mapped by Reizouko
last updated
Note: This beatmap is marked as a work-in-progress by the creator.
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Make use of contrast. The whole map doesn't change its intensity that represents certain sections. Lower SV if the part is relaxed and calm. Then slowly increase the SV for building intensity. All I can see is overmapped 1/2 sliders. Do not focus on making a hard map, but focus on making a "fun" map. Which takes more experience and dedication. Overmapping is no excuse to make a hard map, follow the song and put some jumps here and there (if the song calls for it). Make use of emphasis and aesthetics. Start with basic patterns and geometries. It's up to your style if its messy or neat, but don't forget the essential "rules" of mapping. You got this! Cheers!


Thanks for the kind advice. I'm gonna try and adopt it to my map and rework it.

Marked as resolved by Reizouko

I feel like you overmapped this difficulty just so people could farm that juicy pp, but I linked you this juicy video explaining overmapping and its pros and cons :) I also found this video very helpful


TY for the video but I have to say I didnt have pp farming in my mind tbh. Maybe it seems that way because I don't have much experience in mapping. I just tried to make a more harder map for this song because i like it very much.

Marked as resolved by Reizouko

also use some combo colors that are fitting, maybe some light/dark blue and some more grey-brownish colors would fit well



Marked as resolved by Reizouko