The hitnormal hitsound that you are using makes these maps sound completely wrong most of the time, because it's a sound with a pitch that doesn't fit into every harmony that's used by the song. Also it feels super weird to hear the same note played over and over on every beat, that'd be weird even if the chords would share a common note and you'd use that.
The difficulty naming on this makes literally no sense. The highest diff is barely as difficult as an average Normal (I'd argue it's somewhere between Easy and Normal) so why does this spread include "Normal", "Hard", "Insane", "Extra" and "Extreme" difficulties?
the difficulty naming here makes sense. they are comparing to other difficulties in the map, for example the "hard" is easier than the "insane" yet its harder than "normal" diff, which makes perfect sense. this also looks way more interesting than just calling everything a beginner with adjectives (like: super beginner -> beginner -> very easy -> easy etc.) this looks even more ridiculous than what im using imo
edit : also the reason this set starts at normal diff is because it has a stack pattern and i think thats not allowed in typical "easy" difficulty
of course a stack pattern is fine in a difficulty that's like 30 BPM xD the problem is that these names are really misleading for the players and give no information about the actual difficulty of the maps. sure, a spread can be on the upper or lower side regarding difficulty, so what's a Hard in one set can be an Insane in an other set etc, but if your "Hard" is actually on the level of most "Easy" maps it just gets confusing.
o well xd changed diff names (i still want it to be more interesting that just plain beginner,easy tho so i did something relatable)
now every diff can be happy
inbefore its not allowed im gonna be so sad lmao
edit: also took the opportunity to name it like this, which is a play on hxppy thxughts.png file in doki doki lit club
(it is now lowercase and has an extension at the end)
Another really questionable decision is the usage of slider ticks. The lower difficulties (up to Insane) use a higher slider tick rate than the higher difficulties, even though their density is significantly lower. Due to extremely low SV, the first and last (or in some cases, more than that) ticks aren't visible ingame because they overlap with the sliderhead or -tail, but they still give auditory feedback which is counterintuitive and should be avoided, especially if it happens throughout the whole map.
Adding on to that, the lowest difficulties ATLEAST until Insane (although I'd include Extra as well) have nothing to do with the song anymore due to extremely low density. There is almost no recognizable connection between those maps and the song, so they shouldn't be used as maps in a rhythm game. There also exists no target audience at all for these, which is why they are completely pointless and not suitable for ranking.
I can't really tell if this mapset is intended as a joke or not, but in any case this should have never been nominated in its current state. Remove the difficulties up to Extra and change the names of the other maps to "Easy" and "Hxppy Thxoughts" or something similar seems like the best solution to improve this mapset's quality.