00:30:376 (9,1) - Feel like (1) deserves more emphasis. Even sounds like 00:32:003 (5,1) - have a dash but not this? Try making (9) vertical instead. Saying that you want players to fall asleep (#1067660) doesn't sound cool ):
00:48:268 (1) - first of all whats with weird slider shape.
second of all, sliders like 00:48:991 (3) - 00:50:437 (6) - 00:51:883 (3) - etc have noises on tick so it is probbaly worth mapping that differently instead of lumping everything into note + slider pattern
00:52:515 (4,5) - In my opinion, should be better to put this pattern at the right of this one 00:51:792 (2,3) -
00:53:328 (6) - Before the 6 there should be a circle like here 00:52:515 (4,5) - , there is the same sound, feels undermapped
00:56:401 (2) - This pattern requires more movement and seems better in my opinion than the original : https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13556366/1e93
The third sound isn't really different from the first two at all, the current pattern makes (4) seem super important but I don't really notice it at all. Giving them the same distance would be better.
00:56:401 (2,3,4) - this triplet still looks absurd to me with its spacing. compared to 00:57:846 (6,7,8) - that u pointed out above, this one is unreasonable to be spaced, perhaps ctrl g (3,4) to fix
01:13:931 (4) - Shouldn't this also be a double for the synth sound like 01:14:021 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - are?
01:16:642 (2) - Clap sound is unfitting since there's no drum sound here. Also, the hyper to 01:16:822 (3) - would flow a lot better if this was a bit less vertical imo.
Extra clap appears in some other places too, such as 01:30:286 (1) - (where it should be on 01:30:557 -)
01:19:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - hyper should be 01:19:488 (4,5) - imo since pitch is more pronounced here
01:21:702 (2,3,4,5) - no hyper at 01:21:521 (1,2) - and (2) has similar noise as 01:21:973 (4,5) - so i would remove a hyper somewhere
01:21:792 (3) - Don't think the slidertail ends at something. I think 1/12 slider would be the best choice.
01:32:635 (4,5,6) - i like to make it flow and generate hdash like this,since you put clap in there ;3 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13539509/61e1
01:33:629 (7) -; 01:33:810 (1) -; 01:33:991 (2) -; 01:34:172 (1) - These all could use a Finish on them. I think you tried to make a HS buildup here, but imo leaving 01:34:352 (2) - without a Finish and making others I mentioned hitsounded sounds like a better alternative uwu
01:34:533 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this feels overmapped, I don't know what you follow here but we hear the same sound (tu-tu-tu-tu) a lot of times after this moment and it feels pretty inconsistent because they are mapped half of the time,for exemple here 01:37:425 (1,2,3,4) - you didn't map it, 01:41:039 (1,2,3) - here you did, 01:43:208 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - here you didn't but just after 01:43:931 (1,2,3,4) - you do.. but here 01:43:931 (1,2,3,4) - there is the same pattern as 01:38:148 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - here. Well it feels inconsistent that's all I have to say and fixing it would be a nightmare.. Idk what you could do here xD
uhh that 15/16s are used only when there're no other sounds so it's not inconsistent
but 01:41:039 (1,2,3) - is obviously wrong so I fix here
01:35:165 (12,1) - In my opinion putting hyper here fits more to indicate the short-break from the instruments itself.
01:35:979 (3,4) - really overdone 1/8 hypers here, while i get 01:36:160 - has a high pitch sound, i think it is not worthy enough to deserve such strong emphasis compared to other strong sounds. wouldve opt to use 1/2 slider with 1/8 triplet https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13804098/d974 so its less overshootable
01:36:160 (4,1) - 4번슬라 하이퍼 다음에 나오는 스트림을 놓치기가 쉬워. 01:36:340 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 이걸 조금만 더 오른쪽으로 옮기는게 어때?
01:36:160 (4,1) - sudden stop breaking the flow for no reason? maybe try putting 4 diagonal http://prntscr.com/ofrcl6
01:36:340 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i think it's better if you make it like this since i can't catch it pretty well ;d https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13539496/6064
01:36:702 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - you make it pretty hard here and here 01:39:593 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - you have the same but it's really soft, well I don't understand the change of difficulty for the same sound
01:39:593 (1,2,3) - these three have pretty strong snares + high synths on them but arent hdashes, would be really nice to have them as hypers to make them stand out more
01:40:316 (1) - I think this one should be a Clap instead of 01:40:678 (1) -, since there's no kick on 01:40:678 -. Imo using a Whistle sample on 01:40:678 (1) - makes more sense instead of Clap, think about it
01:43:208 (1,2,3,4) - honestly dont get why are these 1/8s like this when the sound is just on still. a simple 1/8 reverse would be much appreciated to avoid things being overdone. adjust latter patterns like (2) by ctrl hing and placing it on the center if u choose to apply
01:54:774 (1) - you should move this slider to left side of screen like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13813404/27a1
right now the antiflow movement on right side to left is too hard, this flow is easier for this 1/8 hdash
01:55:407 (3,4) - , 01:55:768 (5,6) - , 01:56:039 (6,1) - , 01:56:220 (1,2) - , 01:56:491 (2,3) - , you could clearly add hyperjumps between them, like an exponential pattern, could be cool, in fact it feels a bit empty here :/
01:58:389 (6) - I don't know why you are not emphasising the drum here, and even after this one there is a hell lot of them, it's like you don't map them, quite sad :c
For exemple here 02:01:822 (7,8,1,2,3) - it feels undermapped, the drums are not mapped, and that's what we hear the most !
02:02:364 (3) - Another huge flaw here. Both strong kick and background bell land on 02:02:545 -, but you've made it a big droplet in a C curved slider, which kills the emphasize here. You even placed some green lines so it could have a noticeable hitsound, so why not placing a regular note/slider on it? Makes much more sense to me
03:06:340 (3,4,5,6) - There are 6 distinct sounds here, meaning this is 1/6, not 1/4. I would do this as two 1/12 streams / buzz sliders, separated by a gap at 03:06:491 -
03:18:801 (5,6,5,6,5,6,5,6,5,6,5,6) - Those antiflows are a bit too much in my opinion, I don't see why they should be there in the first place, I don't feel the need of them with the flow of the song, and even then, they are a bit too powerful, if you want to keep them, you should maybe try to nerf it in the way you like it
03:29:267 (10,11) - Same here, I don't understand the change of spacing, except for visual effects but it feels a bit too much in my opinion, well it feels technical I will give you that so it's following the concept of the map, but it's not essentialand may piss off more than one player xD
I have another argument to change it : here 03:50:905 (1,2,3,4) - you haven't done this style of changing the spacing to make it more technical by visual effect while just after 03:51:336 (6,7) - you did, if you change one, you should change the other.
03:29:698 (2) - 03:30:388 (2) - 03:31:078 (3) - 03:32:457 (2) - etc. - Why do all your strong snare and synth sounds fall on slider ends? This rhythm is so un-intuitive to play because you're throwing strong distances and direction changes to barely audible synth sounds, but offering no movement or direction change emphasis to the really important ones ):
These make way more sense if 03:29:698 (2,3) -, 03:30:388 (2,3) -, etc. are swapped (1/4 slider, then 1/2 slider)
03:30:388 (2,3) - i dont get the sudden hyper here tbh, wouldve been nicer to place the hdash on the red tick as the high pitched sound is there
that hdash was actually for emphasizing 03:30:561. because that distance makes red fruit on there. I just tried new way to express in ctb. ofc xinobikill was same too.
and about difficulty, as you know a note in general discussion, I collected opinions and saw their play. it may not be problem with difficulty
03:36:380 (8,1,2,3,4) - During the kiai, a lot of stacks appear out of nowhere to follow the sound that we hear behind, but not all of them are mapped, which feels weird, like they are out of place
Like here 03:38:664 (5,6) - 03:41:250 (2,3) - 03:43:492 (2) - 03:43:836 (3,4) - 03:54:957 (4,5,6) - 03:59:095 (1,2) - 04:00:474 (4,5) -
We could say it's undermapped or that the stacks you put between some patterns are overmapped so you should take concern about it
without 03:59:354 (2) - , there are too weak sounds and it's very hard to listen so I fix only this one
03:40:733 (2) - might just be me but this slider is pretty harsh to catch considering it's an antiflow coming from a strong 1/4 hdash, would try to tilt the slider a bit so its less overshootable
03:43:492 (2,3) - is hyper really necessary here, i get that it has a high synth, but would be a bit lenient if it were to give more recovery from previous patterns that were pretty sharp, by making this as a dash instead
consistency for 03:37:802 (1,2) - and I already used normal dash between (1,2). if I dont use hdash 2 times in a row, players will be asleep
compared to the one u pointed out, 03:38:319 (3) - is a much higher sound than 03:43:836 (3) - which is lower and how is 'players will be asleep' a reason when this whole section is intense
i agree with crowley here, hdash would fit nicely for the cymbal sound. having 03:48:836 (1,2) - as stacked isnt a bad idea at all actually
03:49:526 (3,4,5,6) - 03:49:871 (7,8,9,10) - Just to be more esthetic you could nerf a little bit the spacing between the 03:49:785 (6) - and 03:49:871 (7,8,9,10) -
03:59:526 (5,6) - hdash here is quite overdone to me imo since the sound is gradually getting lower, wouldve been nicer to make this walkable doing smth like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13804156/d989
04:14:354 (1,2) - I would remove the hdash here and keep a normal jump, this way you make the louder noise at 04:14:871 (1) - much more noticeable
04:34:354 (1) - I would make this slider into 2 circles, this way you give more emphasis for the sound at 04:34:526 - imo