00:50:034 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This burst would flow better if it was moved upwards just a bit. Where it's at right now feels a bit awkward
00:45:673 (4,5) - The circle stacks really strangely on the tail end of the slider... it's no biggy but my that's what my ocd noticed
00:31:555 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - I get why you put jumps at the end (cuz that's what a lot of people do), I'd either make the jumps flow way smoother or just make the spacing consistent with the rest of the level because this isn't the most intense part of the song
00:27:355 (1,2,3,4) - Based on the position of these circles, I'd make (4) 1, (1) 2, (3) 3, 2 (4) if you catch my drift (Back and forth pattern instead of awkward square
00:24:655 (4,5) - Should close this space up a few - Its unnecessarily nutty (Don't need to change it that much though)