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among us slider
i finally fc'd it
why is there a 2 second wait before the start of the map D:
so good map, i love playing it, the best part is waiting 10 mins before it fucking starts
my first star7 pass map!! good^^
sus slider...
the last slider on top diff
ран крашихаааа
Cool but Personally I think the HP is slightly too high
skill issue ngl
Its literally 5 and 6, thats not too high at all
banger map
i hardly know her
Need more Afterglow <3
cant agree more
i have no idea how i 4 missed, A ranked the 2nd last diff. i try it now and failed xddddd
I'm going crazy or Taeyang's diff is DTable for some top players?
I doubt, there is no even hdhr scores
ye I'm going crazy
XD,I love how the hardest difficulty is labeled "L.M.A.O!!!"
hey hey oh no
Nice troll
imagine fcing this on expert in bandori
not expert diff, ghostbuster here
YES! make more
Afterglow <3
osu need more Idols
but it's not idols....
this is exactly why it needs more idols
I'm so sad right now because I suck so much at this game but I'm so addicted to it OSU
Osu! need more Afterglow
osu need more bang dream
atleast I'm once taste how to be in the first place.... even tho its not ranked yet lol :')
Like me, too
Beautiful mapping, gj! <3
more afterglow! :D
njir moment
congrats ya bujank
Grats on first ranked diff \xD/
L.I.K.E T.H.I.S C.O.M.M.E.N.T!!!!!
You told me to do it, so now you get nothing
the nevertay's extra is terrible, way to many streams and the jumping parts have zero flow
323k complaining about a extra diff
323k lul
sry for being succ, I'm new at mappingTwT
its a very good diff the guy doesnt know what he's talking about
wut it has disappeared
Diff is good, how is it supposed to be "many streams" when they're properly following music??? Also flow is comfortable
H.A.R.D diff is great
всем привет кто первый день в интернете
ну я
он врёт я видел его раньше !!!!