00:03:151 (2) - seems kinda counterintuitive by mapping this as a 1/2 slider repeat considering the pitch of the song gets higher here and if you compare the sound 00:00:843 (1,2,3) - here, the pitch is lower yet you made it more active; would be nice if you made this rhythm more active such as 3 circles or you could flip the rhythms
what mnyui wants to say is that it would be nicer to mute sound of sliderslide by removing whisle from the sliderbody and adding it to both head & tail instead
a few notes that could/should be fullbeat sliders with a circle on the redtick somewhere to better represent the intro and give some contrast
00:03:728 (1) -
00:07:190 (1) -
00:04:882 (1) - this slider even has sound on the first red tick that could be mapped to with two halfbeat sliders
and all sliders in this intro section, since you later on mapped htem as fullbeat with circle for comparable song sections: (i know what youre trying to do and imo it works fine to ignore white tick sound like that but should be consistent with the rest of map)
00:09:497 (1) -
00:11:805 (1) -
00:14:113 (1) -
00:16:420 (1) -
the first suggestion you made with the circle with slider on red tick feels overmapped. also, the reason for those sliders you timestamped being different was because the two sections are different in terms of intensity. the first section is much more calm, thus defining why i chose the 6/4 sliders. the in the 2nd section, a new instrument is introduced (the guitar). this made me choose to make the sliders full beat instead, to add more rhythm and emphasizing the introduction of the 2nd instrument more
00:08:776 (4) - this a bit confusing. the piano thing starts from the white tick at 00:08:920, so this could be made shorter and add a circle on the redline before it? thonkg
00:09:497 - I'm really confused about what you're following in this section, you're skipping a snare on 00:09:786 - 00:12:093 - etc but then you spam sliders on 00:10:074 (2,3,4,5) - which seem to follow the drums and not the piano ? if you follow the drums I highly recommend mapping the snares you skipped
If you were following the piano then you're not following it properly, the piano sounds are on 00:10:074 - 00:10:218 - 00:10:363 - so this should be mapped as circle circle slider,
00:10:940 (5,6,7) - this should be ctrl+g
00:15:555 (6,1,2) - Same for here
I highly recommend you to rework this section, the first few measures at least since they don't seem to follow anything sounds properly
00:09:497 (1) - I think you should shorten the slider to 00:09:786 because it's really weird to skip those snare sounds
00:10:651 - try to be consistent with your NCing, either give a properly reasoning to why you NC on 00:12:959 (1,1) - but not on 00:15:266 (5,1) - or just NC on every new measures or big white tics
00:11:516 - highly recommended to map this,kinda sad you ignore the piano on this while it still same phrase as these piano sounds 00:10:940 (2,3) -
00:17:574 (1,2,1,2) - these two jumps should have much spacing decreased, to give contrast to the jump 00:16:997 (2,3) - before it, aswell as the kick sliders after it
also why a nc here doe 00:18:295 (1) -
00:30:266 (1,2) - These two sliders could line up better. Since the straight sliders are in a copy paste pattern, you could just rotate the wave slider a bit
Maybe like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15301678/50bb
00:33:584 (5) - add whistle
01:20:459 (3) - whistle on head and tail
01:20:747 (4) - whistle on head
01:25:363 (3) - ^
01:26:516 (3) - ^
01:28:824 (4) - remove whistle
01:35:603 (2) - sliderhead needs clap and finish, according to previous jump buildup
01:53:776 (4,5) - remove clap
01:54:065 (2) - add clap to all 3
02:38:055 (1) - whistle on the repeat red tick
03:07:478 (2) - add whistl
03:09:065 (5) - add whistle to head
03:10:651 (3) - ^
03:18:584 (1) - change slider head and body to auto sampleset, as only tail should be normal
00:34:305 (1,2) - only linking once but it goes for all buildup like this:
having the SV increase right here takes away from the intensity of the sliders after it: 00:34:882 (1,1,2,1) - .. i get youre trying to emphasise the contrast in the vocals but i think that should be done in a diferent way than the sv increase for those two.. maybe some kinda 3/4 sliders? just an idea
00:35:603 (2) - It would be good if you replace it with two circles to emphasize the drum sound.
00:36:613 (5) - that slider could look a lot better imo.
Maybe something like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15301708/50e6
Even if you don't like mine either, pls work on it since all the other sliders in the diff look way cleaner
The one you made here 01:36:613 (1) - for example looks way better
00:37:190 (1) - I think this slider should be end at 00:37:406 to follow the vocal properly.
00:37:911 (5,6,7) - idk how to explain it but I feel like having the angle between 6 and 7 be similar to the other sets of jumps in this section would play better
00:39:209 (3) - what about little variety by using 3/4 slider here instead consecutive 1/2 rhyhm ? also the vocal here is noticeable holding than others
00:39:497 (1,2,1) - i think this angle is uncomfortable, and it could be that kinda like that https://prnt.sc/th1gfg
00:52:190 (4) - I can understand wanting to emphasize the vocals here by using a longer slider but having this in a quite intense part makes it stand out way too much, you could achieve the same effect with just a 1/1 slider with bigger spacing emphasis
00:57:670 (3,1) - little aesthetic thing, this overlap doesn't look terribly great? nothing really needs change but would look a lot nicer if the two were entirely separated
well, as many of my modders know, i tend to make messy overlaps a lot. i very little take overlaps into consideration when i map, since i couldnt care less about how they look. this is because the player wont notice them in gameplay, so as long as the gameplay is comfortable i couldnt care less about overlaps.
00:57:815 (4,1) - The distance between these two objects feels too far away for this part, compared with 00:56:661 (1,1) - 00:58:968 (1,1) - 01:00:122 (4,1) - 01:01:276 (1,1) - 01:02:430 (1,1) - . You should keep the consistency here
01:17:574 (1) -
03:37:190 (5) -
silence the slider tails of these? theyre not really part of anything in the song
01:39:209 (5,1,2) - You can separate them due to the high spacing of the kiai part. Example: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15385268/a2d2
01:49:161 (7) - just turn a little bit head of the slider for straight line with 01:49:016 (6) -
if i do that, the inner curve of the slider wont flow nicely with the 01:49:016 (6). https://ibb.co/GtrfZVS the curve of the slider and its placement was intentional.
01:54:065 (2) - I've found that this reverse slider can cause an unnecessary sliderbreak because it's too long for a reverse slider after a big jump. You should decrease slider velocity to around 1.0x to avoid that from happening.
02:36:036 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - I really like those kind of evolving patterns throughout this section, feels really nice!
02:47:286 (9) - bro the slider is lterally two finish hitsounds i think that have more priorities than vocals, also if you even switched to 1/4 sliders it still emphasizes vocals because you changed the stream into it
02:51:901 (1,2) - make this two kicksliders and smaller spacing, for drum beats and transition into next guitar solo "section" respectively
03:18:584 (1,2,2) - u can do something like this with them: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15118597/2191
it will be like there: 03:19:738 (1,2,1) -
almost the same
03:37:478 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - you could gradually increase the spacing of this stream, so that the drumroll get's represented better. You could also only space those 03:37:766 (1,2,3,4) - farther, up to you. Having just one straight spacing feels weird though
03:46:420 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - sv increases here a lot and the intensity of the song does so too, but gameplay wise it doesn't really feel like those slider become harder to play. You could place those two 03:46:420 (1,2) - closer together and gradually increase spacing to the spacing you currently have on those two 03:47:286 (1,2) - , so that the increase in intensity becomes more clear while playing