00:01:884 (1,2,1) - Stack please this is a 4*
I made the distance smaller Stack looks weird
00:19:022 (1) - ~00:20:897 (3) - 距離太近有點難讀 但是y方向已經沒辦法擴展了建議blanket做大一點然後往兩側放
我其實也這麼想 但是一改重心就爆了 能的話就不要
00:57:185 (1,2) - 往後1/4拍原本00:57:185 - 的位置放circle?
是可以但是打起來會怪怪的 好像不太ok
00:57:855 (2,1) - Hard to read for 4* players
Ikr its hard to read 4 4* players but I will keep it lol
00:58:926 - 這個時間點有音效但是沒有hit object 建議補個(我覺得補在x308 y273左右不錯)
01:00:667 (2,1) - Space to show there is a 1/4 gap in there
Well that give me a little visual impact soooo no I guess
01:08:969 (1) - 看起來有點亂 往右上角移動
01:38:562 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1) - 這裡有點擠 加上後面整體譜面的位置都偏低 可以做些調整