Global Ranking #454,697 Country Ranking #86,411 Daily Challenge 83d 45 days ago Global Ranking #451,096 Medals 29 pp 1,932 Total Play Time 17d 10h 39m
Best Performance1 Remote Control by Saiya Insane 7 months ago 77.91%41pp weighted 100% 41pp
Most Played Beatmaps2,030 FREEDOM DiVE [FOUR DIMENSIONS] by xi mapped by Nakagawa-Kanon 379 Square Jump Practice Maps [Rockefeller Street BPM162.5 Holy Shit!!This is Square Jump!!!AR9] by Various Artists mapped by Jemmmmy 332 Snowblind (Nightcore) [Winter] by Au5 (feat. Tasha Baxter) mapped by vevo 233 World's Smallest Violin [shot of hennessey] by AJR mapped by grizzlypng 191 Vitality (t+pazolite Remix) [Hell] by Mittsies mapped by 9ami 183
Favourite Beatmaps62
Lost Umbrella (7_7 bootleg) by inabakumori mapped by zvc 5 2.4K 20 Jun 2022 Graveyard
RAISE MY SWORD by GALNERYUS mapped by beem2137 11.5K 26.5M 10 Dec 2019 Loved
I seriously don't get why people hate this map so much. There is really nothing wrong with it! Yeah, the patters are quite odd and all but it is a fun map! It is fun to play! It goes for the base of the game fun pls dis gud map stop hat pls
This maps is unusual, has strange patterns but it's ok for me. All the kiais are very fun to play :D. But some streams have a very weird patterns and it's almost impossible to follow (i don't think ii fits the song but it's my opinion). Ignoring that, it's a very joyful map, i really like playing it.
I don't like this map, but what I don't like even more are the people drowning criticism and feedback with the same unfunny joke. Kinda sad really, especially when a BN does it too.
If you actually think i'm going for a no aesthetic approach, then you don't understand anything in regard to my mapping. That is the least thing I don't put effort in and it silly to not see that as if i truly don't care, this map would had looked a lot worst and clearly wouldn't put any effort in regards to some slider designs
This map is so bad, what mod gave this a ranking? I'll love to point out every flaw in this map. Inconsistent jumps spacing, Strange streams, Same sound of music they use hitcircle first on some part than switch it to a slider instead. too many different patterns bundle together what the hell is even 02:18:151 (5) - 02:18:526 (7) - and 02:34:651 (12) - isnt even time 02:34:557 (11) - need to be taken off and replace with that slider?
The map isn't bad it's just unusual. The reason it got ranked is because it's not your cookie cutter map, and that's what grabs the BN's attention. The streams may seem strange when taken out of context, but the map makes a point of introducing the player to irregular stream spacing very early on. 00:26:026 (3,4,5) - This is the start of those irregularities and slowly increase throughout the map.
? I clearly point out the flaw and you use my rank against me? i mostly map or mod people on discords :/ And rank doesnt matter when mapping or modding. Almost every mappers dont even play the game
How did this even get ranked? I thought it was fun and unique mapping at the start but then when it got to the stream part, I just felt like it would be more fun to play that one terribly mapped FELT map. Even Arles's test "An" difficulties play better than this. This should maybe be loved as it still has some effort and is challenging but I don't see how this got ranked.
you know how people sometimes make a diff of their map just to figure out what rhythms theyre gonna use and then they go back and remap it with proper placement, flow, etc this map feels like the mapper skipped the second step
Just lazy mappers that dont even deserve to be called mappers really :/ i went into every detail (Some) why this map shouldnt be mapped in the comments section of this map. These mappers are lazy and its bad because it encourage new mappers/new comers these are the standards and they start mapping and their gonna make a slightly bad one than that is gonna get rank and a never ending cycle. The placement of this map isnt correct or anything but i think its the mod to blame ;/ I think these mapper tried going for a fun werid map but ended making a mess but most maps are like this so i doubt that