 03:11:983 - would suit your previous patterning better, this is basically just 03:10:555 (1,2) - except with the second note removed
03:16:626 (1) - circle doesn't really cut it to represent the finish imo, 1/2 slider would work better
03:19:126 (3,1,1,2,3) - keeping these either stacked or placed close together represents the stop-start movement better imo. by having too much spacing between each there is less focus on the rhythm and more on movement
03:41:983 - vocal priority here makes this a bit too dense imo, instruments have slowed considerable to like 1 snare 1 kick per measure so your rhythms can represent that
density can then be increased for 03:43:947 (3,4,1,2) - and then reduced again afterward 03:44:840
03:47:698 - feels a bit too easy when this is on par intensity wise with sections like 03:21:983 - cause of the double bpm drums. spacing like 03:48:769 (2,3) - is too underwhelming for that
good that you went for contrast at 03:53:055 - although the drums don't really change there its just a change of key. think u should aim for similar spacing as 03:21:983 - and then increasing density at 03:53:412
00:39:483 (3,1) - seems super unintuitive to use what looks like 1/2 visual spacing and ncing blue tick, should space to represent rhythms or change comboing
00:48:501 (1,1,2,3,1) - having a passive downbeat here 00:49:126 - makes it hard to tell you're aiming to represent guitar. would try have it actively mapped as it starts ur phrase or otherwise stick to the more obvious drum 1/2s
00:50:376 (5,1) - antijump is fine but the entire combo afterward feels underwhelming 00:50:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - to have as the entrance to the kiai. should try space more or work with a higher density so u get better contrast with the buildup
01:03:947 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 02:21:090 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 03:23:947 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - recheck hs here - some are missing 01:04:037 (2,3,4) - while others drop snares 01:04:305 (5,7)
02:04:126 (1,2,3,4,5) - would try emphasis 3/4 kicks 02:04:394 - better here since those rhythms are highlighted a lot in this diff
03:00:197 (7,1) - 03:00:912 (2,3) - could do with better spacing emphasis for finishes, doesn't have much additional movement atm
01:04:126 (4,5) - reasonable to start introducing passive 1/4 for the violin here since later diffs do so, you also introduce it at 01:22:697 (3,4)
01:04:840 (1,2,3) - barely any spacing/rhythm emphasis here - should break the habit of trying to distance snap everything, though doing 01:04:840 (1) - as a 3/4 + circle would work as well to provide increased density
02:21:983 (1,2,3) - etc.
03:03:590 (2,3,4,5) - triples feel really forced here when this is regular 1/2. the first note of each triple 03:03:590 (2) - loses its emphasis when done this way
03:12:162 (2) - would be better to remove for contrast as the sound here isn't as significant as 03:10:733 (2)
poke when ready
00:52:836 (1) - 1/6 snap seems more appropriate - also have the cymbal on the prior 1/6 00:52:752 - that could also be mapped
01:54:228 (5) - might be worthwhile using 1/4 or a 1/2 slider here so u reserve the 1/2 gap for moments where theres a held vocal 01:51:943 (4,1)
most of the time anyway you do something like 02:10:228 (4) - so could also try implementing the 1/2 gap elsewhere
01:57:943 (1,2) - extended slider feels a little random given its the only time you really do something like this
02:50:086 (1,2) - 02:54:657 (1,2) - etc. sounds like some potential 1/6 action with these if you wish to follow that. could be a good follow up to 00:52:836 (1,2)
03:07:228 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - going from bigger ds to smaller seems more sensible cause stream transitions from the louder snares to toms
poke when ready
remapped intro is good but density needs to be controlled better 00:00:520 - to 00:13:085 - features some of the more dense rhythms in the map when its a fairly tame intro
compare stuff like 00:04:289 (4,5,6,7) - and 00:09:315 (4,5,6,7) - to rhythms in the kiai 00:49:525 (4,5,6,7) - which shows theyre similar density. dont need to map every sound of the intro, can use undermapped 1/1s or 1/2 reverses to reduce clickable stuff
in regard to timing, the song sounds like it uses a consistent bpm throughout - try an 88 bpm point at 2560 offset and resnap your objects
the bpm and offset changes you've made are negligible in gameplay and it'd be better to simplify to avoid shifting timing when not required
(can apply this mod first then do timing stuff after so that the timestamps are accurate)
similar to the timing suggestion, the use of 1/5 1/7 1/9 snaps etc aren't necessary either
while vocals might be slightly offset, it comes down to variation in singing and not actual changing of timing. keeping things snapped to standard snap divisors (1/8 or 1/6 in this case) make it much easier to follow since players keep rhythm to an average metronome and not the exact sounds they are hearing
mp3 is 128kbps quality (shown by 16khz cutoff - 192kbps should be around 19khz cutoff) so you should encode it at that to save file space
or alternatively find something higher quality
00:26:428 (1) - 00:37:337 (1) - etc. cant really hear anything to justify the 1/3, vocals sound very much 1/4 here
00:32:564 (1,2,1) - should keep consistent rhythm between these by snapping 00:33:075 (1) - to the 1/3 similar to what you did at 00:45:292 (1)
00:19:269 (1,2) - 00:29:837 (1,2,3) - etc. try make rhythm changes more intuitive by using visuals to indicate that. compare the spacing between 00:19:098 (2,1) - vs 00:19:269 (1,2) - where both look visually similar yet the latter uses a 1/2 rhythm
stacking like youve done at 00:21:655 (1,2) - or spacing further so its visually apparent makes this much more intuitive to read. alternatively can avoid the 1/2 gap all together by using 1/4 rhythms
00:38:700 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - ends up feeling quite dense cause of the consecutive circles while the song here is still fairly calm. can substitute out less prominent beats eg. making 00:39:724 (4,5) - a slider to control density better
00:28:985 (6,7) - 00:39:894 (6,7) - rhythms here put the stronger white tick on a slider end 00:29:155 - while clicking the weaker blue tick
both beats have vocals so you can do something like which follows ur intent
00:44:155 (1) - nc isn't really necessary here since you dont nc prior repeats 00:40:405 (8)
00:51:656 (1,2) - spacing feels a little weak for such a strong vocal, should aim for similar spacing to 00:49:440 (2,3,4,5) - that matches intensity better
00:55:065 (3,4) - switching rhythm so slider starts on white tick works better with vocal groupings here. each phrase starts on 00:55:064 - and 00:55:405 - but the blue tick slider ignores that
try have some better progression between difficulties, at the moment the rhythms in the intro 00:02:532 - are pretty much identical to insane which doesn't make for a great spread
remember not every sounds needs to be mapped, look for areas where you can reduce density eg. for the intro
avoid consecutive nc's as well 00:10:269 (1,1) - 00:16:201 (1,1,1) - 00:18:246 (1,1) - as they dont really achieve anything. use combing to separate patterning and not to indicate different rhythms as it should already be intuitive
00:17:564 (1,2) - would reserve active 1/3 for later diffs, since this is the only instance you have clickable 1/3 too id just keep this as a repeat like 00:16:883 (1)
00:48:247 (2,1) - would aim to stack this so more attention is paid to the approach circle, right now it could easily be mistaken as a 1/4th rhythm
00:52:678 (4) - 00:58:814 (2) - etc. 1/8 sliders are better kept for the insane, you can replace these with circles and keep these are triples which works well with spread
01:17:394 (4,1,2,3) - spacing needs to indicate the rhythm change here, currently 01:17:906 (1,2) - is the exact same visual spacing as 01:17:394 (4,1) - yet is a different rhythm
should avoid mapping stronger downbeats to slider ends as it makes it difficult to follow the phrasing of the song 00:08:049 - 00:10:765 - 00:27:110 - 00:29:837 - etc.
sticking to circles on downbeats like 00:02:532 (1) - 00:05:290 (5) - makes the rhythm a lot more solid
00:48:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the kiai rhythms start off really dense and is then followed by emptiness right after 00:50:633 (6,7) - while the song is at the same intensity throughout
would try make density more uniform or else difficulty feels very spiked, a rhythm like can support this better
same for parts like 00:59:837
01:12:792 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - similar to the other point on density, following purely vocals makes the density really concentrated
beats like 01:13:985 (2) - can be skipped in favour of including extra beats like 01:15:178 - to even out density
poke if you have any questions - needs a bit of work on timing/snapping and making things less awful to accurately hit properly. i'll recheck once you feel its ready
in regard to timing, the song sounds like it uses a consistent bpm throughout - try an 88 bpm point at 2560 offset and resnap your objects
the bpm and offset changes you've made are negligible in gameplay and it'd be better to simplify to avoid shifting timing when not required
(can apply this mod first then do timing stuff after so that the timestamps are accurate)
similar to the timing suggestion, the use of 1/5 1/7 1/9 snaps etc aren't necessary either
while vocals might be slightly offset, it comes down to variation in singing and not actual changing of timing. keeping things snapped to standard snap divisors (1/8 or 1/6 in this case) make it much easier to follow since players keep rhythm to an average metronome and not the exact sounds they are hearing
mp3 is 128kbps quality (shown by 16khz cutoff - 192kbps should be around 19khz cutoff) so you should encode it at that to save file space
or alternatively find something higher quality
00:26:428 (1) - 00:37:337 (1) - etc. cant really hear anything to justify the 1/3, vocals sound very much 1/4 here
00:32:564 (1,2,1) - should keep consistent rhythm between these by snapping 00:33:075 (1) - to the 1/3 similar to what you did at 00:45:292 (1)
00:19:269 (1,2) - 00:29:837 (1,2,3) - etc. try make rhythm changes more intuitive by using visuals to indicate that. compare the spacing between 00:19:098 (2,1) - vs 00:19:269 (1,2) - where both look visually similar yet the latter uses a 1/2 rhythm
stacking like youve done at 00:21:655 (1,2) - or spacing further so its visually apparent makes this much more intuitive to read. alternatively can avoid the 1/2 gap all together by using 1/4 rhythms
00:38:700 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - ends up feeling quite dense cause of the consecutive circles while the song here is still fairly calm. can substitute out less prominent beats eg. making 00:39:724 (4,5) - a slider to control density better
00:28:985 (6,7) - 00:39:894 (6,7) - rhythms here put the stronger white tick on a slider end 00:29:155 - while clicking the weaker blue tick
both beats have vocals so you can do something like which follows ur intent
00:44:155 (1) - nc isn't really necessary here since you dont nc prior repeats 00:40:405 (8)
00:51:656 (1,2) - spacing feels a little weak for such a strong vocal, should aim for similar spacing to 00:49:440 (2,3,4,5) - that matches intensity better
00:55:065 (3,4) - switching rhythm so slider starts on white tick works better with vocal groupings here. each phrase starts on 00:55:064 - and 00:55:405 - but the blue tick slider ignores that
try have some better progression between difficulties, at the moment the rhythms in the intro 00:02:532 - are pretty much identical to insane which doesn't make for a great spread
remember not every sounds needs to be mapped, look for areas where you can reduce density eg. for the intro
avoid consecutive nc's as well 00:10:269 (1,1) - 00:16:201 (1,1,1) - 00:18:246 (1,1) - as they dont really achieve anything. use combing to separate patterning and not to indicate different rhythms as it should already be intuitive
00:17:564 (1,2) - would reserve active 1/3 for later diffs, since this is the only instance you have clickable 1/3 too id just keep this as a repeat like 00:16:883 (1)
00:48:247 (2,1) - would aim to stack this so more attention is paid to the approach circle, right now it could easily be mistaken as a 1/4th rhythm
00:52:678 (4) - 00:58:814 (2) - etc. 1/8 sliders are better kept for the insane, you can replace these with circles and keep these are triples which works well with spread
01:17:394 (4,1,2,3) - spacing needs to indicate the rhythm change here, currently 01:17:906 (1,2) - is the exact same visual spacing as 01:17:394 (4,1) - yet is a different rhythm
should avoid mapping stronger downbeats to slider ends as it makes it difficult to follow the phrasing of the song 00:08:049 - 00:10:765 - 00:27:110 - 00:29:837 - etc.
sticking to circles on downbeats like 00:02:532 (1) - 00:05:290 (5) - makes the rhythm a lot more solid
00:48:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the kiai rhythms start off really dense and is then followed by emptiness right after 00:50:633 (6,7) - while the song is at the same intensity throughout
would try make density more uniform or else difficulty feels very spiked, a rhythm like can support this better
same for parts like 00:59:837
01:12:792 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - similar to the other point on density, following purely vocals makes the density really concentrated
beats like 01:13:985 (2) - can be skipped in favour of including extra beats like 01:15:178 - to even out density
00:52:836 (1) - 1/6 snap seems more appropriate - also have the cymbal on the prior 1/6 00:52:752 - that could also be mapped
01:54:228 (5) - might be worthwhile using 1/4 or a 1/2 slider here so u reserve the 1/2 gap for moments where theres a held vocal 01:51:943 (4,1)
most of the time anyway you do something like 02:10:228 (4) - so could also try implementing the 1/2 gap elsewhere
01:57:943 (1,2) - extended slider feels a little random given its the only time you really do something like this
02:50:086 (1,2) - 02:54:657 (1,2) - etc. sounds like some potential 1/6 action with these if you wish to follow that. could be a good follow up to 00:52:836 (1,2)
03:07:228 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - going from bigger ds to smaller seems more sensible cause stream transitions from the louder snares to toms
there are a few additive red tick triples in the map that dont follow music structure so end up feeling real forced. ideally you want to prioritise what the music offers first then put in triples to fill the gaps
additive triples like 00:20:197 (4,5,6) - 00:50:733 (2,3,4) - are good cause they lead into the stronger sound, but then triples like 00:32:876 (1,2,3) - feel weird to play cause both 1 and 3 have relevant sounds
should check through the map and look for triples that dont really make sense and reconsider them 01:06:805 (3,4,5) - 01:09:126 (4,5,6) - etc.
would take a look at contrast between first 00:50:555 - and second 01:01:983 - half of the kiais
when u do patterning like 00:50:554 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2) - for individual vocals in the first half, then 01:01:983 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - in the second half comes off as barely any different despite the song doubling the amount of snares in the second half
kinda need to start lower in spacing/density so you have more to contrast with, at the moment if everything is just big spacing and the density change isn't immediately obvious then it limits the contrast of the two halves
00:29:126 (2,3,4) - use of triple here would imply same triple use at 00:30:555 (2,1) - for the growl sound yet this isn't possible cause of 00:31:090 (1,2,3)
better spot for a triple would be on 00:29:037 - which leads into the downbeat better
01:44:840 (2,3,4) - same
00:29:840 (1,2,1) - 00:31:269 (3,4,1) - patterning feels too tame to provide contrast imo, does same sv as everything else 00:28:055 (3) - without much additional movement
the strings here are fairly powerful and deserve to stand out a bit better from everything else
01:45:555 - etc.
00:33:769 (2,1,2,3) - doing something similar to 00:35:197 (1,2,3) - seems more appropriate to map the double better instead of forcing triples
01:49:483 (2,1,2,3) - same
00:36:894 (1,2) - 00:39:751 (1,2) - don't really think these require nc's, also this is the only time you nc the blue tick over the white 00:53:055 (4,5,1)
01:52:608 - same
00:50:108 - good spot for a triple as its supported by that kick and leads into 00:50:197 (1)
01:04:840 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - could opt for a rhythm like
emphasis into 01:05:376 (1) - is limited by just 1/2 spacing when everything else is fairly spacing so the 1/4 slider helps with that, and 01:06:090 (4) - works better as a 3/4 to match the held vocal like 01:05:376 (1)
01:08:233 (1) - also worth extending imo to give the finish more priority similar to what was done at 01:09:662 (1,2) . you can use sv to contrast the two
01:56:090 (1,2,3) - can maybe do something similar to 00:40:376 (5,6) - again for consistency otherwise that pattern becomes a one-off thing
02:04:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - could try organise this with emphasis on 3/4 rhythms since 02:04:394 (4) - stands out here with the kicks
03:11:983 (1,2) - think just a 1/4 slider from 03:11:983 - would suit your previous patterning better, this is basically just 03:10:555 (1,2) - except with the second note removed
03:16:626 (1) - circle doesn't really cut it to represent the finish imo, 1/2 slider would work better
03:19:126 (3,1,1,2,3) - keeping these either stacked or placed close together represents the stop-start movement better imo. by having too much spacing between each there is less focus on the rhythm and more on movement
03:41:983 - vocal priority here makes this a bit too dense imo, instruments have slowed considerable to like 1 snare 1 kick per measure so your rhythms can represent that
density can then be increased for 03:43:947 (3,4,1,2) - and then reduced again afterward 03:44:840
03:47:698 - feels a bit too easy when this is on par intensity wise with sections like 03:21:983 - cause of the double bpm drums. spacing like 03:48:769 (2,3) - is too underwhelming for that
good that you went for contrast at 03:53:055 - although the drums don't really change there its just a change of key. think u should aim for similar spacing as 03:21:983 - and then increasing density at 03:53:412
00:39:483 (3,1) - seems super unintuitive to use what looks like 1/2 visual spacing and ncing blue tick, should space to represent rhythms or change comboing
00:48:501 (1,1,2,3,1) - having a passive downbeat here 00:49:126 - makes it hard to tell you're aiming to represent guitar. would try have it actively mapped as it starts ur phrase or otherwise stick to the more obvious drum 1/2s
00:50:376 (5,1) - antijump is fine but the entire combo afterward feels underwhelming 00:50:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - to have as the entrance to the kiai. should try space more or work with a higher density so u get better contrast with the buildup
01:03:947 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 02:21:090 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 03:23:947 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - recheck hs here - some are missing 01:04:037 (2,3,4) - while others drop snares 01:04:305 (5,7)
02:04:126 (1,2,3,4,5) - would try emphasis 3/4 kicks 02:04:394 - better here since those rhythms are highlighted a lot in this diff
03:00:197 (7,1) - 03:00:912 (2,3) - could do with better spacing emphasis for finishes, doesn't have much additional movement atm
01:04:126 (4,5) - reasonable to start introducing passive 1/4 for the violin here since later diffs do so, you also introduce it at 01:22:697 (3,4)
01:04:840 (1,2,3) - barely any spacing/rhythm emphasis here - should break the habit of trying to distance snap everything, though doing 01:04:840 (1) - as a 3/4 + circle would work as well to provide increased density
02:21:983 (1,2,3) - etc.
03:03:590 (2,3,4,5) - triples feel really forced here when this is regular 1/2. the first note of each triple 03:03:590 (2) - loses its emphasis when done this way
03:12:162 (2) - would be better to remove for contrast as the sound here isn't as significant as 03:10:733 (2)
00:46:571 - this section needs a bit more whistles to accompany the heavy 1/4 density, reserving them for the 'blip' sounds doesnt really work imo when strong streams like 00:51:865 (1,2,3,4) - go without hitsounds
00:02:453 (1,2) - worthwhile to use a separate means of visually indicating rhythms here. these are 1/3 but follow similar spacing ideas to 1/4 patterns 00:03:247 (1,2)
can try using a different way to space 1/3 visually compared to other rhythms
00:05:277 (1) - would expect to end on blue tick or have the blue tick mapped given it follows similar ideas to 00:02:718 (3)
1/2 gap there feels a little random when there is constant 1/4
00:09:512 (5) - 1/4 double could work well here for the wub that was followed previously. also helps fill in the hi hats on 00:09:777 -
00:11:453 (2,3,4,5) - kinda tries to do two things at once that conflict with each other. rhythms are focused on 1/2 priority but the stream jump into 00:11:541 (3) - attempts to emphasise the kicks on 3/4 rhythms. better idea imo would be to stick to 3/4 rhythms by ctrl g'ing 00:11:541 (3,4) -
00:18:335 (1) - would work a whole lot better as 1/8 imo. 1/4 feels underwhelming for how many sounds are present here
00:45:630 (1,1,1) - feel like this is a bit too much of a diff spike especially being the pause between more intense sections. can try something a little less spaced
00:50:453 (1,2,3,4) - spacing seems to come out of nowhere, would be more appropriate to have this concept used at 00:51:865 (1,2,3,4) - being the transition between sections
same for 01:05:365 (1,2,3,4)
01:40:453 (2) - would be better to simplify to blue tick as the 1/6 is more harmful than beneficial in gameplay and isnt used elsewhere 01:46:130
00:05:982 (5,1,2) - 00:17:277 (5,1,2) - etc. grouping feels off with these, as the synths are organised in 4's yet the patterning isolates 00:06:159 (1,2)
rhythm like is more sensible and similar to what top diff does
00:02:453 (1,2) - 00:08:100 (1,2) - similar to top diff these need to be a bit more intuitive especially since this is an insane, alternatively can make the 1/3s here passive by using sliders or ignore them all together
01:40:453 (1) - 01:46:100 (1) - would definitely avoid the 1/6 here as its too obscure to include in an insane. either skipping or simplifying to the blue tick would be more fitting
00:22:571 (1,2,3) - spacing should be a bit more intuitive here, as target audience will assume a similar rhythm to 00:16:924 (1,2,3) - from the spacing used
imo using a 1/2 slider in place of 00:22:835 (2) - also helps differentiate the two
00:46:571 - section here feels a bit too complex in context with the rest of the map. density is already quite high from the constant use of 1/4 doubles and 1/4 sliders, plus when paired with varied spacing concepts 00:50:012 (3,4,5,6) - makes this section overbearing
can try reduce active rhythms here by replacing 1/4 sliders with repeats instead
01:19:482 (2,1) - 3/4 rhythm is hard to identify here for target audience when the objects are stacked, should try space more intuitively
01:34:571 (1,2,3) - also related to readability, the stack here appears misleading and makes it hard to read the 3/4
00:45:159 (1,2,1) - should avoid this patterning in a normal as 00:46:571 (1) - is faded in before you leave the first slider 00:45:159 (1) - making it ambiguous as to which object is next
01:09:159 (1) - flowing back to the previous slider makes the visual spacing appear less than it actually is. should go for something like that properly indicates time-distance snap
01:27:335 (4) - 01:30:159 (4) - etc. misleading for target audience to have the downbeat on a slider end. rhythm like is much more fitting to what players would expect
00:46:402 (1,2,1,2) - think using extended sliders for 00:46:402 (1) - and 00:47:041 (1) - accents the beats much better. otherwise just feels like regular 1/2
same for 01:52:785 (1,2,1,2)
01:28:690 (1) - stacking/overlapping on previous slider 01:28:211 (2) - seems nicer to stop movement after the jumps. current pattern is kinda unintuitive too cause it looks like 1/2 spacing
00:06:030 (1,2,3) - makes more sense to shift this 1/2 forward and start triple on red tick as the guitar peaks around 00:06:349
00:08:344 (1) - seems super awkward to begin the jump pattern on a spinner end, would either remove 00:09:700 (1) - to begin jumps on the next kick drum 00:09:860 (2) - or end the spinner early and do
00:28:051 (5) - should follow the 3/4 guitar here too given you follow it later 00:30:605 (3) - rhythms feel inconsistent otherwise
00:45:764 (2) - 3/4 slider doesn't really fit cause u skip over a strong kick 00:45:924
1/2 seems much more appropriate
01:52:147 (4) - etc.
01:28:690 - section is far too dense imo - just cause the 1/4 sounds are present doesn't mean they need to be mapped
section here is much less intense than the rest of the song yet is really 1/4 heavy. try focus more on passive 1/4 similar to what top diff does so this section doesn't feel harder than the rest
03:01:083 (3) - emphasis feels off cause slider isn't clicked to anything important, would ctrl g 03:00:924 (2,3)
00:38:472 (1,2,3) - 01:46:028 (1,1,1,1) - whistles for piano here? seems a little empty right now
00:28:027 (6,7,8,9) - patterns like these are better reserved when you actually have something to emphasise on 00:28:250 (8)
a simpler stream would be more fitting for context here
00:51:361 (3,1) - separating these could be cool for emphasis into downbeat - currently treats 00:50:916 (1,2,3,1) - as a single pattern when 00:51:583 (1) - should be isolated for emphasis
01:11:583 (3,1) - jump feels a little underwhelming for the finish, 01:10:694 (5,1) - works cause it stops flow but 01:11:583 (3,1) - feels like ordinary movement. could try stack as well or space much further
01:15:028 (2,3) - could try have 3 positioned higher so the slider leads into the circle better // similar to how 01:14:028 (1,2,3) - works
01:46:028 (1,1,1,1) - this is pretty much the same instruments as 00:38:472 (1,2,3) - yet with a different rhythm mapped. id try do something similar for consistency
same for other diffs
01:47:805 - worthwhile to map the hihats here to highlight them since usually there is a pause in the instruments here. doing something basic like shows that contrast
02:51:472 (4,5,6,7,8) - doing a decelerating stream then following that with a large jump is usually really awkward to play - better to pick one or the other by either constantly increasing or constantly decreasing spacing
03:26:250 (1,1) - would try arrange these objects a bit closer so the feel more connected - that way you can contrast with the jump on 03:28:028 (2) - better. maybe stacking 03:26:250 (1,1) - can work
02:12:028 (3) - would make this the 1/4 slider of choice for the finish emphasis, otherwise it feels like a regular pattern
02:41:805 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - would try balance density a bit here as it gets really 1/4 heavy and then really sparse at 02:44:250 (1,2,3) - cause it all becomes 1/2
intensity is fairly even throughout so should map with an even density
00:15:361 (6,7) - 00:18:916 (6,7) - for patterns like these u want the active notes to be on the most obvious sounds, here it would be the snare on 00:15:583 - yet is mapped passively. better rhythm would be
01:22:916 (6,7) - etc.
00:21:361 (1,2) - think using 3/4 repeats is much better here given your two higher diffs do that
00:54:472 (3,4,5) - 01:08:694 (3,4,5) - etc. would avoid any instances of jumps that cross over in flow, particularly for a hard as it becomes difficult to follow which circle should be next when all equally spaced. try more linear flowing jumps for these, same for other kiais
01:41:694 (2) - avoid rhythms like this in hard cause it is usually unintuitive for target audience, having this as a 1/2 slider is more fitting //
02:05:805 (5,6) - doesnt really follow what music is doing. circle into triple from red tick follows this much better imo //
00:31:583 (6,7,1,2) - rhythm feels a bit awkward here as you suddenly prioritise only vocals, while previous rhythms attempted to keep the 1/1 kicks going by mapping downbeats 00:32:027
could probably reconsider the rhythms here to be more consistent in what ur following
same for 01:39:139 - and any other parts
00:48:472 (1) - spinner feels a lot nicer to have finish at 00:49:805 - that way you can separate the build up and can emphasise the transition to it on 00:49:805
(kinda like how you handled the spinner on 01:56:027 (1) - )
00:21:361 (1,2) - imo replacing some of these with 3/2 repeats would give a bit of variation in rhythm to this section. feels a bit repetitive atm
00:39:139 (3,1) - swapping ncs would be better here to follow music phrases
01:46:694 (3,1) - etc.
hmm still feels pretty underwhelming cause it doesn't have the 1/2 gap like previous jump. maybe something like ?