more one night more one night more one night
more one night more one night
those triangles....
those triangles make me want to touch myself they are so good
they're cancer on dt
Stopped working?
best anime & manga ever
certified hood classics right here boiz
my lobby is full when this map is on
more one night more one night more one night more one night
skill issue
i sniped my HDHRPF(137pp) score with HDDT (189pp) let's go..
PF ... eww
i swear ill fc this some day
ok apparently today was the day lmao
what are the chances u just played this on mania yesterday
oh shit nice
finally, found it.
why is the insane version so fuckin weird? like it feels like a 2 star and a 7 star mashed together
the anime for this sucks so bad compared to the manga lmao
Good map
why are the sliders so slow on kibb's diff wtf
why are the sliders at the start so slow omg [grief]
It's great to play with DT, love it
ending jumps are so fucking cursed my god
ofc farm map, but the hard in dt is pretty nice trainer
(Assertive Hardcore Bootleg)
one day i will fc this with hdhr
SS it for ez 148pp
I will gain 0pp from a 148pp unfortunately
song's a banger
i agree
my first 50+ pp map. Awesome!
i fucking hate this shit come on holy crap
my first top play with HRHD
bruh this song wasn't supposed to SLAPP this hard
i eat meat
amazing beatmap
cursed bg
first map, POGGGGGGGGGGGGThis is so gud <3
Dab is a feel good :3
o shit this is so gud