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"Sinnoh's Special" It's the best mapset I've ever seen
best mapset
one of my favourite maps <3
sight read SS'd the first diff with DT
Sinnoh's diff is rly fun to play
Sewing Machine Training Map
x107 droplet misses on [Sanyi's Easy] :p
those guys just want to flex their score with d rank for no reason
screaming in forte
dances intensifies :D
Fun map
Sinnoh overdose diff is really fun to play c:
PLEASE play Sinnoh's diff, holy fucking shit
I just tried it, fun one
Press F
press f
Finally ranked FFFF
This looks more like a loved set than a ranked one honestly..
Is that good or bad lol
I personally find the map fun, but patterns are super repetitive, so for me, this map have a better place in the loved section than the ranked one
rank more pop'n maps please and thank you i love this shit
I love pop’n
where the anime vocals
In the preview I thought the music notes were animated dancing musical notes, like some cool guys. very disappointed with reality.