the improvisation in this section 01:37:742 - is a bit awkward and i think can be improved
01:38:597 - remove,
01:39:374 -> 01:39:529 - ,
01:41:084 - add note,
01:41:395 - remove,
01:43:571 - remove
01:45:592 -> 01:45:747 -
01:48:467 - add note
01:53:441 - add note
as an aside: i was unable to really identify what your idea for this section was (idk how you've decided to place the 1/8 i know its on vocals but some vocals get 1/8 and others don't) so please excuse me if this doesn't fit with your ideas,
Obv this suggestion applies to repeating instances like 02:00:125 - as well