mapped by HootOwlStar
This beatmap was ranked on 10 February 2021!
nominated by Hobbes2 and bossandy
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The 1/1 gaps in the beginning kinda feel empty right now. On this low bpm i feel like you could represent the vocals on 00:09:046, 00:14:500, etc. you have clear vocals on those and you even map some less important sounds with 1/2 rhythm like 00:10:410 (6) -


the main reason is that idw the intro to be identical to the normal diff and my mindset was heavily influenced w/ the leave-gaps-for-players rc guideline.

for an unjustifiable perspective though, I divided the bars when I mapped the intro part, and the bars with the vocal sentences are left out the last redtick note because it's weaker relatively. or it's basically just an it-feels-ok-to-me kinda thing lmao idk I feel like it's a good simplification it emphasizes each bar well and im feeling rather fine about this blobsweat



idk im gonna res for now since it's fine for me. i'll try to come up with some alterations if people think it's terrible or sth.

Marked as resolved by HootOwlStar

00:42:114 (4) - small visual thing but imo red anchored wave sliders look better if the upper and lower part have the same angle/direction. Moving tail a bit lower will make it more symmetrical.


modified, hopefully it's better now.

Marked as resolved by HootOwlStar

01:03:932 (1,2) - I noticed that this part follows the pattern of having a 1/1 on 1/2 on the vocals "sleep now" (ex: 00:53:023 (1,2) - and 00:55:750 (1,2) - ) Which is fine but I would recommend changing the rhythm of 01:03:932 (1,2) - to something like 01:01:205 (1,2,3) - instead cuz of multiple reasons. More density = representing the build up to the kiai better, as well the way the rhythm is now, it misses an important sound on 01:05:296 - in order to follow the vocals instead


I really would like to keep the current pattern due to vocal rhythm as you mentioned and also for visuals through the symmetries and reflections

Marked as resolved by HootOwlStar

01:26:773 (2) - Have #2 at a lower angle and not as sharp/high up so that the player does not mistaken #3 being next because it is right next to #1 OR have #1 further away from #3 example of what i mean


there's really a lot of factors to guide the players eg. approach circle and time, combo numbering etc and they should learn how to read the patterns instead of being handheld so dearly

Marked as resolved by HootOwlStar

01:47:569 (5,6,1) - awkward visual spacing here imo, try rotate 5 anti-clockwise by 10-30°



Marked as resolved by HootOwlStar

02:40:069 (1) - the deadstop here feels kinda off. maybe add some slight movement here since the music isn't going completely silent as there's still vocals present in the small gap


I think the stop motion represents the transition rather well tbf and this current pattern provides great emphasis, so no change for this.

Marked as resolved by HootOwlStar

02:40:069 (1) - objects 1 beat apart or less must not be overlapped perfectly as said in the ranking criteria (in which i assume that its the same for stacked notes). i recommend reshaping 02:38:023 (3) - this so that the tail would end at the left side instead



idk lolz I hope this can be kept though, i'll resolve for now and if this is an issue it can be reopened anyway.

Marked as resolved by HootOwlStar

its a rule not a guideline. but you do you ig


im gonna dab my way through


02:40:069 (1) - Yeah I agree w/ what the other modder said about this part, aside from the rc there's also the fact that this type of gap/pause in the music and the way it is overlapped isnt done anywhere else except that specific part. The newer player might associate the overlap with a 1/1 to 1/2 rhythm instead of a whole beat. Additionally, it would be fine to space it out as in the beginning you have whole beat pauses that are spaced out and not overlapped so the newer player could potentially associate that those pauses + spacing to the one i linked in the timestamp


yeah modified

Marked as resolved by HootOwlStar

02:59:160 (2) - can have a more clear path just give up parallel:


yeah changed the slidershape, hopefully it's better now.

Marked as resolved by HootOwlStar