my 9th ranked map, but make no mistake: this one is (imo) one of the best maps ive ever made for the game
have you just finished playing through clsw's image material map, and you want more like it?
maybe you're just really into noah and you want to play a banger song?
then you're in the right place!
at 270bpm, this song and map will throw at you a myriad jumps, burst streams and relentless back and forths in order to keep you on your toes the entire way through.
if you were able to full combo envision, then you're in the runner-ups to full combo this map, if (and only if) you can keep it together the whole way through.
good luck, and have fun!
yapping about my feelings on this map- other mappers might resonate with this, but you know how, when you've made maps for a long enough time, you develop this ability to just... see the patterns to a song in your mind's eye, as you listen to it in any context?
well, take that entire concept and apply it to this map; this is the most inspired i've ever been during the creative process, and this is the result. - it has it all; nicely curved streams, patterning that mirrors the way the song develops on every section, flow changes that emphasize and contrast the song's melody to truly feel like you're playing the song, new ideas like sliderpaths that lay out their ticks to demand that you alternate directions like you would other regular fruit patterns...
- i say this with no exaggeration; i popped off on this map. every single pattern i put down still feels like it fits like a ring to the finger, and i'm incredibly proud of it 6 years later!