为什么00:06:961 (6961|3,7145|0,7329|3) - 三个note的音你在hard采了而不在another也采呢?
00:12:298 (12298|2) - 放在1感觉更好 00:12:298 (12298|2) - 条子旁边的音写了把 不然连贯感比较差 00:12:298 (12298|2) - 这段开始抓琴为主,其他的可以不要 后面鼓出来在带上鼓 00:54:169 (54169|2,54537|1) - 这2个音建议不要 00:55:274 (55274|2) - 同上 01:11:562 (71562|0,71562|1,71746|1,71746|0,71930|0,71930|1,72114|2,72114|3,72298|1,72298|0) - 这段改成更琴走,鼓点辅助的类型 01:14:691 - 错音 01:24:906 - 音感上不应该是梯子 01:27:114 - 这里没6分音把? 01:27:666 - 这里也好向没6分音 水丸就溜
00:39:000 (39000|3,39184|2,39368|3,39552|2) - I'm not sure the purpose of these one hand trill, i think you can definitely make it like this instead: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17743712/7640
01:06:607 (66607|0) - Suggest you move this note to column 4 so the number of anchors can remain consistent.
01:09:736 - to 01:10:656 - I think the kind of sounds that made you stack 1/2 notes before still present in this part, so I think you can continue using some anchors on column 2, maybe like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17715471/6fbb
01:16:914 (76914|2) - Could move this note later by 1/4 to capture the piano sound on 01:16:914 (76914|2) - instead.
It would be too dense for this difficulty therefore I chose to make reference to the chart in arcade.
01:21:147 (81147|2,81331|1) - Better do a Ctrl+H here so as to reduce the stack on column 3 and balance the patterns a bit more like 01:15:257 - here.
01:21:607 (81607|2,81699|1) - I think you can make it into column 2 and 3 instead, to avoid heavy bias on left hand.
01:26:668 - to 01:27:037 - The pattern here is too unbalanced on the middle two columns, and I believe some rearrangements can help with balancing it out, like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17715495/a7fa
i also think this 1/4 stream at the end 01:35:425 (95425|0) - is not any harder than stream on 4K Hard. i highly suggest to change the note into ln