00:22:477 (4) - it would he best not to have the sliderend on the strong beat, maybe instead move the slider to 00:22:319 (3) - and have two sliders back to back to fit the song vocals more.
The way I mapped it is to simplify rhythm, due to how the start of the vocals seem to land outside of traditional white and red ticks that the accompany suggests to map from. However I do agree that this makes a lot of sense so ill do it
00:25:003 (1,2,3) - kind of the same issue as before, you dont really want slider ends on the start of a vocal phrase.
00:25:950 (1) - there should be a 1/1 slider here if you really want to keep consistent with 00:22:319 (3) -
00:30:371 (4) - making this a 3/4 slider would both show the held electric guitar(?) noise and make the following object have more impact.
00:32:740 (2,3) - there are vocals here and the map is ignoring them. make something in the map different to show something different in the song. (i'd personally replace these circles with 1/4 sliders)
imo it's fine as it is now as the 4 note pattern that contains these vocals are emphasized in spacing, and the vocals don't seem to really land on a very defined beat.
00:38:582 (1) - buff the jumps here because you have bigger jumps where the music is far less intense like at 01:58:477 (1) -
00:43:003 (8,1) - i mean, its the same issue, but all you would have to do is move them over.
01:20:740 (4) - strong vocal ends on red tick so it should probably be a 1/2 slider instead
02:02:424 (4) - make this slider rigid like the ones at 01:59:898 (4) - and 01:57:371 (4) - because representing same sound
02:09:056 (1) - The angle is too sharp 0 degree patterns are usually a no go for the fact thats its most of the time because its very un comfortable. This placement feels better imo https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12828028