00:15:627 (27) - can make this a finisher to emphasize the beginning of kiai and for the finish sound on the background
if accepted, you can also make 00:23:127 (56) a finisher and delete 00:23:009 (55) for better game experience
00:18:322 - you can add a don here, there's a sound you might consider
00:37:306 (109,110,111) - 01:07:306 (234,235,236) - I think dkd sounds way better on these two. The snare hit in the middle definitely supports this change.
00:45:623 - I'm not sure what the intention is here, but, 00:45:624 - this green point right here is only ahead of the previous one by 1ms. Consider fixing this by your intention, if it is to speed up 00:45:623 - this note, then adjust accordingly. If it is to increase other notes' SV, then move it 00:45:681 - here so it won't look like it was a mistake.
the intention was to speed up the other notes without breaking the pattern 00:43:982 (150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164) - sv. moved the lines 1/8 back i guess seeing as it doesnt change anything for playability
00:59:809 (209,210,212) - remove the notes, because there are no sounds, and 01:00:044 (202) - changed to k
no change on 01:00:044 (210) - becuase its same sound as 01:00:278 (211) - . removed other notes
This whole pattern seems to be way too long for its complexity. Considering this is still an Oni, even on this bpm this should be adjusted. It also fails to focus on certain emphasis and tries to underline everything at once, which doesn't feel quite well to me. I feel like you should cut it in a few pieces, like this for example https://puu.sh/GlBfj/6c79d33af8.png
This suggestion perfectly emphasizes the most important layer, while just removing redundant notes that are not important enough to justify such a long pattern.
Somewhat the same for this 01:28:752 - , however I'd change this to dkk kkdkkdddkkk K, starting from 01:28:752 - instead, which again falls way better into the proper difficulty
01:10:705 - added snare flam i didnt hear before
about stream on 01:12:814 - i split it up but slightly different than your exact suggestion https://puu.sh/GlJQt/f77cc4a746.png . personally think the kick on 01:13:752 - is good enough to have a don here instead of kat and moved 276 from your suggestion 1/4 back to have 2 even numbered patterns (6plet and 2 plet) and then after odd numbered patterns. is more comfy to play for me in that way.
01:28:752 - i changed to your suggestion apart from instad of kkk K at the end i did kkd K at the end as pitch goes down slightly and having d K is more comfy than k K in my opinion
01:13:982 (277,278) - Swap these two maybe? The 2nd note has a more distinct snare hit that can be emphasized with a kat in a better way.
01:33:205 (361,362,363) - there's no 1/6 sound here and it's inconsistent with other pattrens like this. so suggest removing it
01:37:072 (374,375) - You should swap these two in order to emphasize the snare hit properly like you did on 00:52:189 - this spot.
Related: And 01:52:189 - here you can use (starting from 01:51:955 - here) ddkkdkkkk to variate between patterns since I believe that was your intention.
01:43:748 - I can see you are trying to increase the density but, listening to the music I can say this is mapped onto nothing specific, it just plays shallowly. Consider removing most of the notes and make it a rhythm like 01:41:873 (397,398,399,400,401) - this instead. The drum attack at 01:45:037 - here is already suffice for some change.
02:10:939 (482,483) - ctrl+g here since 02:11:877 (483)'s sound is higher than 02:10:939 (482)
02:58:752 (643) - It's not really clear what this is mapped to, as everything here is pretty overemphasized. Try this: https://puu.sh/GmnZF/777de0e21c.png
https://puu.sh/GmpfT/5ab2435d13.png went for this cursor on 02:59:572 - to have don on every kickdrum
03:03:205 (778,779,780,781) - there's only 1/4 sound here. so suggesting making it a 1/4 ddk
Disagree, that's 1/6. It was probably 1/6 before (dddK) so please change it back. The sounds are the same with the ones at kiai.
resolved but instead of adding don at 03:09:767 added kat and changed 03:10:002 (799) - to don
03:32:502 - is very long and complex, try cutting it to this for example: https://puu.sh/Gmo6i/cc61618dd6.png
788 being 03:32:267 -